Accepted [Zombie] Spirit Hollow

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Jul 20, 2013
Reaction score
Map Name: Spirit Hollow
Map Authors: Catcocomics
Game Type: Zombie
Map Worldborder: Self-Contained
Download: /warp SpiritHollow
Game Time: 18000

Minimum amount of players: 5
*I've place several Sea Lanterns on top of several trees and structures to mark chest locations as best I can.
-Despite my best efforts to do so, it may be easiest to either use a chest-specific X-ray or to have a copy of the map with all the stained glass removed.
-I also don't want to see any Sea Lanterns in the final map, and since I only used them to mark chests, you can easily wipe them away.
*Chest loot all selected from a loot table I made in my inventory. Includes:
-various foods that are probably appropriate to the current season.
-Sweep 1 wood sword, nearly destroyed Sweep 2 stone sword, sharp 1 sweep 3 stone sword, and sweep 3 iron sword.
-Leather, Chain, and Gold armor (excluding any form of helmet).
-Bows, Flame Bows, and 3 pow 2 flame bows, as well as a bunch of arrows (normal and spectral).
-Snowballs (named Baseball) and nearly destroyed shields (named Dark Oak Door).
*Enchanted armor (apart from the prot 5 masks) is completely exclusive to hunter kits. The 8% hunter drop rate makes this very precious to survivors.

Spawn Locations: All players spawn on any of the 5 obsidian pads located directly below the beacons (please remove all beacons and gold blocks in final map)
Preparation time: 120 seconds - subject to change if not optimal for this map
Round Time: 8 minutes - ditto above condtioning

[Kits]: Kit boxes next to warp location, but special notes and brief summary:
*There are 5 Survivor kits - each a clone of each other with the one difference being the mask equipped (Fox, Ghost, Skeleton, Wither Skeleton, Creeper) - kits start with only a mask and a sweeping 1 wood sword.
*Jugger is only kit with any form of diamond equipment (sword and chestplate)
*Survivor Masks cannot be unequipped (unless binding curse is broken in AoD)
-That said, there's really no reason to remove masks due to lack of helmets, unless trading with a friend.
*Headless Horseman (dark hunter) has chain/iron blend and iron axe (please test and make for sure that it does 9 damage in final map).
-probably not a good idea to give Horseman and actual horse, given the type of terrain
*Pumpling is defensive hunter kit.
*Ghoul is strictly harassment.
*Infernal Wisp is auxiliary offensive hunter kit.
*Enchanted armor only to be obtained from hunter kits.

[Block Restrictions]: Everything is equal to Bedrock to all teams

Fall damage: Can the players take fall damage?
Locate randomness: 1000 blocks :p
Enable insta-zombify?: No
Percentage drop rate for each team: Survivors: 100% | Hunters: 8%
Juggernaut Chance: 12%



Hi Catco, thanks for the map submission!

The map looks nice and can prove to be a fun map on AoD. However, the staff team has agreed on several necessary changes:

Remove flame/fire aspect - Many of the weapons do not need flame/fire and cause the items to be rather imbalanced.
Remove/alter the invisibility potion - Hunters have a 8% drop rate. If a Survivor acquires the invisibility potion and removes all armor, it'll be nearly impossible to find them. Either remove the potion or make it an effect that the player receives when they spawn.
Change protection on armor - Fire protection will not be used since flame/fire aspect are being removed. Change projectile protection to regular protection, and reduce Protection II to Protection I.
Improve Survivor kits - I know there are armor and loot in chests, but Survivors are a bit weak compared to the Hunters.
Reduce Power II bows to Power I - Too powerful.


Jul 20, 2013
Reaction score
Remove flame/fire aspect - Many of the weapons do not need flame/fire and cause the items to be rather imbalanced.
I think it may do to just give everyone permanent fire resistance, which will remove burn damage, but still light people up.
Might be cool to have a lesser version of glowing that isn't visible through walls.
Remove/alter the invisibility potion - Hunters have a 8% drop rate. If a Survivor acquires the invisibility potion and removes all armor, it'll be nearly impossible to find them. Either remove the potion or make it an effect that the player receives when they spawn.
I'll do this if curse of binding is proven to do nothing.
Reduce Power II bows to Power I - Too powerful.
I've done this, but would it be ok to have a pow 2 bow with 10-30 uses on it?
Improve Survivor kits - I know there are armor and loot in chests, but Survivors are a bit weak compared to the Hunters.
I've given normal survivors the Dark Oak Door, but I don't know what else I could give them that wouldn't make something else in the map obsolete. I thought about starting them with chain tunic and boots, but that would make most of the chest armor very pointless.

Also, is the jugger kit strong enough?


Hi Catco,
I think it may do to just give everyone permanent fire resistance, which will remove burn damage, but still light people up.
Might be cool to have a lesser version of glowing that isn't visible through walls.
Some players consider the fire animation annoying, I would just remove it altogether.
I'll do this if curse of binding is proven to do nothing.
Curse of Binding does work in AoD, but it might be better to make it a potion effect people spawn with anyway. Invisibility + night time makes it difficult to find players.
I've done this, but would it be ok to have a pow 2 bow with 10-30 uses on it?
Power I is pretty strong already, just leave out the Power II bow. It's unnecessary.
I've given normal survivors the Dark Oak Door, but I don't know what else I could give them that wouldn't make something else in the map obsolete. I thought about starting them with chain tunic and boots, but that would make most of the chest armor very pointless.
I've discussed this with the other Helpers and Staff. The team prefers no shields in the kits, (I know they have reduced durability) but give the Survivors chain leggings in the kits. It's important to note that players may join late and miss the opportunity to look through chests.
Also, is the jugger kit strong enough?


Hi Catco, thanks for the map submission.

The map has been added to the server. We've removed the Protection I from the Dark Hunter kit since it's too powerful in comparison to the Survivor kits, even if they can loot chests. Please let us know if there are any issues.

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