Stories of Blocktopia Academy


Oct 20, 2012
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Alright, I gave a lot of thought into this. You don't like it? That's your problem. Some of it is based on Lava Survival, and some were just made up. So here it is...

I daydream around. Neon's off to some other school, and Aksu's on sick leave. I miss them.

"Hey, hey, HEY, what are you doing Kylie?!

Kylie was biting Mr. Zomble's arm.

When I saw her do that, I was afraid she'd become a zombie too, and that there'd be a zombie apocalypse on our hands.Then I reminded myself, this is Blocktopia, anything can happen. And besides, I was waiting for Toilet. So I pretended not to notice.

Was she planning on skipping school? No she wouldn't do that. Sick? Nah, too hyper. Then again, she's so hyper she could get sick by talking so much. So I decided she was sick.

"Hiiiii!" said a cheerful voice.

It was Toilet. She came after all. I smiled and answered her greeting. So did everyone else.

Mr Zombles is our teacher again this year. I was worried, because last year, he nearly turned us all into zombies. A simple slap brought him back to his right mind, and I sprinkle the magic stardust on the infected. Let's hope he doesn't try again...

School starts.

I sit at the back seat. I always take the back seat. I can do work more calmly there. Nico and Hender sit next to me, Toilet and Kylie at front, Deb in front of Mr Zomble's desk, Marn and Greg at middle row. Why was a cowpig and a hippo in school anyway? I don't actually mind because they are good friends, but still.

The principal is a man called Mr Wilson. He really likes coffee. He has a coffee machine in his office. He's a nice and fair man but strict. He's good at his job.

At lunchtime, I sat next to Copy. I haven't spoke to him for a while, so I want to see what he has in store for me. He had a story of when he copied some grumpy guy's face so accurately, everyone around him laughed. I thought that was rude, but he showed me a pic of the guy, and he imitated it so accurately I nearly spat out my milk. He's quite the copycat. Afterwards, I played hopscotch with Deepak.

During history, Mr Zombles taught us the story of Blocktopia all over again. All we did was copy notes. It was all boring, until the point where he said, "TheOne quit, and Snazz and Caznowl split TheOne into two." That was news to me.

When I got to the dorm, I thought of asking Kylie or Hender if they knew any more about the 'split in two' part, since they were prefects, but they didn't know. So I said 'Good night' and went to sleep.

*Note: Remember that first part? About Neon and Aksu?
Aksu won't be unbanned until 1st January (next year! aaaah) and Neon resigned. I changed it to something more fitting. So yeah.

Oh yeah, I've also got a new idea for this thread, so if I get 3 positive ratings and above, I'll post it later on. I'll also post it if someone asks me to post it straight. So yeah.


Oct 20, 2012
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Very nice Faliara! The only thing I see wrong is there are a lot of periods! How about putting some ","'s instead? c:
Nice writing :), but yea like Hender said, better punctuation.
I already said if you don't like it, that's your problem, but yeah, I'll take your advice. Thanks, next time (if there is) I'll take your advice.
And also, what's ","'s anyway?


Ah sowwie! I know, but I wanted to let you know that it makes it look not so sudden :c
","s are used when you're not stopping the sentence, just taking a small break. So when you're reading it it'll sound different in your head! Like how I used mine up there ^ :3


Oct 20, 2012
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Alright, I decided I'm just gonna post it. If possible, I'll post it when I get 3 positive ratings and above, but if I'm stumped, I'll post it later. If every day at Blocktopia Academy gets the 3 positive ratings I'll post it. Unless if the last post was the same day. Anyway, here is Day 2...

"Hey, you three, wake up! We'll be late!"

It was Grimm. She was shaking me repeatedly. Hender and Asian were doing the same to Kylie and Toilet.

"What is it?" I asked still half-asleep. Toilet was half-asleep too. Kylie was still sleeping. That's because all Hender was doing was poking her. Asian tries waking her up too. She became so frustrated that she yelled out loud.

She was so loud, we nearly became deaf because of her. "Sorry," said Asian.

At least Kylie woke up.

"So why-" I was cut off before I could finish. "We're going to be late!"

"Late for what?" asked Toilet.

"For school!" said Grimm hastily. "C'mon, everyone! Hurry! We've only got five minutes!"

