You Are Awesome


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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Well, it's been a great almost 2 years now and I've met and said bittersweet to many friends now, and I know I'll be leaving many friends behind.
To start, I'll say why I'm resigning. Some of you may know I moved across the country not two months ago. With moving, I've had to make several new adjustments. I have new friends, new activities, sports, etc. And right now I am trying to focus all my time on those things. I want to stop being the shy introvert I was in Alabama and change myself

With that, I have to make a few sacrifices unfortunately. One of these being the time I'd put into Blocktopia staffing. And if you've paid attention to me in the servers, you'll notice my activity has taken a turn for the worst. As time passed, I realized it was starting to become more of a chore to try to stay active in the servers. I decided I'd take a small semi-hiatus (combined with being grounded) to renew my interest. This has lasted a month now, and I still feel forced to go onto the server rather than glad. Of course, this is not anyone's fault, just my changing interest. And thus, I have decided I will resign.

Even though I usually say, "I'll stay active on the forums," this may not be the case this time. Along with the decreased interest in Minecraft, I've decreased interest in the forums. I'll most likely be finishing up the forum games I'm in, then retire my life as a forum junky having the most posts. That isn't to say I won't maybe visit the forums to have my say somewhere, but my days as the top poster may be numbered.

As well as leaving Minecraft, I may be leaving most video games overall (not certain yet). And as such, I'll be happy to give my e-mail to whomever wishes to remain in contact with me should they PM me. However, Steam, if I fade away from gaming, may not be as good a way to contact me.

Now I actually had plans to spend time creating a personal message to every friend I've made on Blocktopia, but that would take several hours days weeks. And I can't simply choose favorites. Just know that I consider all of you my friends, albeit mayhaps crossing paths once or twice. Edit: I'll leave a personal reply to every person that replies to this thread as my personal message.

However, in the future, I will always look back to this community. I've participated in several communities, and this is by far my favorite. I'm glad I met every one of you. Without all of you, I'm afraid I would have been a lot different personality wise (and in a bad way). I may return one day, though.

I know I'll want to add more onto this later, but I've been working on this a couple days now and I feel like I should go ahead and post it. (also, final note: if I am participating in any forum games I will finish those)
So, in all, you are awesome.
Also if I do get the time I will make a personal message for everyone.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
This is the part when your supposed to say this is all a joke and your not actually leaving / resigning Defiant.
C'mon now! There's still work that needs doing!

That aside, I actually never really expected this.
Even though I don't really know you all that well,
I feel I was getting to know you better as a person with some awesome times ahead.
Your person gets off the pleasant train we call Blocktopia at the 2nd to last stop.
So I'm kind of disappointed your leaving us like this.

But... I wish you the best of luck in your new home, because it probably will be challenging in the beginning.
Your a very smart, fun person to be around, so I'm certain you'll do fine though.
Show the world how "Defiant_Blob" does things.
Hope you come back to us soon.
Good-luck out there, soldier. *salutes*


Haunting People Since 2011
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Although this is saddening, i saw it coming sooner or later.
I do hope you would at least stay active on your computer so some of us could contact you easily if we need to talk to you. (yes. i'm referring to the RP thread and forum games.)
Anyways, I wish you good luck with your life.
May it be always prosperous.


Professional innuendo creator/finder.
Aug 6, 2011
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I looked up to you when I was a trusted along with you, then when you became Operator I was a jelly nub. I never treated you as an equal, I regret that and wish I would've done something about it long before you would've left. I wish you the best of luck with your new life, and for christs sake do come back sometimes. It's been bad enough with everyone leaving now; and I'd miss the person that I looked up to during Primordia.


Aug 16, 2011
Reaction score
Bye Defiant. I remember you ever since you were trusted on 1.7.3 SMP. You were always active and helpful. Then on Primordia you were the first trusted to apply for Operator and you were the Aeres leader too. I remember you as always being supportive and trieing your best on whatever you did. Then when I was promoted to Operator I still looked up to you!

I will miss you (along with the rest of the community), Defiant_Blob.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
:O Defiant, I would say something along the lines of "nooooo," but I know there is a legitimate reason for your resignation and leaving. So, all I can say is, you're an amazing person, you've always been one of the people I've looked up to as a sort of half-idol and althought I'm sad to see you go I'm also happy for you. If I never see you again, Defiant, I hope you have the blessed life you deserve. Goodbye :)


Ex-Zombie VetOp | Ex-AoD Op
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Ah, Defiant. This is one resignation I didn't see coming from a mile away. I'll never forget the fun times we had in Primordia or seeing your name all over the forums; you were a good friend and insightful person. We'll certainly miss your presence here and in game. Best of luck, Defiant! Go out there and show 'em who's boss.


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
but my days as the top poster may be numbered.
message for everyone.
'specially if the forums keep eating posts. Hope you can keep that crown for as long as possible.
Fare thee well, Rebel Blob.
you are awesome.​
Also if I do get the time I will make a personal message for everyone.
No, I ain't.


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Aww man you too :(. I remember way back in Primordia and I was looking to see who to join I saw your name under Aeres and thought this is for me and by god did I make a good choice! I have always seen you around and you have always been a great person to talk and play with on the server. It's sad to see you go but I understand that you want to focus on your life instead of a game you have lost interest in I know how that feels.

I hope you may come back later on and drop in to say hi and what not and see what goes on here :p


Aug 14, 2011
Reaction score
I remember my first memories in SMP where you told me how to get out of local chat. Literally the only reason that I joined Aeres was because you were the leader at the beginning. Then I went on t' invite others like EFC and Duderox, founded and became mayor of Corpios, and the rest is history. Wouldn't have happened if y' didn't tell me how t' get out of local chat. Thanks. c:

So I'm pretty sad t' see ya go, but have a great life, and try t' at least come on every month or two, please.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
That's never a good enough reason to leave the forums, in my eyes.

Most of them have more than school that they have to deal with. For example; parents' rules, moving, and life.

No no no, this is not acceptable.
As for these kinds of posts, I don't see why people do it... If people post these threads, they have obviously thought of the decisions they had to make. They love this community; maybe not as others, but they still love it in one way or another. If they post the thread, that means they make the ultimate decision, and we should accept that.

No offense indented to you, Dessern.

As I said before, Defiant; Enjoy life. ;)