In a response to the idea of a Super-city...
I love the idea, and have a plan I would like to propose about it.
I present to you in the picture below, the Above-ground layout of what I believe should be the Super-city.
Now to explain.
The Supercity, in itself, should indeed be a Large City, with a convergence of many people.
I took the idea from the main OP, on that there can be branches or groups that situate themselves in the City.
Defiant's idea was that of Air, Water, Land, and Underground.
Instead: In the picture, I present to you the branches as "Districts."
Each district follows a main / important part of Minecraft.
And Following the idea of Air / Water Branches, each District will have a design theme.
District 1 - The Farming and/or Agricultural District. Theme: Windmills / Rooftop Gardens??? Bio-Spheres???
District 2 - The Flying / Air District. (Arena's to?)BBeTheme: Steampunk in the sky.
District 3 - The Mining / Resource District. ertertertetTheme: Slums / Dwarven District (WoW)
District 4 - The Weapons, Armour, and Battle District.Theme: Possibly Medieval/Modern Cross.
District 5 - The Wharf / Ocean District. rtertertertertrtTheme: Docks on Surface, Rapture Under the Surface.
District 6 - The Potion / Enchanting / Magic District. Theme: Little Tokyo.
Roads Divide The Districts, as well as a possible Monorail (represented by the Triangles), right above the Streets.
These transportation roads lead to a central building, which is the UCON headquarters (Represented by the Hexagon with the United Federation of Nations Flag in its Center).
The Red- Outer Circle is possibly a wall that we can build around the City.
Now obviously, it is still a city, so every district, despite having a certain theme, should have tall buildings, and small buildings in it, like a normal, modern City.
There should also be a sewer system underneath the City, somewhat symmetrical to the City above it. (Ex: The sewer tunnels are directly below the Streets, then have random rooms / shady spots in the spaces under the districts. (I Understand EpicFailCow wanted something like that.
) The tunnels can also possibly end in openings to the Ocean District, like real sewage.
Anyways, there is still a lot about the idea, but they are really small, specifics that don't really need to be said.
That is my idea for you
Defiant_Blob and the Rest of the UCON group.
And obviously the Themes for each district is up for Debate (cept 6!!! :3)
Again: I absolutely love the idea of a Super-City, and I really hope it comes to pass.
Feedback would be appreciated / etc, etc, etc.
(PS: If you take after my idea, I would like to Lead the Little Tokyo / District 6 section. :3)
(Even if you don't take the idea, can there be a section of the City called Little Tokyo? :3)
(Also: Please ignore the white, random letters next to the Themes. Its to make it neat.)
Again: That's just my idea I wanted to share. Thanks for reading.
Also: You were discussing something about an Arena? That could possibly go underneath the Air District / Section, possibly nearer to the Wall, Just wanted to add this because it seems the Snowball fight is a big Discussion, and it is an arena.
Note: Yes, I mildly stole The District idea from Hunger Games, and The Layout of the city was how I originally thought Panem looked like; one huge city with outlying districts in the city.