This happened to me for about a year. My alarm clock would go off at around 2-4 am randomly, always scaring me to death. Keep in mind the alarm I had set was for around 9 am, so it's a huge difference.My alarm clock keeps making odd noises at night and sometimes they wake me up.
You know me too well.RANDOM SHORT STORY TIME:
So it was last night I was having a dream in which iiDeathCookies was in. I was eating ramen in a dark room by myself (I like to eat in dark places okay) when suddenly I heard a tremor and laughing coming from behind me. I turned to see zel standing behind me and giving a creepy smile. She then flew into the air kicked me in the chest sat down on the table and started eating the ramen saying "MY MOMMY MADE THIS FOR ME! NOT FOR YOU!" I was sitting there upset because I couldn't eat my ramen :c.
Anyways now I don't want to eat ramen in dark places
This reminds me of an episode of 'Doctor Who. Look in the corner of your eye, your mind doesn't want to see what it actually does.Every. Time. I. Walk. Home. Alone. I'm not sure whether I've heard too many stories about teenage girls being raped/molested while being alone, but everytime I walk home I'm always ready to give anyone a powerful kick because every stranger trailing behind me is a potential rapist/molester e_e
And I have this house overseas where I would go there during school holidays. Every time I'm alone at the kitchen, I would sometimes see stuff out of the corner of my eye. I'm not sure whether I'm being paranoid or hallucinating, but sometimes when I turn my head I would see a brief flash and then turn my head to see that nothing has happened.
I know that feeling too well .~. It got better for me after googling about people's opinions of slenderman online though.Watched someone play slenderman, couldn't sleep for fear of him manifestating himself in front of me.
I can relate to both really well. Particularly the second story. The thing is, (and I may sound crazy) I always go to check out the space I saw the flash.Every. Time. I. Walk. Home. Alone. I'm not sure whether I've heard too many stories about teenage girls being raped/molested while being alone, but everytime I walk home I'm always ready to give anyone a powerful kick because every stranger trailing behind me is a potential rapist/molester e_e
And I have this house overseas where I would go there during school holidays. Every time I'm alone at the kitchen, I would sometimes see stuff out of the corner of my eye. I'm not sure whether I'm being paranoid or hallucinating, but sometimes when I turn my head I would see a brief flash and then turn my head to see that nothing has happened.
;u; I'll just be too creeped out to check it out.Normally I'll just act normal like nothing has happened :uI can relate to both really well. Particularly the second story. The thing is, (and I may sound crazy) I always go to check out the space I saw the flash.