Limiting Enchantments!

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The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
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Why is everyone ganging up on Duffie she is just stating her reasons. She isn't going straight up to your faces saying you guys are noobs who couldn't kill him and think strategically. To be honest if you don't like the vanilla experience then just dont play since I am pretty sure there are more people who want to keep it this way then the people who want it changed.

Also Gameprochampion I dont even know what your talking about when did I ever say about combining blast fire and regular protection? And yes I do know some people do use afking at spawners but I am saying not everyone uses grinders/spawners and not everyone waits an hour.

Defiant_Blob Oh cmon he would not make an invincibility potion that lasts 5 hours that would be ridiculous. It's like saying he is now going to make a new mob that drops gumballs it wouldn't happen and it would be useless. (Actually now that I think about it that would be SUCH a cool mob)


Got the moves like Jagger!
Aug 6, 2011
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... Which proves that you guys did not plan properly.

Even if you didn't have potions, you could have gotten some. It's not impossible.

And thinking he had Protection I armor, was apart of the fact you didn't plan properly.
Wait if you have god armor, doesn't that make your opinion biased anyway >_> Anyway everyone is entitled to their own opinion!


Oct 12, 2011
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Maybe, when you throw the enchanted snowballs at a snowman, that snowman turns into an ENCHANTED snowman :D

Then, if the enchanted snowman hits you with the snowballs he's throwing, you get warped to a nether that has snow and ice instead of nethrrack and lava :D

Then you fight an ice cream monster :D :D :D

Then you take the key that the ice cream monster dropped and you open a door to pumpkin world. There could be new mobs like flying pumpkins and ENCHANTED pumpkins, if you get hit by a flying pumpkin, then you fight the pumpkin boos :D :D :D

Then you go back to the main world and you have to find a tree that has a goblin on it. Then the goblin gives you a hat that you have to wear to a feast with endermen. Then the whole screen explodes and Minecraft crashes :D


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Anyway everyone is entitled to their own opinion!
Please do remember this. Not everyone wants "god" armor removed, and that is their opinion.

ERMAHGERD Duffie we did not have any potions to use and like I said at first we thought he had prot I armor, wich led to our demise. expected an easy kill and were unpleasantly surprised. Big. Flipping. Deal.

Now, in general.
It protects single players from the wolfpacks that like to roam around in twos and threes, killing innocent players. You misjudged and got your rear end handed to you. So we should remove it because you/a few others have gotten the short end of the stick in a fight? LagWarrior's findings show that the video is more hype than reality, (Although I admit, it makes it almost impossible to die in lava) and Dlmt's point is very valid. It is a domino effect. After you nerf weapons and armor, you need to nerf the poison potions.

What happened to our almost-vanilla server? Where did it go, that we need plugins to stop the game? I play on another almost vanilla server(anti-grief plugins, the usual moderating stuff, but that's it, no limits on gameplay), and there has not been a problem with these enchantments. It's the people behind them that cause the trouble. Blocktopia seems to have an especially rough time with PvP, with it ebbing and flowing, but always complained about. The Protection IV was latched onto as an excuse for failure. Please don't wreck it for 98% of the others because you got clobbered.


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
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Maybe, when you throw the enchanted snowballs at a snowman, that snowman turns into an ENCHANTED snowman :D

Then, if the enchanted snowman hits you with the snowballs he's throwing, you get warped to a nether that has snow and ice instead of nethrrack and lava :D

Then you fight an ice cream monster :D :D :D

Then you take the key that the ice cream monster dropped and you open a door to pumpkin world. There could be new mobs like flying pumpkins and ENCHANTED pumpkins, if you get hit by a flying pumpkin, then you fight the pumpkin boos :D :D :D

Then you go back to the main world and you have to find a tree that has a goblin on it. Then the goblin gives you a hat that you have to wear to a feast with endermen. Then the whole screen explodes and Minecraft crashes :D
We need you on the Minecraft development team.

Also Gameprochampion I would also like to add that in the video his armor got weared out really bad.


Got the moves like Jagger!
Aug 6, 2011
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Please do remember this. Not everyone wants "god" armor removed, and that is their opinion. expected an easy kill and were unpleasantly surprised. Big. Flipping. Deal.

