DarthLego5679 That n00b. Joined Aug 6, 2011 Messages 832 Reaction score 1,338 25 30 20 20 15 10 10 2 5 1 Not worth it, no. Would you choose to become a head admin here if you had to go blind to do it? Aug 17, 2011 #26
A Apollo17 Guest meh no not worth it cause than i couldnt see Would you choose to never shower for the rest of your life for everything you ever wanted Aug 17, 2011 #27
meh no not worth it cause than i couldnt see Would you choose to never shower for the rest of your life for everything you ever wanted
VeryHighUp 1001110010100010111001 Joined Aug 6, 2011 Messages 40 Reaction score 270 10 15 5 10 2 1 Yes, I'd take a bath Would you drink some poison for some antipoison? Aug 17, 2011 #28
R rduregger Guest erm.. no? what's the point in that anyway? lol Would turn into a filthy little coach roach for a week to learn the cure to cancer? Aug 17, 2011 #29
erm.. no? what's the point in that anyway? lol Would turn into a filthy little coach roach for a week to learn the cure to cancer?
DarthLego5679 That n00b. Joined Aug 6, 2011 Messages 832 Reaction score 1,338 25 30 20 20 15 10 10 2 5 1 If I'd survive it, yes. Would you give up food for 2 weeks to win 5000? Aug 17, 2011 #30
DaniNomsYou Member Joined Aug 6, 2011 Messages 394 Reaction score 167 15 10 10 5 2 1 No, sorry. Would you never bathe for the rest of your life for permanent world peace? Aug 17, 2011 #31
A Apollo17 Guest Yes well idk ) Would you have a really cool phone with no contacts for the rest of your life? Or would you have a really crappy phone with alot of contacts. I know thats would you rather but Aug 17, 2011 #32
Yes well idk ) Would you have a really cool phone with no contacts for the rest of your life? Or would you have a really crappy phone with alot of contacts. I know thats would you rather but
BurnyBurn Member Joined Aug 7, 2011 Messages 127 Reaction score 198 15 10 10 2 5 1 Option 2 please. Would you eat another human to survive? Aug 17, 2011 #33
Mccuish The Canadian Nightmare Contributor Joined Aug 6, 2011 Messages 977 Reaction score 854 30 20 15 10 10 5 2 1 maybe give up TV for a week Aug 17, 2011 #34
DarthLego5679 That n00b. Joined Aug 6, 2011 Messages 832 Reaction score 1,338 25 30 20 20 15 10 10 2 5 1 No point to it, so no. Would you move to Russia if it would bring peace everywhere? Aug 17, 2011 #35
DaniNomsYou Member Joined Aug 6, 2011 Messages 394 Reaction score 167 15 10 10 5 2 1 Sure, I guess. Would you read Twilight to young children so the future generation would all be like Bella in exchange for 1 million dollars? Aug 17, 2011 #36
Sure, I guess. Would you read Twilight to young children so the future generation would all be like Bella in exchange for 1 million dollars?
R rduregger Guest pffft. no. make it a billion and maybe... would you trade your best friend to learn the secret of life? Aug 17, 2011 #37
pffft. no. make it a billion and maybe... would you trade your best friend to learn the secret of life?
Mccuish The Canadian Nightmare Contributor Joined Aug 6, 2011 Messages 977 Reaction score 854 30 20 15 10 10 5 2 1 hell ya sit and read the entire twilight series Aug 17, 2011 #38
DaniNomsYou Member Joined Aug 6, 2011 Messages 394 Reaction score 167 15 10 10 5 2 1 No, nothing good is coming out of reading it/ nothing bad is coming out of not reading it. Would you get globally banned on Blocktopia for 1 year if it meant becoming an HA when your ban time was up? Aug 18, 2011 #39
No, nothing good is coming out of reading it/ nothing bad is coming out of not reading it. Would you get globally banned on Blocktopia for 1 year if it meant becoming an HA when your ban time was up?
NinjaQ Member Joined Aug 6, 2011 Messages 7 Reaction score 15 2 1 Nope, to much work :C Would you throw your computer away and never buy a new one for the ability to read minds? Aug 18, 2011 #40
Nope, to much work :C Would you throw your computer away and never buy a new one for the ability to read minds?
A Apollo17 Guest hmmm yes i guess xD would you have pokemon be reality if your starter pokemon was a magikarp Aug 18, 2011 #41
ForNeverMore He who sees all Joined Aug 6, 2011 Messages 88 Reaction score 12 10 5 2 1 Yes. Magikarp are where it's at. Quit Blocktopia to pursue your real life goals? Aug 18, 2011 #42
W Walker1212 Member Joined Aug 6, 2011 Messages 98 Reaction score 30 10 10 5 2 1 Yes, Would you kick the president for 100,000,000.? Aug 18, 2011 #43
Summer10 Member Joined Aug 6, 2011 Messages 200 Reaction score 162 15 10 10 2 5 1 Yes then I would escape to the UK and live there for the rest of my life. Marry a gorilla or an ape? Aug 18, 2011 #44
Brave Member Joined Aug 6, 2011 Messages 393 Reaction score 173 15 10 10 2 5 1 Summer10 said: Yes then I would escape to the UK and live there for the rest of my life. Marry a gorilla or an ape? Click to expand... Is that a yes and no question? Aug 18, 2011 #45
Summer10 said: Yes then I would escape to the UK and live there for the rest of my life. Marry a gorilla or an ape? Click to expand... Is that a yes and no question?
DarthLego5679 That n00b. Joined Aug 6, 2011 Messages 832 Reaction score 1,338 25 30 20 20 15 10 10 2 5 1 No, but yours is. Would you get $00 for working very hard, but then get paid much $$$$ in 2 years? Aug 18, 2011 #46
C Ciphered Guest Yes, because I can sustain myself financially for two years without pay. (Savings, loans, relatives, and what-not) Do you know how magnets work? Aug 18, 2011 #47
Yes, because I can sustain myself financially for two years without pay. (Savings, loans, relatives, and what-not) Do you know how magnets work?
DaniNomsYou Member Joined Aug 6, 2011 Messages 394 Reaction score 167 15 10 10 5 2 1 Sort of. Would you eat/drink pen ink for $100? Aug 18, 2011 #48
Pokemon365 Member Joined Aug 12, 2011 Messages 264 Reaction score 215 15 10 10 5 2 1 no way. do you think the kitten in my avatar will make it? Aug 18, 2011 #49
Mccuish The Canadian Nightmare Contributor Joined Aug 6, 2011 Messages 977 Reaction score 854 30 20 15 10 10 5 2 1 no date justin bieber for 1 billion dollars Aug 18, 2011 #50