Trouble in the West: Pirates vs Cowboys [Finished]

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sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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What we need to do before the deadline hits is either get some more discussion going to prove our suspicions further or get new suspicions, or agree on a lynch and carry it out.

I'm gonna make a bit longer post later, discussing our current suspects and perhaps adding to the FoS list. Don't have the time for it right now.

@Prizyms If no majority is reached, will there again be a No Lynch or will the person with most votes on them at the time be lynched?


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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I believe our main problem is that most of the people whom aren't voting aren't really giving much of their opinions either. I understand that one or two of these people I'm tagging have actually taken the time to give their opinions, but it'd be pretty bad to have the deadline auto-lynch someone, and with you guys not voting, we can't get much of anywhere. I can understand being busy, but we've already had multiple days with this and, like I said earlier, we don't want an auto-lynch. At the very least, we can talk about suspicions instead of standing idly by for the next few days.
(I'm doing this off of the last vote count and the two unvotes we had from then, should be accurate enough)
@Jeercrul @Fiestaguy @storm886 @ansoro2112 @Timdood3 @JKangaroo @Ooglie101 @Duffie @cooliorules @digitalmez @77_is_the_best @Jivvi


Mafia Host
Dec 17, 2011
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Vote Count Cinco - The one where Prizyms wonders which language to use next

Swate (3) - endersteve5, Samlen, HypeBurst[7 to lynch]
Old_Man_Oak_63 (3) - GmK, Sploorky, Swate, [7 to lynch]
GmK (1) - Old_Man_Oak_63[9 to lynch]
Fiestaguy (2) - Ooglie101, Timdood3 [8 to lynch]

DEADLINE - Wednesday 25 May : 1900 BST

Oak Milk

Kill Hungry Thirsty Dead
Mafia Host
Sep 9, 2012
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Alright so I can't keep umm'ing and ah'ing on this, so here goes nothing. I claim the role of Boneyard Brian, when I die roles will no longer be revealed on death. I win when all threats to the cowboys are eliminated. My original plan was to claim a vigilante role that required a hit at night to become active, in the hopes that the pirates would not attack me. I've been seen through now so that isn't an option. Why did I do it? I just had a feeling I wouldn't last long into this game, I figured a cover claim might work for me, so I did my best to make it seem like that was my role. I still perhaps could have claimed the role but I think I have let on already that I wasn't a Vig role. Oh well. From this I speculate that roles that likely exist are:
  • Roles that require a hit to activate
  • Roles that do not reveal on death
  • Roles that can confirm the roles of those dead
  • Roles that can ressurect dead
  • Roles that can survive a lynch
  • Roles that can survive a hit
Or in other words its all about life and death
The roleblocker was perhaps the most odd role, but then again, this game was meant to be confusing!
Anyways, my vote stands.


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
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Okay. Two people voted for me. At this point for me making an opinion is near impossible since this day's discussion has sparked up (not to mention the postzilla's) so much that i can't seem to fit my opinion or anything inside anywhere anymore. If i get lynched: I acknowledge what i did wrong and while it was a poor word choice i can't really do much about it.
If i don't get lynched or killed i'll do my best next day and hope i don't fark things up again.

I'm going to re-read the thread. See if i can find anything 'Useful'


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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Also, to settle the uncertainty that people have about my role; I am Mad Mike. After being visited once at night, I arm my bomb, after which point anyone who visits me will be blown to kingdom come. I did word my post wrong before, as it may have been a different non-killing PR. Either way, mafia missed their safe shot at me


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Also, to settle the uncertainty that people have about my role; I am Mad Mike. After being visited once at night, I arm my bomb, after which point anyone who visits me will be blown to kingdom come. I did word my post wrong before, as it may have been a different non-killing PR. Either way, mafia missed their safe shot at me
So you're told when you get visited the first time?[/QUOTE]


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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So I promised a bit longer post discussing the current suspicions and here it is. I'll start with the ones getting voted.

