I will point out that we can get a head start on the next day by talking now, (which is probably the point of this party) so we may as well start talking, since most things are likely to be similar when the night ends with only 1 (maybe 2 or 3? Not completely certain if we've seen all the killing roles act so far) people dead. Now to get on talking.
I'm not sure there's much to say about Duffie being arsonist or theories we can draw from that, as third-party, his accusations/hunches can't lead anywhere since he probably didn't know whom any other Pirates/townies are. The next best thing to look for apart from the lynched person's ideas (which doesn't help in this case) is to look at whom voted and why they said they voted said lynched person. Most, if not all, reasons to vote Duffie were silly and illogical, and the whole thing turned into a bandwagon that coincidentally lead to the lynching of the arsonist. In almost any other case, we most likely would have lynched a innocent town member with the way people voted. So my first question to those whom voted for Duffie: Why did you vote that way?
Saying that it was a "hunch" is hardly excusable. That sort of reasoning is just as scum-like as using a false reason to vote someone, and will generally lead to confusion and needless death (in most cases).
Aside from that bit up there, let's not keep up the inactivity tonight that we did during the day; that lead to a deadline and ended up with panicked voting and a bandwagon (which miraculously turned into our favour).