Road, it's totally not your fault. You were kind of late to the party and the fact that you accepted to replace Digitalmez this far into the game it's something to admire! Catching up with all those pages is not easy.
Do I get riskiest play award? :cAlso, Prizyms pls, could you do awards like GmK did in the Bloody Masquerade? c:
inb4 hype+ansoro 4 nobel peace award 2015
That would have at least explained my voting behavior this game, but noI propose this, GmK must vote first before any other mafia member can
You've solved it! He had to say 'crunch' (or a variant of it) every day or he'd die at the end of the day.Wait, did he seriously have to make a Captain Crunch pun sort of thing at least once everyday?