Swate - Everything I want to say has been said already in my earlier posts.

OMO - While I was willing to vote OMO on Day 0, simply because there was nothing better to go on and by the time Swate started seeming suspicious, it was already too late to try and turn the votes around, this is not the case on this day. The whole case against him is based on the "slip-up" of Day 0, which, honestly, was itself based on something I had already stated in the first post of the whole game and others had repeated. He has made a convincing defense as well, so I have no reason to suspect him of being mafia any more. True, perhaps I don't agree with everything he has said in his posts, but I also don't suspect him of being mafia just because I don't agree with him.

Right now, I don't believe that OMO is mafia, therefore I don't think we should vote him.

Fiesta - Do I think Fiesta is mafia? No. Has he made very poor decisions? Yes. Should we lynch him to keep him from making bad decisions in the future? Maybe. My opinion would be to lynch someone we actually deem suspicious at the moment, not resort to a policy lynch. If he keeps screwing things up for the town, by accident or not, a policy lynch would be justified in my mind, but for now, let him be.

GmK - Starting to look suspicious to me, actually. Nothing too certain, more of a hunch, although I have to say, when he voted OMO today without any actual reasoning behind it, no matter how long or short, I raised an eyebrow or two. Anyone can discredit anyone by calling their posts bullshit, but to make it into a serious vote and actually expect people to follow it, I expect some elaboration.

On a related note, I was extremely surprised to see how many actually went along with it, and I am certain that somewhere in that train there is scum.

And now, some personal suspicions and hunches that I have right now for which I can hardly bring any evidence.

Sploorky - the whole play seems a bit... off.
Ooglie - just a hunch.
Ansoro - you've been rather quiet this game, you're usually much more vocal.
Jivvi - not quite sure about you. My gut says you're town, but when I apply logic to your actions, I get a bit different results.

To finish this post, I'd like to say this: stop claiming. It's not necessary, you're not giving anything useful to the town by doing so, you're just giving scum a list of people they'd want to get rid of sooner rather than later. If they don't know what you can do, there's much less incentive for them to kill you and they'll have to rely on their instincts to find people to kill, which is riskier for them than it is for us town.


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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Finally someone other than Digi uses their brain and sees me as suspicious. I mean like seriously I was jump voting on Day 0 and people only called out Notty and GmK for it and today I've done this whole item thing which is pretty scummy but trust me.

all shall be explained tomorrow.

(also I'm hyping up the next day like it's something big when it's not really, but you still get to know about the item and some other things too \o/)


Jan 23, 2012
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Endersteve, I'm sorry for not being that vocal lately. I just don't have the time I had before anymore. I work and have college. I seriously don't have too much time in my hands. I can only check the forums when I'm free. And that's very rare right now. Just keep that in mind.


So, I did mention in my previous post my fos for Fiestaguy. And I did gave him a chance to explain himsef a little bit better. To see if he could change my mind. But to be honest, he didn't quite convinced me. His explanation was too simple. I was expecting something else. All that "Item Search" he was trying to do seems too scum like for me. I believe if you want to defend yourself you need to really try. And Fiesta didn't do that.

Vote Fiestaguy


And I agree with Endersteve about all the claiming going on. I dont get why Oak and Jivvi are doing that. Just stop. Not helping at all.


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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Endersteve, I'm sorry for not being that vocal lately. I just don't have the time I had before anymore. I work and have college. I seriously don't have too much time in my hands. I can only check the forums when I'm free. And that's very rare right now. Just keep that in mind.
Yeah, it's cool, man. I completely understand, I was just curious about the sudden drop in activity when you've been a very active player in previous games.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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To finish this post, I'd like to say this: stop claiming. It's not necessary, you're not giving anything useful to the town by doing so, you're just giving scum a list of people they'd want to get rid of sooner rather than later. If they don't know what you can do, there's much less incentive for them to kill you and they'll have to rely on their instincts to find people to kill, which is riskier for them than it is for us town.
Agreed, especially with the current "claims:"
Oak being "Boneyard Brian" where, should he die, roles will no longer be revealed on death.
And Jivvi being "Mad Mike" where he gets visited, a bomb is primed, and if visited again, said visiting player gets killed.

