Just incase you haven't heard yet, the LSMP staff finally took the last straw of people AFKing in spawnhouses and not doing anything constructive in them. From this point, spawnhouses are now illegal until a better alternative is available for us. If we catch any spawnhouses made by anyone during a round, we will take action as if they were a part of the rules - which means warning, kicking, or banning the individual if necessary. If you have any questions or concerns, please reply to this thread. Thanks.
Now, there IS an exceptions to this rule. After lava floods the spawn, then it becomes acceptable for players to tunnel out of the spawn to a safe area, or in rare cases to the spawn in the event that players lack the materials to make it necessary to do it themselves.
The spawns have been edited so you will be provided enough space in order to tunnel out or in accordingly. That way, you shouldn't have to rant too much about not being able to venture anywhere due to being trapped at the spawn.
EDIT: For those wondering about what players are suppose to do that join the round while it is in session, there WILL be future updates that are released to solve this sort of issue. Stay updated for more information to be released.