Now, in general.
It protects single players from the wolfpacks that like to roam around in twos and threes, killing innocent players. You misjudged and got your rear end handed to you. So we should remove it because you/a few others have gotten the short end of the stick in a fight? LagWarrior's findings show that the video is more hype than reality, (Although I admit, it makes it almost impossible to die in lava) and Dlmt's point is very valid. It is a domino effect. After you nerf weapons and armor, you need to nerf the poison potions.

What happened to our almost-vanilla server? Where did it go, that we need plugins to stop the game? I play on another almost vanilla server(anti-grief plugins, the usual moderating stuff, but that's it, no limits on gameplay), and there has not been a problem with these enchantments. It's the people behind them that cause the trouble. Blocktopia seems to have an especially rough time with PvP, with it ebbing and flowing, but always complained about. The Protection IV was latched onto as an excuse for failure. Please don't wreck it for 98% of the others because you got clobbered.
I've never even seen you on SMP..... I stated that, I think I understand it and believe in it if I'm the one saying it >_>

Need plugins to stop the game? What happened to vanilla? It was anti-vanilla the second clans were added, for anything this addition is not nearly as big as clans.... I didn't get clobbered, and your tone is really annoying. Who do you think you are anyway to come in and complain about other people's PVP skill? I've seen mistakes that you've made, I ignore them. You don't have to express your opinions in a way that makes other people feel like shit.


Aug 25, 2011
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... Which proves that you guys did not plan properly.

Even if you didn't have potions, you could have gotten some. It's not impossible.

And thinking he had Protection I armor, was apart of the fact you didn't plan properly.
1. We don't absolutly need potions to kill someone you know?

2. Erm... It was on the spot when we saw him and we wanted to kill him so ...I don't think he would have still been there if we went to the nether trying to find blaze rods for over a hour and netherwarts also and making potions

3. What were we gonna do. Assume he had protection 4 and just scatter like gazelles(cowards)... I am sorry Duffie but it was 3 vs 1 and we were sure we were going to win oks?


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I've never even seen you on SMP.....
Your point being? I was an SMP Trusted until the rank was removed. Just because I haven't been seen by you on this current server does not mean I never played.
Need plugins to stop the game? What happened to vanilla? It was anti-vanilla the second clans were added, for anything this addition is not nearly as big as clans.... I didn't get clobbered, and your tone is really annoying. Who do you think you are anyway to come in and complain about other people's PVP skill?
I did not want clans, but that was not my call. I never said you got clobbered, that was in general. Honestly, I agree, my tone is somewhat annoying, and I should not have let it get that far. And since you posted this in a public forum. ._.
You don't have to express your opinions in a way that makes other people feel like shit.
I'll just let that speak for itself.


Aug 25, 2011
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Just gonna add this idea:

Ban Mob Grinding: Playing minecraft is not sitting in front of a mobgrinder for 30 minutes to get a good enchantement level. Why do you guys think Jeb lowered the max enchant level to level 30. Cause he knew people friggin hate sitting in a mobgrinder for 30 min to get dem levels. You know what just ban getting levels via mobspawners. Just get your levels the old fashion way: Killing during the night, mining during the day, smelting at the end of the day. There you go that is how i think it should be don't misjudge me its my opinion

EDIT: With this idea, getting level 30 enchants is still possible but simply more difficult, everybody is happy I hope this idea is approved but I would like to hear the opinions of other people for this matter


Jan 20, 2012
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You're tone.... it's a bit annoying but anyways.
Why would you even bother to say something like this? Perhaps you should take a good look at your own tone.

If you didn't read it yourself then 4 pieces of Prot II have no chance of getting as strong as 2 pieces of Prot IV.... who says we were going to only remove Prot IV? I was thinking revamping the whole idea of potions and enchantments.
Oh you don't say? And when, exactly, did I say they would? You're acting like I didn't read the link that I posted AND explained. It's clear to me that you haven't read what I posted. This is a blatant straw man, I didn't make that argument.

who says we were going to only remove Prot IV? I was thinking revamping the whole idea of potions and enchantments.
Indeed, who says that?

