When your angry you say...


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
I start smashing my keyboard and typing really fast while replying, and I start boiling on the inside. If Its in person I'll start trembling. Often If I get angry at a game I'll either sit there and seeth and type" LSDUFYREGHFUJKEW" or I'll yell at the game, all like "OH MY-- ARE YOU SERI-- COME ON, WHY? YOU-- FUDGICLE CRAZY BUTT WAHHHHHHHH" << Thats what I'm like if I'm struggling not to become a fluent sailor and break my keyboard in half. If Its at a person I'll try contain myself-- which is why I tremble --but if I cant I'll start making angry gutteral sounds and making huge hand gestures and clenching my jaw/fists. Eventually Ill walk off really fast-- but not after yelling and probably swearing like a sailor before I do.


Gay Magician
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
If I actually call you out for something
my god you've evoked the devil.
I really need to reach a critical point, a certain line that has to be crossed before I start yelling at people, because I don't believe getting angry or making enemies is a good habit to get into.
I'll usually use all caps (vocal rage is somewhat harder to use so its even less frequent) and that subtle barrier between my typical swear usage is brought down and you just know you fucked up