Both of these roles seem... very bad to claim, especially so early in the game.
In the case of Oak, the defense probably was enough, and the role claim wasn't entirely necessary (imo), plus, now that we know there (could be, don't know if any role claims are true or completely true) is a role that prevents us from seeing who is who after each death, then, should you die, the town will basically have nothing to go on in day sequences unless a cop, or some kind of investigative role reveal themselves.
Essentially, should you die, you have basically aided the Mafia in allowing more covert actions.
We will never know if a Mafia died or if a powerful town role died, or some form of third-party died. (unless it's only a one-night sort of scenario, which I assume by your wording, is not the case)

And Jivvi's "Mad Mike," although the claim (again, if it true) could prevent a town death through some visit, like a cop/vig/etc, neither the claim, nor the statements that essentially led up to this "claim" make much sense to have a claim.
Quote 1:
Lel also, for what it's worth, I was role blocked last night, either by Notty or a mafia blocker; I guess we may find out tonight.
Quote 2:
But just a hint for mafia; you may not want to see what happens if you target me again
First of all, the claim about a "roleblock" essentially came out of nowhere with no clear reason to even say that you were "roleblocked." (we don't even know if roleblocks are even told to the player who was roleblocked).
And like I said in my other post on my suspicion, you immediately jump from Notty/Mafia (noting there could be other roleblockers present) to singularly Mafia.
Both situations make... no sense to me, and I must question... why claim?

If everything up to that point was true, why claim? If you were some kind of town-sided bomb, you could have acted as perhaps a strong lure to bring out Mafia to attack, and thus, catch them in some kind of trap and allow the town to get an upper-hand. But instead, it feels like you're making essentially empty-threats, that serves to essentially "keep yourself alive." And still, this all comes about from... virtually nothing, at least as far as I can tell from reading back.
Either way, mafia missed their safe shot at me :3
And still it seems you only address 1 thing with your role: how the Mafia made a horrible mistake in "missing their safe shot at you..." Which still make less sense considering it has only been 1 Night, and thus, no one could really "miss a shot at you..." because, as you so claim, you needed at least 1 night to "prime your bomb."

Not to mention is claim comes after Oak's suspicion that there are roles that:
  • Roles that require a hit to activate
Which, though not exact with your claim (requires a visit, which could well be a "hit" that you survive; we don't know) it's wording implies a similar aspect to your claim.
The reason it comes directly after Oak just seems strange... especially when,
Also, to settle the uncertainty that people have about my role
I believe I was basically the only person who really was questioning your alignment, and it was less about the role, and moreso just your general words and statements which did not make sense in most regard, which you've aptly avoided confronting through my other post about you by basically discussing other things and then randomly claiming your role (again, shortly after Oak... why then?, I must ask)

I know you've been busy with assignments and whatnot, but that doesn't seem to make up for such strange behavior. :/
I don't believe in your roleclaim; it makes no sense to claim, and everything prior that involves your "role" just seems like you're trying to "save yourself" and not actually beneficial in anyway to the town; it just makes the Mafia choose other players they wouldn't have otherwise.

All of my suspicions in my previous post still stand, as they have not been addressed.
You seem to be the most suspicious; I can see the possibility of the role existing, yes, but everything else just doesn't seem to fit.
Vote Jivvi


Ayy lmao
Jan 12, 2012
Reaction score
I've been sick so haven't been able to do much.
I'm still sick sosorry.

I was going to do a long post on Fiesta with quotes and such but that night is when I was getting sick so I never got to make the post. I will make it if I feel better tomorrow but for now I'll just put in a vote.

vote Fiestaguy
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