Survivor Tetepare


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
I notice the camera crew filming raxo and jivvi, and since 'I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be famous!' I say "Hey, watch me spearfish!" I dive in with only a bamboo stick, and come out 3 minutes later with 10 fishies and an eel on the stick. Seafood Salad for the Green Tribe (Whatever it's called)!!!


Jan 12, 2012
Reaction score
When I arrived at the camp I could already see a group huddled over by the coconut pile. They seemed to be talking strategy. Over by the fire I saw a wild boar roasting on a spit, and wow did it smell good. Under one of the palm trees there was a hammock and a woman laying in it. I decided to walk up and say hello. It turned out it was Hypeburst and she was asleep. I must have startled her because she began saying, "WHAT? WHAT? WHAT DO YOU MEAN? GET ME MORE LEMONADE!" I did as she asked, although I was unsure of where I was going to find lemons. Did they even grow on this island? But sure enough, there was a lemon tree about a quarter of a mile away from camp. I also had to go find the sugarcane and some freshwater which wasn't much of a problem. I mixed it up and brought it to her. She looked confused and said, "Well thank you, that was very kind of you to do." I turned around and began to walk away. "Hey you! Stop! Come back!," she screamed. I turned around. "Hey. You're storm aren't you? I remember you from the Zombie Server. You're welcome to stay in my hut; I have a spare bed." I decided to take her offer and I went inside. I set my stuff on the bed and shortly after I could hear Vati calling out. It was time for dinner.


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
Hey, people in TV, watch me collecting coconuts!

Goes to nearby coconut palms and falcon-punches them. One of coconuts feel on Jivvis head.
-Jivvi was stirred in his sleep by a coconut falling on his head. The first time, and the second and thried, all he did was throw it back. Raxo got a surpise the fourth time when a hand grenade came flying into his basket instead. Eventually Jivvi just uprooted the palm and hit Raxo over the head with it. He stuck it back in its hole and walked off in search of fish-


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
Forest_Knight the only reason I'm voting for you is that you do have experience in the game, and you've gotten very far in past seasons. It's all messed up with the giga tribes, so yeah. I wasn't going to vote for you initially, but maaybe I'll vote for someone else along with the other person I'll be voting for, if a said someone else happens to bring another reason for me to vote. It's too early in the game to really do much other than vote on our past experiences, and those who have none may vote somewhat randomly without reason, or follow those with the strongest arguments.


Sep 21, 2011
Reaction score
Hockey and nitasu?
What about them? I thought we all you me vati 77 and hype were going to vote hockey
We have to vote out two players from the other tribe. : P Plus, don't listen to Hockey; he always try to confuse people..
Forest_Knight the only reason I'm voting for you is that you do have experience in the game, and you've gotten very far in past seasons. It's all messed up with the giga tribes, so yeah. I wasn't going to vote for you initially, but maaybe I'll vote for someone else along with the other person I'll be voting for, if a said someone else happens to bring another reason for me to vote. It's too early in the game to really do much other than vote on our past experiences, and those who have none may vote somewhat randomly without reason, or follow those with the strongest arguments.
I completely understand, I don't have a problem with you voting me. I'm expecting to get voted out early because of that reason, but I'm still going to try to win :p


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
Hockey and nitasu?
What about them? I thought we all you me vati 77 and hype were going to vote hockey
We have to vote out two players from the other tribe. : P Plus, don't listen to Hockey; he always try to confuse people..
Forest_Knight the only reason I'm voting for you is that you do have experience in the game, and you've gotten very far in past seasons. It's all messed up with the giga tribes, so yeah. I wasn't going to vote for you initially, but maaybe I'll vote for someone else along with the other person I'll be voting for, if a said someone else happens to bring another reason for me to vote. It's too early in the game to really do much other than vote on our past experiences, and those who have none may vote somewhat randomly without reason, or follow those with the strongest arguments.
I completely understand, I don't have a problem with you voting me. I'm expecting to get voted out early because of that reason, but I'm still going to try to win :p

Well, why vote for me though, you know as well as I do that I haven't done well in any season, it gives me a legitimate reason to let me at least get to the merge, because I know a lot about Survivor and I can help people :D

Also, good luck on winning! May Jeff Probst preserve you! (and me too)