Voltari Tribunal

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Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Fiesta is in an inn too(with me =3). I don't think those ratios mean as much as we thought they would.

However I do agree that killing Fiesta tonight seems like a good move. He hasn't really been much help to the town and is one of the few people left that can be it. And then we let JK roleblock Storm. We will see what happens during the day. I am however, afraid the last Killing role will not kill tonight since he/she knows we will roleblock someone.

So I should make the Voltarikill on Fiesta tonight, JK roleblocks Storm and you hide under your vest. We will eventually get there, as long as us three are alive we'll always have the majority over the Lynch. What do you think Tim?


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
JK... died... D=

And Fiesta did not die for some reason. I'm thinking he might be a bulletproof SK, or immune to kills =S. And Storm might have killed JK by JK visiting him? But then again Jk should of roleblocked that. Or is that how storms role works... I'M CONFUSED I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT HAPPENED D=


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
How do we keep picking the wrong person >.<

Well, we know it can't be Jeer. And I know it can't be you. Either way we still have the majority against either Fiesta or Duffie. I honestly doubt it's Duffie but.. ugh this is so frustrating ;-;.

But really, if it's Duffie then dasfbhbhfba I trusted him D=

I think it would be best if we kill Fiesta tonight. Or atleast attempt to kill him again. This time you should do the kill. Then if he appears to be immune to night kills or something we know it's him during the day. And if he is town... then well it has to be Duffie. But I just don't want to believe it. I've been thinking about how, and the only real explaination I came up with was this: You are the town cop, and I am the Third-party variant. JK was the town doctor, maybe Duffie is the Third-party variant. Maybe he has his own win condition, I mean do we even know these vests work? I'm starting to get paranoid here but we keep hitting town day after day D=.

If we do kill tonight, tomorrow only one of the two is alive [most likely]. And if we don't win, we know it's the other one. It can't be Jeer, while we didn't investigate him, there was a kill while JK blocked him.

jshabjbsfa what do you think? =S


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
I did it last time and appearently I don't aim well xD.

No, in all seriousness I want to hide under my vest tonight. The Killer might be killing off voltarimembers and I have the feeling I will be next. Sorry, but since I'm supposted to survive, I'd rather be the one hiding tonight <3.

Vote Voltarikill Fiesta.
Timdood3 executes the kill
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