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The UmbreOp
Oct 4, 2011
Reaction score
I had my homework for English 12 copied... I dont know why
Aaron Rackham
What people would be surprised to learn about me.
What people would be surprised to learn about me is that I am training to be a hunter. I have only killed one thing with archery so far and that was a squirrel (while on accident) and it furthered my interest in hunting. Every day I try to dedicate at the most an hour to training in archery. With this training, come hunting season, I hope to be able to shoot at full power (70lbs of draw weight). I am planning to go hunting with my brother for this upcoming Thanksgiving and am in hopes of shooting a turkey. Most people would know this about me as two years ago I was set on trying to become a veterinarian not somebody who would want to kill animals. It isn’t the only strange thing about me though; I am also still an animal lover but don’t wish to dissect them. Killing isn’t a problem for me but dissection I couldn’t do.


The UmbreOp
Oct 4, 2011
Reaction score
"Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Aang. And although his airbending skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. But I believe Aang can save the world."​


The UmbreOp
Oct 4, 2011
Reaction score
I am all on my own,
Wounded by iron weapons and scarred by swords.
I often see battle.
I am tired of fighting.
I do not expect to be allowed to retire from warfare
Before I am completely done for.
At the wall of the city, I am knocked about
And bitten again and again.
Hard edged things made by the blacksmith's hammer attack me.
Each time I wait for something worse.
I have never been able to find a doctor who could make me better
Or give me medicine made from herbs.
Instead the sword gashes all over me grow bigger day and night.
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