Me and Toilet were in panic. We were about to go to the showers when Kylie asked, "Wait, isn't today Saturday?"

Hender checked her iPhone. Sure enough, today was Saturday.

Me, Toilet and Kylie looked at Hender, Asian and Grimm. Asian and Hender looked at Grimm. Grimm blushed with embarassment. I sighed.

"Oh well. Me, Nico, Mintie and Sz were planning on making a treehouse by the pond anyway, so I don't mind," I said.
"Did you get permission from Mr Wilson?" asked Hender.
"Yeah, we did," I answered.
"Good. If you didn't, you two would be in trouble," said Kylie.
"I know. That's why we asked first," I said.

I showered and wore my favourite blue hoodie with some blue jeans. I felt like going blue today. Besides, it's cold out, and the blue hoodie would keep me warm. I went off to the pond with some refreshments, since I was in charge of that.

When I got to the pond, no one was there. I came here early anyway, so it's not a surprise, I thought, and I sat under the tree we wanted to build the treehouse at. It's pretty shady there, and it's pretty strong too. Then, Nico came along.

"Sorry. Are we late?" Nico asked.
"Nope. I just came," I answered.
"Okay,' said Nico. "Dis you bring the refreshments?" he asked.
"Of course," I said.

After about 3 minutes, Sz and Mintie came. They were the ones that went to get the supplies, so of course they were the last to come.

"We're here," said Sz. "Thank you, Mr Obvious," I said in reply. Mintie chuckled a bit, and so we started on the treehouse. We planned on it not to be anything special, but something rather small. It felt special to us, though. We first started on the floor of the treehouse. After 3 minutes, we started on the fence (Don't ask why it took only 3 minutes to make the floor. This is MINECRAFT, of course we'd do it so turbo). Then we started on the walls. Then the roof. And that's it. We put a calming green carpet on the floor, and then we make a little table. We put 4 chairs, one for each of us, and then I put those 2 cushions I got last Sunday. And that's it. It looked very nice and comfy. We finished up the last of the refreshments and then I left the basket on the table.

"What are we gonna do now?" asked Mintie.
I thought about it. Then I noticed something.
"Hey, Fal, what are you doing?" asked Sz.
"What does it look like? I'm making windows!" I answered.
They looked around and notice that there weren't any windows too. They started punching little holes for the windows.

There, now it looked more proper. But there was still something missing. Two.

I searched my basket. I took out 4 glowstone that I always kept, thinking that there might be of use one day. That time is now. I placed 2 glowstone inside, and 2 outside. The treehouse was brighter.

"Right," I said. The sun is begining to set. "Let's go back to the main building and smelt some sand for windows. We'll place them tomorrow," I said.

So we all went back to the main building and smelt the right amount of sand for windows. We still had 2 more hours until curfew, so we planned on playing some games at the playroom.


That was Nico's stomach. All of our stomachs were doing the same. We had skipped lunch, and we still haven't ate dinner, so we went to the cafeteria. I took scramble eggs and milk for dinner. Sz had mooshroom soup, Mintie had rice and fishsticks, and Nico had pasta. We all ate to our heart's content, and THEN went to the playroom. Hender, Kylie, and Asian were there as well. Everyone in the playroom were having a chess tournament, and we joined in.
I only got 3rd place, but I felt proud either way.
10:00 pm was curfew. It was a tiring day, so I was about to sleep, when that topic came up into my mind.

'Split in two.'

I didn't ask anyone about it. Not even the caretaker at the playroom. But I was very tired. And sleepy. So I just said good night to Toilet who was reading a storybook, and went to sleep straight.


Oct 20, 2012
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Welp, my advisor and zombie survival friend, DarkHender, and the Op that I met when she was trusted, Kylieanna, told me to continue the story without waiting for the 3rd positive rating. So here it is...

I yawn loudly.

I rub my eyes and look out the window. It was a sunny Sunday. I knew what was I going to do today. Me, Sz, Nico and Mintie are going to place the windows.

I searched through my my drawers. I took out 4 more pieces of glowstone. I also took out my bow and arrows. There are bound to be some mobs. The treehouse wasn't lit up properly. I also took my homework and pencilbox. I put the items in the basket and then went to the showers. On my way, I bumped into Toilet.

