The Timeline of Blocktopia


The Pig
Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
davidjl123 According to my IRC logs, we set up #blocktopia on Fri Dec 03, 2010, at approximately 23:40:42 CST.

Also, my first logon to #theonemcft was on Fri Oct 16, 2009, and I didn't even know about the IRC until a week or two after I'd been promoted to operator on the server. Based on this I'd place my joining the community as being somewhere around...I dunno, October 9? October 2? Maybe? catgirl12466 do you remember if I was around when you joined the community? M_B_H do you?
You sir joined a tad before me I believe, Megatron said you're the third oldest I believe behind Mega and Iguana then myself

Pick Yer Poison

is a kid now, is a squid now
Aug 5, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks :D

But its excessively detailed for Blocktopias timeline - just date of creation of Minecraft, making it multilayer-enabled and major versions (Indev/Infdev/Apha/Beta/Full Release) would be enough ;)
Okay, the greater specification of "important milestones" helps there. It might be useful to include when SMP was released for reference, but that's about it, I think. It's obvious to everyone that Minecraft was created before the entire timeline, and no update thus far besides SMP has prompted us to drastically change our servers.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
10 - Global Controller rank abolished, Server Controller rank created.

Pretty sure this happened the same day Jayp94 was promoted.
Yep, you're right Global Controller being abolished was April 8th 2011, NOT December 10th 2010.
Kevin_28 resigned from Lava HC, Jayp94 was promoted in his place. In addition, Wooffus was promoted to SMP Controller.
The demoted global controllers were catgirl12466, xrat, 157359951735, Jaekza.

IntensiK was promoted to GLOBAL Controller on December 10th not Zombie Controller, he was then promoted to Zombie HC before the rank change.
xrat was the last promotion to global controller on February 4th.