The United Coalition of Nations


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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How high will the walls be? And what materia will they be made off?
Anyone that have any idea how long it will take to get the main part of the city done?
The walls will be tall enough to be out of reach of an enderpearl (around 60-70 blocks should be good). Probably made of stone-based or wood, so materials will be easy to gather.


SMP Vetop
Aug 6, 2011
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Well we have many things to think about until a reset that has no date, which leaves us with much time to answer some simple questions.
List of things to do:
  • Walls
    • How thick.
    • How large around the city.
    • design.
    • how tall.
    • Material it will be made out of.
    • Gate Houses
    • Towers or no towers?
    • Do we want to have access to top of walls?
      • If yes, then we need to design a way to get up there that will still look elegant.
  • Central Tower
    • What will be added to it.
    • How tall.
    • How large of a base.
    • design.
    • materials.
  • Roads
    • Design
    • Materials
    • Light Posts
  • Districts
    • How large should the districts be? or should we allow them to use their whole quadrant?
    • how should they be set up (efficiency and plot wise)
    • (Will probably leave this section to the section leaders.)
  • Materials
    • How shall we collect stone?
      • Open pit?
      • Cobble Generator?
      • Various underground projects to fuel our above ground?
    • Wood
      • Tree farm outside?
      • Tree farm inside?
      • Underground tree farm?
    • Food
      • Our main source will probably be wheat and melons since they are more readily available than meat.
      • Farms outside?
        • One giant plot?
        • Or several even mini-plots spaced evenly together?
      • Inside?
      • Underground?
These are just some questions to think about. sorry if i seem to make this complicated more, but i like to have every situation planned out if we have time to prepare for this great city.
For the walls i think a 251 diameter circle will be a good size for us to have everyone and everything be fit in perfect. I am thinking that maybe a 10-15 thick wall would be good but to save time we could make it hollow on the inside to save materials and time.
"May the Rays of light shine upon the great empire that is UCON."


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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Well we have many things to think about until a reset that has no date, which leaves us with much time to answer some simple questions.
List of things to do:
  • Walls
    • How thick: Around 5-15 blocks. Maybe hollow to save resources.
    • how tall: 60-70 blocks (at least tall enough to defend from an enderpearl)
    • Material it will be made out of: stone-based/wood-based for easy resources. Probably decorate with luxuries as well.
    • Towers or no towers? Yes towers, after wall is finished being created?
    • Do we want to have access to top of walls? Yes, with a staircase within the hollow wall.
  • Central Tower
    • I'm thinking something similar to the Skytower from Primordia, reaching the build limit.
  • Roads
    • Materials: stone/wool based? Maybe clay. Glowstone in the road possibly to eliminate need for street lights.
    • Light Posts: Possibly uneeded.
  • Districts
    • How large should the districts be? or should we allow them to use their whole quadrant: I'd say allow to design most of quadrant, but Head Architect (HA) and others are left to design edges so they smoothly go into eachother.
    • how should they be set up (efficiency and plot wise)
    • (Will probably leave this section to the section leaders.)
  • Materials
    • How shall we collect stone?
      • Open pit: Maybe, if pit has a purpose afterwards possibly. Open pits can be ugly.
      • Cobble Generator: Yes, located in locations easily accesible. Probably in center of each district and of city.
      • Various underground projects to fuel our above ground: Yes.
    • Wood
      • Tree farm outside: Maybe
      • Tree farm inside: Probably. Maybe a tree farm located centrally in each district and in the center. Will need to make large.
      • Underground tree farm: Possibly. A lot of hassle to dig out something that could be used for something better maybe.
    • Food
      • Our main source will probably be wheat and melons since they are more readily available than meat.
      • Meat farms and breeded animals maybe only allowed in center of each district, to cut down on overbreeding? (each member probably shouldn't have their own animal farm)
These are just some questions to think about. sorry if i seem to make this complicated more, but i like to have every situation planned out if we have time to prepare for this great city.

For the walls i think a 251 diameter circle will be a good size for us to have everyone and everything be fit in perfect. I am thinking that maybe a 10-15 thick wall would be good but to save time we could make it hollow on the inside to save materials and time.
"May the Rays of light shine upon the great empire that is UCON."


Mar 24, 2012
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In answer to the food thing the agricutural district should have all the farms needed to support the city.
For the plot thing should we let the people design there own houses or have the Architects do that?If we let the citzens do this we should give them requirments for their build to meet so we don't end up with weird,ugly,or just not fitting buildings.
Also if you don't mind Defiant could I be the architect for the agricutural district sense I already have some plans for it.

One last thing each district should have a rule board of things you can or cannot do.
Such as in the water district you can build a dock for your use only which other people living in other districts cannot do.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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I still want a Mako City type thing. It'll be so awesome, especially since we're going for the central tower type deal. xP
Darn me and my never playing of a Final Fantasy Game. (Mako City is FF right?)

Anyways, I think the circular walls kind of was inspired from the walls surrounding the main Luck base, which was made of Stone Bricks. However, Stone Bricks may take longer for walls, so it may not be a great choice.
And if the walls will be hollow to reduce time / materials, it might be useful for travelling in a protected area.

The roads will probably be made of smooth stone with either wool, yellow wool, or snow-blocks as the dividers, since that's what normally people make roads out of. And the lamp-posts? Glowstone and fences most likely. Though you could probably replace the wool / snow road dividers with glowstone to preserve some space.
(Edit: You actually mentioned that as well. Oh well.)

Since a few people wanted a sewer / underground type of area, that can be the first place we obtain our stone. Digging out the circumference of the city and then its area, we will most likely get a couple of chests-worth of stone. We will of course need more then this, so if possible, we can venture possibly 50-100 blocks away and start a small mine-shaft to collect both stone, and other precious materials.

