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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]



[Well, this one has been stagnating for a while though. It might work out if she wanted to help send this season off with a bang. She would just need to make sure it fits with canon so far.]
[I could wait, so I be a part from the start. I actually started reading this rp from the start and it is really interesting :D]


Aug 14, 2011
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[I could wait, so I be a part from the start. I actually started reading this rp from the start and it is really interesting :D]
[Well as long as you remember everything hat's happened in these 90 or so pages, feel free. Just don't come out randomly and start fighting, please. Nice long introduction post that fits well with the story! :3]


Aug 14, 2011
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[I could wait, so I be a part from the start. I actually started reading this rp from the start and it is really interesting :D]
[If you want to join in this season, you could run into me and Darth on our little island. We're dead though, so take that into account. That way you don't have to look at the past pages, since we have slight amnesia anyways.]


Aug 14, 2011
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[Well I don't want to cause confusion]
[Ha, then it certainly wouldn't be the first time in this thread XP. We're nearing the end of this "story" anyways, you can take this as a practice round.]

The Cowboy ventures into the jungle, which grows darker with every step. Looking down, he spots a trail of ants which as he looks closer, notices that they are carrying tiny bits of what appears to be parchment paper. Following the trail winding along the forest floor. He stumbles into a clearing, his eyes blinded by the sudden light pouring in from above....


[Ha, then it certainly wouldn't be the first time in this thread XP. We're nearing the end of this "story" anyways, you can take this as a practice round.]

The Cowboy ventures into the jungle, which grows darker with every step. Looking down, he spots a trail of ants which as he looks closer, notices that they are carrying tiny bits of what appears to be parchment paper. Following the trail winding along the forest floor. He stumbles into a clearing, his eyes blinded by the sudden light pouring in from above....
[I've done rps before...just not like this o.o I don't like randomly popping up. lol >_<]


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"To be honest. All I remember is getting passed out right before the battle. I guess we lost and I must have died too explaining how I got here. Who is this Bill you are talking about?"
"Ah, perhaps. I sure hope we didn't lose though." Darth frowned.
"Bill? He's the guy I met here. We're calling him that because he can't remember his name."

Darth looked around. He spotted a faint pillar of light blueish light not far from his location.
"Could you start building a small house here? I need to check that."
He started off towards the glowing light.
[Going to try a rejoining of the fight, as it seems stalled at the moment.]


Aug 14, 2011
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In this jungle grove, the cowboy comes upon a pile of ancient texts which looked as if they had been lying in the grass for ages, yet they still retained their color and form. Only the ants caused any sort of damage, and the book they did break apart bit by bit, lay a feet away from the others.

He walked over and crouched to this book. The title had been completely torn away, but at the four corners appeared to be the insignia of eagles. He began reading...


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Darth forced his way through the underbrush towards the mysterious light. Breaking out into a clearing, he discovered it was coming from the inside of a small walled area. Curiously, his wounded knee-which had been getting unnoticeable-returning swiftly.
"Ow." Darth winced.
Limping around the corner to where the gate had been, he started.
The inside was a luxurious courtyard. Sitting at the far end of the courtyard, relaxed in a velvet chair, was a woman: tall and fair, with flowing brown hair.
"Kate!" Darth exclaimed. "So Bill was right..."

Kate smiled. "Hello sweetie, glad you finally joined me. You sure took your time about it though." she said with a wink.

Darth looked beyond where she was sitting. There was a frame of glass, with a surface that looked like water. In it, Darth could see the smoking wreck of the Skycity, and the battle that was being rapidly lost. Darth clenched his fists.
"Kate." he said quietly.
"I can't stay here. I can still do some good back there."

"But you just got here!" she pouted. "15 years by myself, and as soon as you get here you run off again."

"I know. I'm sorry. But there are things still left undone."
Darth embraced Kate.
"I'll be back eventually. I will miss you. But I need to go before it's too late."

Breaking from their embrace, Darth checked to make sure his lightsaber hilt was attached to his belt.
"Goodbye Kate."

"Goodbye-" Kate's words were cut off as Darth stepped through the portal. His vision dimmed a moment with the glare, then cleared as the mask adjusted for the dark clouds and smoke billowing.

He saw a large troll commander standing just beyond him, jeering as it's troops overran another position.
Darth unclipped his lightsaber and ignited it.
"Hey you!" he yelled at the troll. "Bring it, mud-mind!"

[Hope you enjoy a little back story mixed in there. Might work a bit more in as it progresses.]


Aug 14, 2011
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[It's been a while. c:]

Blinx looks at the beast, trying to make out what it actually was.
It's gray, shiny, is the size of a cement truck and it's kinda like a snake, or a--

The creature lunged at Blinx quicker than he could react and swallowed him whole. As he went down the throat, he knew his life was about to end if he didn't do something. He grabbed onto the inside of the throat and pulled himself up, reaching the windpipe.

