Survivor Cephalonia


Jul 17, 2012
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DillonSaysRawr this is a dangerous move, but I assume solis is going to keep being stubborn. Would you and Ooglie101 want to form an alliance with me? Dillon I know you've fought amazingly well to stick in the game and I would have thought to include you in the plan I was trying to show solis but It was too far fetched and I only had enough steam to try and keep MYSELF in the game.
Ooglie, we were originally in a tribe together, and so far this game I have done no harm to you, and plan on continuing that streak. obviously you have a potential alliance with solis, but how about change things up? My guess is that he didn't include ME in the alliance because he wanted fodder and didn't want another alpha personality so he could win easier.
Join with us? <3


Aug 31, 2012
Reaction score
DillonSaysRawr this is a dangerous move, but I assume solis is going to keep being stubborn. Would you and Ooglie101 want to form an alliance with me? Dillon I know you've fought amazingly well to stick in the game and I would have thought to include you in the plan I was trying to show solis but It was too far fetched and I only had enough steam to try and keep MYSELF in the game.
Ooglie, we were originally in a tribe together, and so far this game I have done no harm to you, and plan on continuing that streak. obviously you have a potential alliance with solis, but how about change things up? My guess is that he didn't include ME in the alliance because he wanted fodder and didn't want another alpha personality so he could win easier.
Join with us? <3
This right here sounds like a brilliant idea! If we can make it to the top 3, it will be very interesting. I'm digging this :m ! We can team up, and take Solis and Forest down. Lets Do It!


Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
Ooglie101 and Forest_Knight. Here is the thing. If you guys go to the Finals with Dillon and Noma you guys are DOOMED. Why? Because Dillon is the most likeable players out there. So going with him to the finals it's just a suicide mission. And Noma its the same.

Just saying. Better to go to the finals. Forest, Ooglie and me.
That's exactly what I just stated. You didn't want me or dillon in your alliance because you knew we were tough competition, and I was an alpha type just like you, Dillon plain lucky and likeable. Ooglie he's using you and forest. I want you to realize that.


Jul 17, 2012
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That's precisely what Voldemort thought.
Also that wasn't my reasoning. My reasoning was that I promised to do no harm to ooglie when our tribe first was destroyed, because we were original teammates. I have a promise to him to keep him safe as long as I can, Can you say the same? I won't betray him as soon as the alliance tips in my favor. Can you say the same?
I'm not using him. In all honesty, Can you say the same?


AoD and A&T Op
May 3, 2012
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Nomasaurus. That's a lie. You didn't kept him safe. He was ALWAYS safe because he was always inside the big alliance. When Vati told my tribe to join we accepted. And then I remember your tribe was mixed. Noma you came to my tribe. Ooglie to Vati's tribe and Fox to 77's Tribe. Thats when the Big Alliacne started.
Ooglie wasnt safe because of YOU. He was safe first because he is a clever guy that has made it this far and because of the effort of EVERYONE. Not just you. So don't take the credit.


Forever Shining
Jan 1, 2012
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Sigh, I had a good run. To all those that are still in the game, I wish you luck! You guys deserve to be there. Overall I have no real regrets, and no real grudges, so when it comes to the time when I have my vote in the Jury, it's up in the air!
Special shout-out to, well, everyone, from Dio and nit, to Noma and solis. You have all made this a worthwhile and incredibly fun game.
P.S. Why so many dislikes o.o.
EDIT: vati180, Bernerbear13, Silvuss, Forest_Knight, special-special shout out, for that original tribe!
DOUBLE EDIT: Sorry, man why does this guy keep making edits? o.o, anyway, I'll continue making recaps

Voting recap Fifteen:

As Night leaves the island, Dilly faces down the alliance that is surrounding him. People, in fear of talking, creates a few dull days. solis steps in, proposing that they vote for Dilly again (only non-alliance member), and use the randomizer once more to send someone in. jeff (former sole-survivor), deciding to take matters into his own hands, steals a helicopter, and flies in giving a speech to solis (and everyone else), saying he should take John and Dilly into the final three, for they've fought the hardest. The alliance however continues with their plan, and ansoro apologizes on behalf of jeff. John's name is spit out of the randomizer, and John and Dilly are voted into the danger zone. John takes a stroll down the beach, taking in the sunrise on his possible last day on the island. ansoro has them pick a number from 1-100, and the one that picks the closer number is voted off. John picks a number, but unannounced to all, Dilly secretly held the hidden immunity idol, and used it, instantly kicking John from the island. John's long journey in the isles of Greece came to a close, and he became the fifth member of the Jury. Five are left.


Aug 31, 2012
Reaction score
Sigh, I had a good run. To all those that are still in the game, I wish you luck! You guys deserve to be there. Overall I have no real regrets, and no real grudges, so when it comes to the time when I have my vote in the Jury, it's up in the air!
Special shout-out to, well, everyone, from Dio and nit, to Noma and solis. You have all made this a worthwhile and incredibly fun game.
P.S. Why so many dislikes o.o.

Voting recap Fifteen:

As Night leaves the island, Dilly faces down the alliance that is surrounding him. People, in fear of talking, creates a few dull days. solis steps in, proposing that they vote for Dilly again (only non-alliance member), and use the randomizer once more to send someone in. jeff (former sole-survivor), deciding to take matters into his own hands, steals a helicopter, and flies in giving a speech to solis (and everyone else), saying he should take John and Dilly into the final three, for they've fought the hardest. The alliance however continues with their plan, and ansoro apologizes on behalf of jeff. John's name is spit out of the randomizer, and John and Dilly are voted into the danger zone. John takes a stroll down the beach, taking in the sunrise on his possible last day on the island. ansoro has them pick a number from 1-100, and the one that picks the closer number is voted off. John picks a number, but unannounced to all, Dilly secretly held the hidden immunity idol, and used it, instantly kicking John from the island. John's long journey in the isles of Greece came to a close, and he became the fifth member of the Jury. Five are left.
Sorry about that <3 You are my sole-survivor <3


Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
*starts breaking out some crazy dance moves, then starts dancing a jig*
Might as well have fun.

As I wait for Ooglie to respond about the alliance, I walk along the beach, looking for a peaceful place to let my torrent of thoughts and emotions free. After walking for what must have been an hour, I find myself on a completely different part of the island. instead of thick jungle, all there is behind me is a grassy field several miles long, with steep mountains. No jungle in sight. I see a driftwood log on the sand just waiting to be sat down, so I sit. And I empty my problems into the vast ocean, waiting for tomorrow, and waiting for decisions.