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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]



Travis coughs harshly as he raises himself up from the ground. The collapse of the base caused him and all of his crew to fall, but most escaped with just a few cuts and bruises. Travis looks up through a collapsed wall and sees the army looming above in the distant. With a gulp Travis pulls out his communicator and contacts DKnucklehead.
"Blondie....you might wanna bring those horses anyways..."​


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
Durwin side stepped the paper and the monsters trying to grab him. He used a wind to lift the paper gently. Just before frying more undead flesh to charcoal, Durwin flung the paper 100 meters to his right. He smiled a little when the satisfying explosion sounded a little while later.


Aug 14, 2011
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Travis coughs harshly as he raises himself up from the ground. The collapse of the base caused him and all of his crew to fall, but most escaped with just a few cuts and bruises. Travis looks up through a collapsed wall and sees the army looming above in the distant. With a gulp Travis pulls out his communicator and contacts DKnucklehead.
"Blondie....you might wanna bring those horses anyways..."​
"Well Travis, you better stand back while this portal breaks open. Should take a couple minutes."

Don presses a few buttons on the controller and throws it across the plains and the device rolls to a slow stop on the dusty ground. The device buzzes and begins to glow, creating a portal. It will take some time to fully open.


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
[Hmm, we need to spark some life back into the thread. We'll do that with the threat of death!]​
The arrows zoom from the skeletons blaze with fire, and are just a few feet away from making DarthLego a lifeless body.​
[I feel so loved!]

[Will edit later with a good story, can't come up with anything at 3 AM.]


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Duffie looked at the onslaught that would soon occur, right in front of her eyes. She didn't feel safe going closer toward them, but felt Durwin's decision to be smart... Even if it is careless.

Durwin suddenly sidestepped quickly, catching Duffie offguard as she looked forward. Suddenly, Durwin held out his hand, as there was suddenly an explosion to the monsters ahead of us.

"Since when could you do that?"


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
[Hmm, we need to spark some life back into the thread. We'll do that with the threat of death!]​
The arrows zoom from the skeletons blaze with fire, and are just a few feet away from making DarthLego a lifeless body.​
Darth shook himself free of a slight dizziness and dove quickly behind a half-rotted fallen tree.

"Darn it." he growled as the arrows ignited the dried wood.

He took a moment and quickly looked around. The only route of escape was rapidly closing, yet he sensed a HarmakPaul nearby.

"Friends. Or at least, not baddies" he deduced quickly.

He took one more quick look, and then made a dash for the escape route.

He had almost reached relative safety when he failed to notice the gnarled tree root reaching barely above the dirt.

Glancing over his shoulder, his toe of his boot caught the upraised root, knocking him to the ground.

He tried to get back up and run, but his knee buckled underneath him.

He swore quietly, then tried to get to one knee. Barely managing this, he carefully took out his electronic device and sent out one more quick message, then replaced the device into its carrier.

Unclipping the chrome hilt from his belt, he ignite the brilliant crimson blade with another *SNAP-HISSS*

"Looks like this is goodbye, friend." he murmured. "Maybe someone shall use you again someday."

Wincing in pain, he managed to get partly standing with the aid of a medium oak tree.

"Try and get me." he hissed at the advancing horde.


Aug 6, 2011
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[Setting the stage for it, hopefully. If everyone steps up their creativity to the max, this ought to be quite the showdown.]
(( Sadly, it's reaching the end of the school year, for most, where most of the brain is concerned with exams and end-of-the-year projects, then leaving no room for creativity. :c ))


The skeletons rattle as they charge at Darth Lego with swords, polearms, and all matter of medieval weaponry. One of the quicker ones makes a leap towards Darth, flying through the air with its rapier.​
[You can cut through these guys rather quickly.]​


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
Without stopping for anything Durwin advanced quickly toward the center of the dark army, killing those who got in the way.

"How much bigger can this horde get? We'll reach the head about the same time the sun comes back..." Although he had a pessimistic view on the situation, Durwin had gotten quite close. Almost ther-- he though when he ran into a wall. Only it was a wall that wasn't there.