The grinding armor is useless? How many people are capable of creating a double spawner?
And again, you didn't read it. The grinding ARGUMENT is useless. It doesn't matter if you have a double spawner or not, you can easily grind ore. You might even come up with the diamonds to make the armor you're planning to enchant.

The normal enchantments such as feather falling, blast protection, etc. are alright, but when you put all those together, something doesn't seem right. Why would anyone try and get Fire Protection when Prot IV is just as good as is more versatile?
Your entire argument for changing it thus far has been that it's too good for pvp. I might just not notice it, but I don't often see players dumping lava on each other, setting off tnt next to each other and pushing each other off cliffs when they fight. It usually has a lot more to do with swords and bows. And why would anyone enchant a sword looking for bane of arthropods? Should we take sharp and fire aspect out of the picture because they're clearly better? (ps. if anyone is looking for bane, i have bane 4 on a diamond sword. will sell :D)

As for the arms race goes, it does apply here. We might already be able to comprehend what we are up against but in no way are we capable of counter attacking something with that power.
Except maybe getting it yourself? Ok, so we have exactly 1 way. Even ignoring the suggestions that Duffie has made, which I find legitimate, your statement is invalid.

So it is a bit of a surprise seeing you land 50 hits, but the person still charging at you like he hasn't taken any damage at all.
1. How do you know how much damage a person has taken before the point where they're dead?
2. 50 hits is 15 full hunger icons depleted, in addition to anything incurred for moving or attacking. This person isn't charging anywhere. They may walk, and nothing more until they've eaten.

The point is Prot IV armor basically limits the amount of enchantments in a way that if anyone gets Blast Protection, they don't find it as useful as getting Prot IV, because frankly why would they? When Prot IV combines all of those factors.
Again, you argued that it's too good for pvp, where players hit each other, and now you swap to the argument that it's too useful compared to other enchants. And again, you show us a video of a player taking environment damage in their armour. You know you can stack fire resist and sit in lava just the same, right? Or, as I said before, use a potion. Much cheaper, no rng involved.

As lag pointed out, get a good sword and you can still do damage through prot 4. A sharp 4 sword will still kill prot 4 in 5-10 hits, and since you're confident that you can get 40+ in, I don't see the problem.


Aug 6, 2011
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Can we all please just stop the arguing? This is a thread for a suggestion, not a declaration for World War III
This is not an argument, just a debate... At least, from my side, it is.

Alright, onto the Questionnaire.

Wait if you have god armor, doesn't that make your opinion biased anyway >_> Anyway everyone is entitled to their own opinion!
Assuming you're talking about the one who killed, yes. That is true, his opinion would be biased. But, so would the ones who got killed. Since they died from it, they would think it's too powerful, and would want its removal. expected an easy kill and were unpleasantly surprised. Big. Flipping. Deal.
You could have put this more nicely, Darth. :p

1. We don't absolutely need potions to kill someone you know?
Yes, you do NOT need potions, for a person you usually kill. Seeing as you're bringing this up now, what I can see is that this is your first time dealing with a Protection IV killer.

I admit, I've never had the experience. But you probably need potions for these big guns.

Just because you don't normally use potions on everyone, it doesn't mean you'll never need to use potions to kill someone. And I'd say this is one of those situations where you need potions to kill.

2. Erm... It was on the spot when we saw him and we wanted to kill him so ...I don't think he would have still been there if we went to the nether trying to find blaze rods for over a hour and netherwarts also and making potions
And how is this planned? Once again, I fail to see how what I'm saying is wrong.

You could have stepped back, waiting for another time to strike. There was no need to rush in, head on.

Sure, he wouldn't have still been in the same spot as he was when you saw him, but he would still be online sometime after you had saw him.

Plus, you could have spent your time in the Nether before the situation that you saw him on the spot. Plus, it doesn't really take an hour to find blaze rods and netherwart. If anything, you could ask others, or just look around, rather than assume you won't be able to find them.

