Survivor Tetepare


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The Survivors that received the most amount of votes and were in the danger zone are... digitalmez, raxo2222, storm886 and 77_is_the_best.​
But the Survivor who is out of Survivor Tetepare is... 77_is_the_best
Digitalmez used her immunity. Even though her name didn't came out.​
Digitalmez, Storm and Raxo. You're all safe.​
Raxo received 8 votes​
77 received 6 votes​
Storm received 6 votes​
Hype received 4 votes​
Awwwyea received 2 votes​
Kattzen received 2 votes​
Fruit received 1 vote​
Mario received 1 vote​
Who voted for who:​
Raxo- Awwwyea, Hype and Kattzen​
Digital- Storm, Awwwyea and Raxo​
Mario- Raxo, Storm and 77​
Hype- Raxo, Storm and Kattzen​
Smoggy- Raxo, Storm and 77​
Storm- Hype, 77 and Fruit​
Fruit- Storm, Raxo and 77​
Awwwyea- Raxo, Hype and 77​
77- Storm, Raxo and Mario​
Kattzen- Hype, 77 and Raxo​
77, please leave every conversation you were on about Survivor please.​
77, you're the First Member of the Jury. Stay in touch with the thread because you'll be very important at the end.​
You can say one last statement if you wish.​
77_is_the_best, the Tribe have spoken.​
11 down. 9 left.​