"Gooooood morniiiing Fal!" said Toilet cheerfully.
"Good morning," I replied. "Where are you going?"
"To the the library, silly! I have to do my homework," answered Toilet. "Where are you going, hm?"
"I was heading to the showers," I said.
"Ah, I meant where are you going after that," said Toilet.
"To the treehouse," I answered.
"What about your homework?" she asked.
"I was planning on doing it there," I said in reply. "It's more calming."
"Oh. Well, that seems more fun!" she said. "Can I join you?"
"Ok," I said. I'm gonna go shower first, 'kay?"
"Alright, I'll wait," said Toilet.

I showered and wore a yellow t-shirt with sparkles, with soft pants. I like those pants. They keep me comfy.

I took my basket and we ate breakfast, and we were on our way, when we bumped into Kylie.

She was eating a chocolate bar. "Mornin' evryone" she said with her mouth full. "Good morning Kylie," I answered. "Good morning Kylie! Hey can I have a chocolate bar too?" asked Toilet. "Sure!" said Kylie."You can have one too, Fal,"

I ate my chocolate and threw the wrapping into a rubbish bin, while Toilet and Kylie ate their chocolate along with the wrapping. Well, that's not a surprise.Considering they're both half-wolves.

"So, where are you going?" asked Kylie. We told we were going to the treehouse me, Nico, Sz and Mintie built yesterday. "Can I come?" she asked, then the same thing repeats with Greg and Rex.

And the answer was the same with Toilet. We now have 8 people.

When we arrived, Sz, Mintie and Nico were already there.

"Sorry that I'm late," I said in apology.
"It's ok. Hey, you have more people!" said Sz.
"Yup," said Kylie.
"Hello!" said Toilet.

When we climbed up, my theory was proven right. Good thing I brought my bow and arrow.

There were skeletons and zombies. Apparently Sz and Nico had guessed this too. Rex always has his sword, so good for him. Luckily there weren't any enderman and creepers. They could destroy the treehouse.

When all the mobs were killed, I placed the glowstone that I brought. In the end, this was the layout:
C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures\treehouse layout.png
We all did our homework in that treehouse. The homework was page 27.

The first question was: What was Blocktopia originally called?
The answer was obvious. TheOne.
The other questions were obvious too. Then this one question catched my eye.
When TheOne quit, who were the two that split TheOne apart?
Seriously?! This has gone for 3 days now. Give me a break, I thought.
I wrote in; Caznowl and Snazz. Then that was it. I finished my homework.

"Finished," I said immediately.

Kylie, Toilet and Sz were finished too. Rex and Nico were finished as well, but they were helping Mintie and Greg.

And then they finished too, so we all played Tic Tac Toe. It started to get boring, so Toilet suggested we go to the spleef arena.

I loved spleefing. I never win, but it was still fun. We packed up our things and went to the spleef arena. We had a blast. We played until sunset. Then we went and had dinner. There was still 2 hours and 30 minutes, so I went to the library. I mean, who wants some stupid subject on history stuck in your mind?

It didn't take long. And I was disapointed. Apparently that was it. So yeah, now I have to wait for another subject to get stuck in my mind. I went to the playroom and played Scrabble with Copy and Hender.And Kylie ate 10 pages of a sketchbook. She would have ate it whole, but the caretaker stopped her in time.

When I went to the dorm, I still wasn't tired. So was Toilet. We decided to read a book. We shared bunk beds, and Kylie and Hender were at the bunk bed beside us. We read it until we were finally sleepy, and went to sleep. I said good night to Toilet and then had a dream about sheep jumping over 10 meter tall tree.


Oct 20, 2012
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I would have posted this earlier, but I was busy for most of the day. And I can't post it on the iPad, either, because it gets blocked by the 'iPad Keyboard'. And also, I didn't play Minecraft today, because (same reason as why I didn't post earlier). Anyway, what everyone was waiting for...

Me, Kylie, Toilet, Hender and Asian wake up on the sound of the alarm clock.

I yawn quietly, unlike yesterday's yawn. I stretch my arms, only to be startled by Toilet's enormous yawn. The mark of a new day.

"Good morning, Toilet," I reply to that yawn of a giant.
"Goooooooood morniiiiiiing!" said Toilet.