Strange, why is there cool air blowing out of this?

He balanced himself, took out his sweeper, and shot two bones down what he thought was the snake's esophagus. Then he took out the blade and stabbed at the windpipe. When the blade went into the snake, he got electrocuted and fell down the throat-like tube of the mechanical snake.

[Feels good to be back! :D]


Aug 14, 2011
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Don places the book back down on the ground.

"So...Don is my name..."

He wanders over to where a bed of pebbles lie near a small pond. He crouches down towards the rocks and rests the book on the top of his thigh. He removes a matchbook from neath his duster, and flicks it against the rocks, sparking it to life. He raises the book a few feet above the rocks and begins to raise the ruby flame to the pages.

You cannot keep running away from your past, my son.


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"Bring it, mud-mind!"
Darth almost regretted taunting the troll. Almost.
Dodging around a sweeping blow from its large war hammer, he tossed his lightsaber into the air, leapt up, grabbed the hilt, and drove the blade through the back of the troll's neck.

Landing on the ground, he ducked low and sliced out the legs of half a dozen underlings.

I wish I were back in the afterlife...

You cannot save them, give up. a voice seemed to say. Don't you miss your Kate? And you had just reunited with her too. Such a shame.

No, I don't regret it. Leave me be, Herobrine.

Darth kept spinning and hacking and slaying in a veritable whirlwind of death and destruction.

He finally spotted him: Herobrine's chief officer, second only to HIM.

With a blast of energy, Darth cleared the beginnings of a path towards him.

"Here goes nothing." he murmered.

Should we lose this battle to possibly set the stage for the future RP? Oppressed/something?]


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
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Should we lose this battle to possibly set the stage for the future RP? Oppressed/something?]
[[I have actually been thinking of this for a long time. i was thinking we end u losing the battle and then we all die as an end in the first season. Then in the new season of this story (or sequel whatever you prefer) we become reincarnated knowing about our past lives and then we all reunite to finish it and end the oppression of Herobrine of Overlord like how you said it Darth]]


Aug 14, 2011
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[[I have actually been thinking of this for a long time. i was thinking we end u losing the battle and then we all die as an end in the first season. Then in the new season of this story (or sequel whatever you prefer) we become reincarnated knowing about our past lives and then we all reunite to finish it and end the oppression of Herobrine of Overlord like how you said it Darth]]
[Maybe we shouldn't ALL die off... How about I live, since I'm the only non-made up person, to tell the tale, then inspire a younger adult in the second story to kill off Herobrine?]


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
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[Maybe we shouldn't ALL die off... How about I live, since I'm the only non-made up person, to tell the tale, then inspire a younger adult in the second story to kill off Herobrine?]
[[I like that so what you are saying is that you live and everyone else's characters from this story are gone and dead and that you convince some heroes to kill Herobrine during the oppression of depression?]]


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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[Okay, just wanted to know what I should write towards]

Taking a running dive, Darth rolled beneath a war machine and popped up on the other side. With two quick swipes he dispatched a large number of enemies. Then he realized there was no one between him and the second-in-command.

"I doubt this will help much. But it's all I can do right now" he muttered.

His attention was drawn to the large platform on which the commander was standing.

Focussing, he strained with all his might. With a strained lifting gesture, the platform began to twist and crumble.

Sprinting as fast as he could, Darth ran away from the collapse. He just barely made it up cover when the whole thing came crashing down.

Peering over the wreckage, Darth spotted some movement; the commander. He alone survived.

"I hope you're ready to die, because one of us has to and I had my turn already." Darth challenged him.

With no more than a sneer, the commander launched himself at Darth, swinging with his flail.

Diving to the side, Darth quickly rose on one knee and slammed his fist into the creature's stomach. As it doubled over, he slammed it's head with his elbow and stomped it to the ground.
Stabbing it through the head, Darth muttered "Hope that was worth it, buddy."

The nearby enemies were stunned by this quick death, allowing Darth to quickly survey the surroundings.

Dearest. a voice spoke to him. Come back please.
I cannot yet; I have more to do.
All right. *sigh*. Just remember to see after Junior this time, we both forgot him the first time.
I will. I'll be back soon. I just dont want anyone to lose someone while they stand by helpless while I could have helped. That's how you died...


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
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[I would actually like to make a different character for myself, if you don't mind :3]
[[You guys can choose what you want to do with each character since they are yours. You could have them reincarnate and remember or have them die and make a new one. i am just gonna pretend my guy since of being half enderman can live longer than most people]]


Aug 14, 2011
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Blinx woke up an hour later surrounded by open circuits in a hot area.

That beast is a robot? Strange. Gotta get out of here. Gotta survive. Can't get shocked.

Blinx carefully walked across the beast's stomach-like storage. He took off his shirt, wrapped it around his sword's hilt, and stabbed into the beast. He cut open a hole into the circuitry, trying to get to the "heart." When he got to it, he was surprised by what he saw.