3. What were we gonna do. Assume he had protection 4 and just scatter like gazelles(cowards)... I am sorry Duffie but it was 3 vs 1 and we were sure we were going to win oks?[/quote]
Yes, and no. You could assume he had Protection IV armor. You didn't need to scatter around like babies(cowards, in Heavy language).

And once again, 3 on 1, it doesn't matter. That shows how much damage he can sustain. If anything, you should take this battle you have lost into consideration. Learn from your mistakes.

You lost the battle, and for what reason?
His armor sustained most of your damage, leading to your deaths.

What happened, happened. There's nothing changing that. But, what you can do, is prepare for the next time it happens.

Plan earlier. Be patient. Get potions. Stock up. Use them.

This was a battle you could have planned better. But, it happened. So what? There's this Disney movie scene that I'd like to show...

You lost the battle... Yes... But did you lose the imaginary war? No. You can always go back to him, and you can always attempt to kill him.

I'm not saying that the advice I'm giving you will work. I'm saying it has a chance to work. A higher chance than the plan you had tried.

Learn from your failures, not complain about them.

Just because he was so powerful, that it seemed almost unfair, you can still beat him.

Now, go out there, and much us proud! Get potions, good armor, maybe weapons... AND show us that it's not impossible!

And bring back the evidence.

Edit : Dang it, guys. Why'd you have to post more?

One moment...


Aug 6, 2011
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Ban Mob Grinding: Playing minecraft is not sitting in front of a mobgrinder for 30 minutes to get a good enchantement level.
I'd like to disagree, again.

First off, Minecraft isn't sitting in front of a mob grinder for 30 minutes to get a good enchantment level. This much is true.

Minecraft is a game in which you can do as you please, in limited boundries.

Sitting in front of a mob grinder for 30 minutes to get a good enchantment level is known as grinding. It's something available in the limited boundries known as Minecraft.

Why do you guys think Jeb lowered the max enchant level to level 30. Cause he knew people friggin hate sitting in a mobgrinder for 30 min to get dem levels You know what just ban getting levels via mobspawners. Just get your levels the old fashion way: Killing during the night, mining during the day, smelting at the end of the day.
Jeb did not lower the enchantment level because of the mob grinders. He lowered it because people suggested it to be lowered, and partially so miners could reap the benefits of enchantments. That's why you get exp from ore that drops items, rather than blocks, too. The people who usually get super high levels are PvPers, or PvE'ers.

Killing during the night is the old fashioned way. But, times have moved on. We don't need to wait 10 minutes to grind again. We can either sit in front of the mob grinders we make, head into caves, mine item ores, wait for night, etc.

Plus, mining and smelting isn't the old fashion way, either. They are apart of the new.

If anything, grinding is older than these options you listed, other than killing during the night. It was available then, and it's available now.

There you go that is how i think it should be don't misjudge me its my opinion.
We didn't plan on misjudging you, Vati... At least, I didn't. It is your opinion, and these are mine. I'm just putting out my opinions, facts, assumptions, and possibilities, against the info you have set out upon the table.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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... Think Protection IV armor'd people as bosses. You don't charge head in. Not saying you did, either.

So, before you fight a boss, you have to have a plan. What weapons are you going to use? Am I well equipped enough to sustain the damage the boss will inflict? Is it a good idea to fight the boss now? Do I have enough healing potions?

Then, as you have your plan, you go about using the plan in action. But, just because you had this plan, it doesn't mean you will, in fact, win.

As far as you know, this person you were attacking was almost dead.

But, enough with assumptions and possibilities. Basically, just because you didn't kill him, it doesn't mean the armor he had was OP. There are many different possibilities as to why you weren't able to kill him.

... I just got a Phoenix Wright vibe.
I'd think of it more of a level 20 against a level 70 then someone fighting a boss :p


Aug 6, 2011
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I'd think of it more of a level 20 against a level 70 then someone fighting a boss :p
If you're going to use PvP from an MMO as an analogy, think of it as 3 level 20s against a level 70.

Everything you have determines your level.

The armor determines defense.

The weaponry determines how much damage is dealt.

But the potions determine the buffs, the damage, the healing, the defense, etc... Depending on the type of potion, of course.