Asian walks towards Toilet. It's not hard to tell from the top bunk.
"Everyone had already woken when the alarm clock rang up," Asian teased. "You didn't have to do that."
"But I was still half-asleep," said Kylie. "If it weren't for Toilet, I would have slept right back in. Thanks Toilet."
"No problemo!" said Toilet.

I climbed down the bunk bed. I notice Grimm was not at her bed. It looks like she already made a run for the showers.

"I'm off to the showers," I say as I took my school clothes. Honestly, the uniform isn't much. You get to pick between a long skirt, short skirt, and pants. It doesn't really matter which you choose, unless you're a boy. If you're a boy, you have to choose pants. I always wear pants. Short skirts have a high chance to get into an embarrassing situation. Long skirts are very hot, and it's hard to sit cross-legged. That's why I chose pants, even though I'm a girl. the top, is just plain white with a pocket. The logo is sewn on that pocket.

I showered quickly, so that the other two get a chance. Each room in a dorm fits six people, and there are two bathrooms per room. I wore my uniform and went out. Hender made a run for it. Poor Kylie.

I went to the class. Nico was already there, and so was Marn, Deb, Greg and Mintie. You see, the classroom layout is like this:
C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures\treehouse layout.png
(And, by the way, copy that link and paste it on a new tab, and then try. I tried it; it works for me. If it doesn't work, tell me. If it does, tell me anyway so I know it works for everyone else :))

"Good morning everyone!" I said.
"Good morning Fal,""Hi Fal!" "Hello,""Hey hi ho hum,"
etc, etc.

And then, that burst of hyper-hum comes along.

"HEEEEELLLO PEOPLE!!!!" Toilet bursts into the classroom making her grand entrance.

Kylie giggled. Then she saw Greg and bit his hat. And the she ate half of it. And then she would've kept eating if Greg didn't stop her.

"Seriously, stop."

Kylie stopped. Then she bit Greg's head.

"Ow!!!" Greg exclaimed.

Kylie gave the stick-out-tongue expression :-)p) and sat at her seat. Mintie sits next to Kylie and Toilet, and Kylie sits at the middle, so I sort of feel sorry for her since Mintie, well, tastes like mint. I often see Kylie eating her hair...

Hender comes in. Everyone greets her like she was some popstar. That's the advantage of being the most popular girl in class and, probably the whole school. It's not hard to understand why is she so popular. I mean, she's so pretty, so nice, so smart...

Kevin comes along in a sluggish way. At first he looks like that, and then...
"It tickles! Stop it!" says Deb, laughing.
"I like doing that," said Kevin, laughing as well.
"Well, today we learn that Kevin likes to tickle people," I said.
Nearly half the class laughed.

Berner comes along. "Good morning, Berner!"
"Mornin', Sunshine!" said Berner. I giggled. Berner often said that as a greeting.
And then more greetings again. That may be boring, but students in Blocktopia Academy, well, one of the rules is to be nice. And that's not hard, because nearly everyone here is born kind, or came here kind. And this school turns mean people into kind, jolly people. That's why I like this school. It's so... nice.

Mr Zombles comes in. That very second, Kylie swoops to steal the teacher's coat to eat.
"No, Kylie!" he said, laughing.
"But... I want a snack..."
"No snacks until recess."
"Awww..." Kylie said. Everyone giggled at Kylie and Mr Zomble's comical start. It seems to always happen every morning.

"Today, we are going to learn maths," said Mr Zombles as he hangs his hat.
Nearly the entire class groaned at this. I'm really bad at maths. Especially multiplication.
Luckily for me, it was only division. Although, I don't understand why, but some people find it harder than multiplication. That's only them, though.

The bell rang. I heard sighs of relief. The homework for today is to do page 34 of our activity book. Based entirely on division.

I went to the treehouse to eat lunch. And apparently Mintie, Sz, Nico, Toilet and Copy wanted to do the same thing.

"Hey," said I (does it sound wrong? it was intentional :p).
"Helloooo, Fal!" said Toilet.
"Why did we want to eat lunch here anyway?" said Sz.

Op, looks like it's an hour pass bedtime. to be continued


Oct 20, 2012
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Returning from sleep. Let's continue shall we? Now. where were we...

"Hey," said I (does it sound wrong? it was intentional :p).
"Helloooo, Fal!" said Toilet.
"Why did we want to eat lunch here anyway?" said Sz.

