To start, I'll say why I'm resigning. Some of you may know I moved across the country not two months ago. With moving, I've had to make several new adjustments. I have new friends, new activities, sports, etc. And right now I am trying to focus all my time on those things. I want to stop being the shy introvert I was in Alabama and change myself

With that, I have to make a few sacrifices unfortunately. One of these being the time I'd put into Blocktopia staffing. And if you've paid attention to me in the servers, you'll notice my activity has taken a turn for the worst. As time passed, I realized it was starting to become more of a chore to try to stay active in the servers. I decided I'd take a small semi-hiatus (combined with being grounded) to renew my interest. This has lasted a month now, and I still feel forced to go onto the server rather than glad. Of course, this is not anyone's fault, just my changing interest. And thus, I have decided I will resign.
Even though I usually say, "I'll stay active on the forums," this may not be the case this time. Along with the decreased interest in Minecraft, I've decreased interest in the forums. I'll most likely be finishing up the forum games I'm in, then retire my life as a forum junky having the most posts. That isn't to say I won't maybe visit the forums to have my say somewhere, but my days as the top poster may be numbered.
As well as leaving Minecraft, I may be leaving most video games overall (not certain yet). And as such, I'll be happy to give my e-mail to whomever wishes to remain in contact with me should they PM me. However, Steam, if I fade away from gaming, may not be as good a way to contact me.
Now I actually had plans to spend time creating a personal message to every friend I've made on Blocktopia, but that would take several
However, in the future, I will always look back to this community. I've participated in several communities, and this is by far my favorite. I'm glad I met every one of you. Without all of you, I'm afraid I would have been a lot different personality wise (and in a bad way). I may return one day, though.
I know I'll want to add more onto this later, but I've been working on this a couple days now and I feel like I should go ahead and post it. (also, final note: if I am participating in any forum games I will finish those)
So, in all, you are awesome.
Also if I do get the time I will make a personal message for everyone.