(May get some pictures up to try help get some ideas for you K1ng.)


The Drunk
AoD Staff
Survival Staff
Nov 21, 2011
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If all citizens donate all spare cobble they have to the walls, I doubt that will be a big problem, as normal people often dig basements, and all other underground constitutions will also get give some cobble. Also when the flattening will be done You will also get a ton if cobble.

About the terrain, will the city be built in ordinary forest boom close to the ocean?

I was wondering if I could join the city without q clan, and live at the farmlands place and help with the farms and and if needed some redstone wiring other places in the city.

Also wondering about the animal farm. Will we have q big animal farm with around 100 animals of each specie as it will be a Ron of people in the city, and I assume they won't have any private animal farms.

In the new SMP when it comes, it will be villager trading, so I was wondering if we should have a BIG hotel for villagers that they couldn't get out of the hotel.

And last point fuel for furnaces will be NO problem from 1,3 even in ridiculous high amounts because of that when putting a bucket of lava the bucket no longer disappear:-) So all that needs to be done is to get lava from nether, 1 inventory ca 30 buckets=3000 blocks melted as far as I can remember.

I probably have a lot of typos and messy writing since I'm on an phone because I'm on vacation, and it's pretty hard to read through what I have wrote.


Mar 24, 2012
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If all citizens donate all spare cobble they have to the walls, I doubt that will be a big problem, as normal people often dig basements, and all other underground constitutions will also get give some cobble. Also when the flattening will be done You will also get a ton if cobble.

About the terrain, will the city be built in ordinary forest boom close to the ocean?

I was wondering if I could join the city without q clan, and live at the farmlands place and help with the farms and and if needed some redstone wiring other places in the city.

Also wondering about the animal farm. Will we have q big animal farm with around 100 animals of each specie as it will be a Ron of people in the city, and I assume they won't have any private animal farms.

In the new SMP when it comes, it will be villager trading, so I was wondering if we should have a BIG hotel for villagers that they couldn't get out of the hotel.

And last point fuel for furnaces will be NO problem from 1,3 even in ridiculous high amounts because of that when putting a bucket of lava the bucket no longer disappear:) So all that needs to be done is to get lava from nether, 1 inventory ca 30 buckets=3000 blocks melted as far as I can remember.

I probably have a lot of typos and messy writing since I'm on an phone because I'm on vacation, and it's pretty hard to read through what I have wrote.
Danni, you can fill out a application to join UCON officially(Go to Defiant's profile page he'll have the link there) which will include where you want to live you just need to find out which architect will build that district which is still to be deicded.Also you don't have to live in that certain district you want to help with you can live anywhere and help anywhere.

As for the biome we should build the city near but not in a forrest biome due to you would have to clear a lot of trees for this city size of a city.It should also next to a ocean biome.


SMP Vetop
Aug 6, 2011
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We probably should not make the walls too high since 40 itself is freaking tall. Making it 60-70 would be a stack for just one pillar up. I would say from 20-40 for wall height since to make the wall seem uniform the higher we go the thicker we would need to make the wall so that it does not look too top heavy.

Preferably snow if we don't use glowstone as the siding because it is more easily attainable with a snow generator.

About stone we could also make a cobble generator, which would allow us to not dig massive holes and allow them to be close inside so we can aquire stone easily and store it in chests. One problem though would be that we would not acquire as many ores because we would just be mining cobble.

What i am thinking that the tower could include (more or less can be added this is just what i think would be a good idea) Town hall, Arena (on top?), Monorail Hub, Air hub for some of the air ships, and a small garden with fountain center (probably on the bottom).

Also another thing, will 251 radius satisfy everyone? it is pretty large and i am able to change the radius unless everyone is okay with that size.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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What i am thinking that the tower could include (more or less can be added this is just what i think would be a good idea) Town hall, Arena (on top?), Monorail Hub, Air hub for some of the air ships, and a small garden with fountain center (probably on the bottom).
I spent the last 2 hours making kind of poorly done structures to try and picture what the main streets / Monorail / perhaps the Air-Docking station will look like.
I thought it would be best if the monorail system was constructed right above our respective roads. It would work out like a sort of overpass seen in many cities today, however it would be our mono-rail system. It was not going to quite work as I intended with a single road coming from the main UCON building, so I used 2 with the main monorail support beams along the center.

The last 2 pictures are supposedly a representation of the Air-docking stations. They would most likely be near the very top of the main building, acting much like the monorail docking station, except there would be a couple of airships docked at some of the platforms. Not entirely sure how it would work, was just an experimental idea.

Note: Ignore the main building / any light sources seen in the pictures. I was not quite sure how to implement any light-sources into the monorail / streets that would look natural / fit with the city theme. You guys will most likely figure out that soon. Also: the main, half-built tower where the monorails intersect (supposedly the main UCON building) is just a backdrop and I have no idea how the tower / building / etc will look like.

I think this was just mainly to put out the idea of the look of the monorail / streets. Just made a quick idea for the air-dock, though you can ignore those pictures / idea if you want.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Could an ex-Luck3r join UCON because he hates the guts of the other members now?
All are welcome to join :3
We probably should not make the walls too high since 40 itself is freaking tall. Making it 60-70 would be a stack for just one pillar up. I would say from 20-40 for wall height since to make the wall seem uniform the higher we go the thicker we would need to make the wall so that it does not look too top heavy.
Let me recheck the minimum height for enderpearls. It may have been 30-40 >_>

Also, starting to look for possible locations on the map.