If the 3 level 20s were to level up, by getting potions for themselves, they would be high enough level to take on this level 70.

They did not need to fight him head on right off the bat. Running is always an option.

Right this shit slinging has gone far enough.

Do not comment unless you are debating the topic.
I don't see what you mean, Baker. D:

Sorry if I'm butting in too far, but I don't think the warning was needed. :c

... Unless you're aiming it at the people who posted off topic, but I don't think it would be considered 'shit slinging'. D:


Aug 6, 2011
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Duffie, I'd like to thank you for everything you said! I will be using all of this that you've said! But I stand by my words call it ignorance, call it stupidity, call it whatever. But the advice honestly was good!
... You're welcome.

... I feel like I'm assisting in a murder now.

... Ahem. Anyway, if anything, I'd call it dedication. :p

Enough off-topic. Back to the thread.


Aug 25, 2011
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I admit, I've never had the experience. But you probably need potions for these big guns.

Just because you don't normally use potions on everyone, it doesn't mean you'll never need to use potions to kill someone. And I'd say this is one of those situations where you need potions to kill.

Just gonna say not everyone carries a potion 24/7, also we did not know his armor was enchanted IV, it was only 1 person also, what ya gonna do, spam 16 insta damage pots on him? Also you never fought a protection IV with potions so you would not know.

You could have stepped back, waiting for another time to strike. There was no need to rush in, head on.
3 vs 1 = 3 party team wins always, oh but wait he had overpowered armor sucks to be us right we should have waited right? ohwait how would we know if he had prot IV armor, hence another advantage with having op armor, no one knows you have op armor.

Plus, you could have spent your time in the Nether before the situation that you saw him on the spot. Plus, it doesn't really take an hour to find blaze rods and netherwart. If anything, you could ask others, or just look around, rather than assume you won't be able to find them.
All of the blaze spawners has been claimed by other clans and same goes for the netherwarts. Duffie the map is small do not expect to have blaze spawners everwhere.

Yes, and no. You could assume he had Protection IVarmor. You didn't need to scatter around like babies(cowards, in Heavy language).
You could have stepped back, waiting for another time to strike. There was no need to rush in, head on.

And once again, 3 on 1, it doesn't matter. That shows how much damage he can sustain. If anything, you should take this battle you have lost into consideration. Learn from your mistakes.
We did not know about the armor we are not gods

You lost the battle, and for what reason?
We did not know about the armor we are not gods

His armor sustained most of your damage, leading to your deaths.
We did not know about the armor we are not gods

Fixed i hope


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
... First off, some of your photos didn't register...

... Second, meme pictures/videos show you're not really being serious about this situation. I don't see reason to use them... Well, I know why you used them, and that's because of my video. But, still. Moving on.

Just gonna say not everyone carries a potion 24/7, also we did not know his armor was enchanted IV, it was only 1 person also, what ya gonna do, spam 16 insta damage pots on him?
I never said you would carry a potion 24/7, especially before this situation.

And of course you didn't know his armor was a high enchantment. You never had to deal with those kinds of people.

And no, you probably weren't going to spam 16 instant damage potions onto him. You didn't know.

But, learning from your mistakes, you now know to do so.

... But, may I advise you not to use just instant damage? Mix it up, use more than one type of potion.

Also you never fought a protection IV with potions so you would not know.
Well, I agree I never fought a Protection IV with potions, and I agree I wouldn't know.

A lawyer has never been in a murder before. Does that mean he shouldn't defend his client?

No. He goes by the evidence presented to him, and the possibilities thrown in the courtroom. He thinks things through, processing the situation.

But, this isn't a murder case. This is a suggestion of removing the higher ended enchantments from the server, for being too over powered.

... Moving on.

3 vs 1 = 3 party team wins always, oh but wait he had overpowered armor sucks to be us right we should have waited right?
Even if you were in a 3 vs. 1 battle that was with nothing on any of you, it doesn't mean the group always wins. In means they have a higher chance of winning than the opposing person.

ohwait how would we know if he had prot IV armor, hence another advantage with having op armor, no one knows you have op armor.
Once again, you will never know if they have Protection IV armor or not. When you see someone in leather armor, do you think they used 30 levels to get a Protection IV enchantment? No, I would think they just used small amounts of levels, usually. You can never be too sure what they have. Heck, he could have been carrying 20 potions in his pocket, but never used them.

