As said once multiple times before it was just an issue of horrible wording. I don't have much else to defend myself with since that is all.Interesting bandwagon on fiesta =S Nice that people started posting and being active, but I didn't want a bandwagon on anyone with little/no reasoning to it. Very few of the people voting fiesta actually gave much of any sort of logical reasoning for voting him. Not talking is bad, but bandwagoning is worse. Now before people go crazy and lynch fiesta, let him speak in his defense, and for the people whom have already voted fiesta, give us your reasons. Saying it's your 'gut' instinct is rarely a good reason to lynch anyone. I know some people gave their logically thought out reasons for their votes on fiesta, but the rest of you voting need to tell us why.
You might wanna read Samlen's post with a little more attention. He's obviously not asking you to defend yourself or attacking you in any way, he's asking the bandwagoners to come up with some reasoning for their votes.As said once multiple times before it was just an issue of horrible wording. I don't have much else to defend myself with since that is all.
Pretty sure Jivvi just doesn't want to lose his day chat in the inn, Digi. I still see nothing wrong with Jivvi's discussion about the innkeeper.Simply stating "Oh woops, my bad. Just referencing possible past game roles" doesn't really cut it. You've made a specific threat or warning to Mafia.
Well.You might wanna read Samlen's post with a little more attention. He's obviously not asking you to defend yourself or attacking you in any way, he's asking the bandwagoners to come up with some reasoning for their votes.
Sounded more like a push to have me explain myself.Now before people go crazy and lynch fiesta, let him speak in his defense
So this is my earliest post referencing Jivvi, so I didnt actually start that bandwagon at all and Jivvi is not being honest trying to make it seem like ive been trying to kill him throughout this game, with this "relentless attack" that he cant seem to find.This is the earliest argument of Hype's that I can find against Jivvi after he claimed, if I am not mistaken then Jivvi is correct in that Hype began this particular argument (Unless there is something further beyond Jivvi's claim that I missed.)
If the other things around it didn't. That one thing still did.And everything else around it didn't.
"A third-party role you can do without." How is that so? I claimed today for the exact reason of everyone staying away from me for the town PRs' safety. Also, a Bomb would be a ridiculous 3P role, as what happens once you blow up? You killed one person? What would your win condition even be? Bombs are almost always town. The mafia version is the Terrorist, but they blow up when lynched.Do you know who actually started the vote on you?
Post #773
And who followed...
Post #784
Why haven't you addressed these two as well?
I'm being ignorant because you misinformed something? Do you not know how suspicious you came off after dodging the numerous amount of times you were addressed to answer this:
Simply stating "Oh woops, my bad. Just referencing possible past game roles" doesn't really cut it. You've made a specific threat or warning to Mafia.
The only thing I'm willing to believe so far, is your claim. You're Mad Mike, you have an armed bomb and whoever visits you now will blow up you and the visitor. A third-party role I could honestly do without - but your vote still counts. It seems that you're possibly in the clear. My vote still remains, because there's still a part of me that thinks you're anti-town.
... Then I kinda doubt there being an innkeeper, considering that's what they were used for last time.There is no day chat in inns btw.
This is what I was thinking, I hypothesise that the innkeeper of an inn being killed would result in everyone getting kicked out of the inn. This is pure hunch, though, got nothing to base this theory on.... Then I kinda doubt there being an innkeeper, considering that's what they were used for last time.
Unless, of course, there is one, and if they die, then the inns would probably just shut down in general, then. o. o
Meh. I've explained my reasoning, I don't need to explain myself over and over. What I've wanted to do was highlight how suspicious you've been. Perhaps you are a similar version to the Town-Sided Bomb. Perhaps you're the third-party Anarchist (which seems unlikely) or the Mafia Terrorist (which seems more fitting to the description of your claim than the other two). Then again, this is a close setup game and I believe that Priz would have manipulated roles."A third-party role you can do without." How is that so? I claimed today for the exact reason of everyone staying away from me for the town PRs' safety. Also, a Bomb would be a ridiculous 3P role, as what happens once you blow up? You killed one person? What would your win condition even be? Bombs are almost always town. The mafia version is the Terrorist, but they blow up when lynched.
As for only rebuking Hype, Hype was the only one who actually decided to argue the point thoroughly. The rest of you were pretty much set-and-forget in your votes.
And lastly, this flipping reference to the Innkeeper from last game. While Inns were being discussed, I threw that comment to suggest that there may be a role that affects inns directly upon death again. I'm not sure what you hope to achieve by pressing this point.
But that's like....six hours from now ;-;I'm understanding the things Jivvi is saying. Not so much digi/hype.
I would personally rather vote those two over jivvi, but I'm not going to vote until this afternoon
More like 10 hours. Time before school, school, band after school, getting home from band.But that's like....six hours from now ;-;
Oh, don't fret. I've read everyones posts and I know exactly what you're saying. I just don't understand what the heck is happening in your brain. Yeah, he's said a few things that are contradicting but I don't think he's mafia. I have no proof, it's simply a hunch that he's town. Maybe 3P.The irrelevant messages quoting some of my posts makes me believe that no one is actually reading what I'm typing tbh. People simply rehashing the points that I have already stated or passing judgements of things that they seem uneducated on is really starting to annoy me, when I get home ill explain but this is irritating
Call me crazy for all I care, but I have a feeling that there isn't a cop or doc. I mean on EM there are plenty of setups that have no cops/docs (they generally have at least one or the other, unless there's like a orc related setup. I'm getting off track now so..), so it's not like it's completely impossible.Look, I'm just not taking Jivvi's explanations at face value. He has a winning condition that benefits Town or Mafia. And all this, "Hey Mafia, you better watch out or I'm gonna getcha" sounds undoubtedly town sided, but it also leaves town at a disadvantage to investigate who he truly is.
Sure, later on in the game there can be a Cop claim and we can have the Doctor protect him/her, that's one plan. Then again, we'd be discussing new theories and suspicions and it'd seem like a waste of an investigation on someone that's already claimed.
Well, if you haven't already, state your opinions on who you do think is suspicious :3(First class is woodwork and I can't do it, so I'm in the library on my laptop. I can talk for another 20-25 minutes.)