"What the!?" He fell onto his back, Duffie had let go and stood to the said as he fell, and quickly got to a crouching position. Surprisingly the monsters seemed to have forgotten about them. In fact they seemed to avoid a rather large area around the barrier.

"Well that's convenient... I wonder what... keeps... th..." He trailed off as a large pale green hand emerged from the barrier. A rancid odor followed the appearance. The barrier rippled like water where it was disturbed while the rest of the giant figured came through. 15 feet tall, and a 1/3 as wide, muscle and flab contested with each other for dominance in this giggly thing. Chipped nails and teeth, both dirtied by what was more then likely dirt, grime, and blood, impossibly beady eyes and only wearing a pair of shredded trousers it looked as cunning as it did dumb. The hand that first appeared reach behind the torso and pulled out a long axe. It looked like a simple lumberman's axe only much, much bigger. In the second hand it held a large spiked club almost as long as the axe and both looked to be worn with use. It's breath could be seen, and smelled, in the rather warm day. A deep grunting came from inside the thing. It looked around and then down upon the two insect pests that had rudely sounded the alarm and made him woke up. It glared down at the human male with wings? Human males do not have wings, might be one of us. It tried to talk in what sounded like english, almost.

"Iz sleepy tiem butterfley men. Go wey." Durwin looked up and down at the Ogre. Maybe I can reason with it? I really don't want to deal with this thing here. Not while we have the element of surprise. He called up,

"We just need to pass by this barrier and then we can be on our way."

"Eef butterfley men need ask, butterfley men not sposed be her." It turned to go back into the now still barrier.

"Wait!" It turned back again at the sound of Durwin's call.

"Surely there's someway we can get in there." The ogre grumbled irritably.

"No. Boos said noon entar. And if we trubled we crush trubler." It almost turned and stopped and looked more carefully at the Human female. She's pretty. She's mine now. It put the axe back in it's place and stooped to pick pretty lady. The Human male punched his hand and it flew away. Human male strong. This is fun. It laughed darkly and removed the axe again.

"Lez go butterfley man. Iz fun tiem!" And it unleashed a wild swing toward Durwin.


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
The skeletons rattle as they charge at Darth Lego with swords, polearms, and all matter of medieval weaponry. One of the quicker ones makes a leap towards Darth, flying through the air with its rapier.​
[You can cut through these guys rather quickly.]​
"Try and get me!" Darth hissed.

One of the skeletons, accepting this as a challenge, sprinted towards the Sith and made a leaping attack with its rapier. Unfortunately for it, a twisted knee in no way hampers the telekinesis abilities of a force-user. It realized this about one-tenth of a second before it was smashed into a gritty powder against a large weathered rock.

"C'mon, is that all you got?" he growled.

The rest of the skeletons all reached him a few seconds later.

Darth was at a severe disadvantage, being unable to dive out of the way or evade in almost any form aside from some upper-body movement. Still, he managed to twist and otherwise redirect all of the first barrage of arrows.

Swinging his lightsaber in long sweeping arcs, he left charred bones lying haphazardly everywhere within his reach. Even those outside of his immediate reach did not escape, as he either flung them into each other with a clatter, or disassembled them with a quick sidearm toss of his blade. The remaining few took temporary flight in order to escape the reaches of this horrible demon.

"There, that's a relief." Darth said.

He turned, and continued to try and limp his way along towards the ever-shrinking path to temporary safety.

He had almost reached it when, with a sickening impact against the back of his helmet, he was knocked heavily to the ground.

He quickly rolled over to discover that one of the bolder skeletons archers had silently been stalking him, and had finally fired and caught him squarely in the back of his head. Unfortunately the arrow had simply struck Darth a heavy blow on the head rather than piercing the helmet and killing him. Still, it had quite the advantage.

Darth reached to his belt for the hilt, only to discover it wasn't there. Frantically looking around, he noticed it lying a good 6 paces further on than he was. He had been carrying it-activated- in his hand, and the impact had jarred it from his hand and it had flown outwards to where it now lay, sitting silently in the short grass.