No one knows you have OP armor. No one knows you have a Power IV bow. No one knows you have a Sharpness sword.

That's the funny thing about video games. You don't know what the other player has, other than what you can see. You can't look in his bookbag, to see all his stuff. No, he has the privacy to have it all hidden... Until someone can manage to kill him.

Now, please, at least try to take this seriously. I'm not saying you haven't been, and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with not taking this seriously... But, if you really want the enchantments to be removed, I highly suggest not goofing around on this matter.

Edit : Just a note, just in case, if you think I'm going off topic. This battle, or at least its witness(es), are giving the assumption that they did not know the player had OP gear. I'm explaining to them that there is no possible way to know, until after they have died, and it goes into their own inventory.
If you have a problem with the way I post on these threads, please don't hesitate to PM me, and tell me why you have a problem with it. Because I sincerely think I'm being on topic, and would like to be explained to why you might feel it isn't.
Thank you.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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If you're going to use PvP from an MMO as an analogy, think of it as 3 level 20s against a level 70.

Everything you have determines your level.

The armor determines defense.

The weaponry determines how much damage is dealt.

But the potions determine the buffs, the damage, the healing, the defense, etc... Depending on the type of potion, of course.

If the 3 level 20s were to level up, by getting potions for themselves, they would be high enough level to take on this level 70.

They did not need to fight him head on right off the bat. Running is always an option.
In most MMO's even ten level 20s wouldn't be able to take down a level 70. Chances are, they'd be hitting 4's and 5's on him whilst the level 70 hits 200's on them xP


Aug 6, 2011
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In most MMO's even ten level 20s wouldn't be able to take down a level 70. Chances are, they'd be hitting 4's and 5's on him whilst the level 70 hits 200's on them xP
If you're going to use PvP from an MMO as an analogy, think of it as 3 level 20s against a level 70.

Everything you have determines your level.

The armor determines defense.

The weaponry determines how much damage is dealt.

But the potions determine the buffs, the damage, the healing, the defense, etc... Depending on the type of potion, of course.

If the 3 level 20s were to level up, by getting potions for themselves, they would be high enough level to take on this level 70.

They did not need to fight him head on right off the bat. Running is always an option.
They chose to fight him at level 20---

Ahem. They chose to fight him with low level things, and without potions. It's like the level 70 has a hidden level, like putting on Anonymous on Ever Quest 2.

Either way, it all goes down to what the group of 3 could have done. They could have backed away, and stocked on potions. But they didn't know how to deal with Protection IV, so they couldn't have known how to deal with them.

They're guilty of being killed by a guy in Protection IV armor. The guy in Protection IV is guilty for being OP. But, that doesn't mean he's impossible to kill.

Thus, I do not want to rid of the higher ended enchantments, as it is still possible to kill people with those enchantments. The reason the enchantments are being removed, is because some people believe that they make you invincible. I'm here to say that they don't, with my opinions on the matter.

The Protection IV armor allowed him to "take around 20 hits from 3 different people", as Vati has notified to us. I say this could probably be possible, unless every hit did 1/2 a heart of damage, which I doubt it did.

I agree, it was possible that he took this much damage, as I said, but, I do not think it is impossible to deal enough damage to kill him.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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Either way, it all goes down to what the group of 3 could have done. They could have backed away, and stocked on potions. But they didn't know how to deal with Protection IV, so they couldn't have known how to deal with them.
That's useful advice for when you're being camped/chased and didn't start the fight ;)
Also, you bring up the 3 people thing. A lot of the time, I'm alone in UCON just building/terraforming. I don't want to have to hole up in my house for half an hour before I can play again >_>

Also, a note for others. If you're annoyed when the others in the topic who are disagreeing with your side, you need to chill. You should be posting with the thought of "The other person brought up some good points, but I still believe my side and will show them why" instead of the thought process of "YOU ARE AN IDIOT."
And yes, I did see some of that in this thread :p
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