"I dunno, I guess it's nice here," said Mintie.

Copy was busy stuffing his mouth.

"Mhm," he said munching his fish.

I found that amusing. Then, Hender, Kylie, Xgen and Trngl comes.

"Oh, hey Young Goat!" he says as he sees me eating my choco chip cookies. I thought I lived that down a long time ago.

"Hello, Trngl," I say to the head prefect. I'm lucky he didn't set it as my title.

And then more greetings, vice-versa.

"Can we join you?" asked Hender.
"Of course, climb up!" I answered as they climb up the ladder.
"Thanks," said Hender.

We all ate lunch together and then Toilet, Kylie, Hender and Mintie played Scrabble. Sz and Trngl played chess. I practiced my recorder with Xgen, Nico and Copy. After this, it's music session.

The bell rings and we all go to our classes. Trngl, Sz, Copy and Xgen went to other classes. Trngl and Copy goes to Mr Sploork's class. Surprisingly, he teached us music. Mr Zombles went to teach English language at Deepak's class.I don't know who teaches what at Trngl's class...

When Mr Sploork came in, it was obvious that Trngl told him what he called me.

"Fal, you're a YOUNG GOAT?!" Sploork yelled.
"Trngl told you that, didn't he," I said in frustration.

Then we learnt a new song. Good thing I practiced my recorder.

In the middle of the class, dang creeper came into the class. I suddenly became panicked, but then I learnt it was just Shocker's creature, Creeeeepey. I sighed with relief. Shocker loved creepers.

"Creeeepey, don't wander around! You might cause panic!" Shock said apparently worn out from chasing him.

Creeepey moaned. Shock sighed and took him. "Sorry Mr Sploork," said Shocker as he went back to his class.
Mr Sploork, obviously relieved, sat down and continued to teach us music.

Then the bell rang. School was over for the day. I walked out of the classroom and went to the treehouse. I did my homework there. Then I boringly put my homework into my bag, showered and wore my pajamas, and went to the cafeteria to eat dinner.

I sat with Hender, Kylie and Toilet. And then I boringly ate dinner while talking with the group.

"It was such a surprise, wasn't it?""Yeah, it was,"

And then vice-versa.

I feel, like, really bored when Toilet invited me to the spleef arena. That perked me up. I played along and still losed sadly ;-;. Then, we went to the Zombie Survival arena. Sz was chosen as the zombie, and then his first blood was James Rgarside. That made me panic. Then he found me immediately and then I became a zombie as well.

"Why do I always get infected?"
"Because I'm here," James said proudly.

Then we went to the Lava Survival arena. Trngl was there, and then I got given the title of Young Goat I made a tree with Sz and Greg. Mr Sploork burned it down though. Then Greg did countless attempts to kick him out, but failed. Sad.

Then I went to the playroom, went to the dorm early because I was bored, read a story book, it was Toilet's turn to sleep at the top bunk, and just when I was going to sleep at 8 30 pm...

She was so loud the whole building shaked.

Aw, great. I was just about to sleep too... Wait... Creature party?

"A creature party?" I asked.
"Yep! Grab Rya, Mia, Cyan and Green! I'm taking Perncess and Turbo Duck!" said Toilet enthusiastically.

I forgot, whenever we feel like it, we start a creature party. The location is chosen randomly. Last time it was at Class Moon (Deepak's class). I guess this time it's the playroom.

Oh yeah, about the classes, it's divided like as if it was the milky way. Sz goes to Class Sun. I go to Class Star. Deepak goes to Class Moon. Then there's Class Pluto, Class Jupiter, Class Mercury, Class Venus, Class Earth, Class Mars, Class Saturn, Class Uranus, Class Neptune, Class Meteor, Class Supernova and Class Black. Yes, Class Black means Black Hole. For the disabled. Class Supernova is for the best students. Yes, Trngl goes to Class Supernova.

Anyway... We all went to the playroom with our creatures. Everyone that has and doesn't have a creature was there. We all look at each other's creatures, say nice things about them, vice-versa. But the best part is the battles. Rya is my first and favourite duck. She's also the fighting duck. She may not be strong, but she can go stronger and beat all the newbies like a bawss get more experience. She's nearly got enough to evolve.

The party was over. I went to sleep straight. it was a very nice time.