Survivor Tetepare


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The Survivors that received the most votes against and were in danger of leaving the game are... raxo2222, storm886 and vati180
But the Survivor who is out of Survivor Tetepare is... vati180
Raxo and Storm. You're both safe.​
Raxo received 9 votes​
Storm received 8 votes​
Vati received 6 votes​
Awwwyea received 4 votes​
HypeBurst received 2 votes​
Kattzen received 2 votes​
77 received 1 vote​
Mario received 1 vote​
Who voted for who:​
Digital- Raxo, Awwwyea and Storm​
Raxo- Awwwyea, Kattzen and Vati​
Mario- Storm. Raxo and Vati​
Vati- Awwwyea, Raxo and Storm​
Hype- Raxo, Storm and Awwwyea​
Smoggy- Raxo, Storm and Vati​
Storm- Hype, Vati and Kattzen​
Fruit- Raxo, Vati and Storm​
Awwwyea- Raxo, Vati and 77​
77- Storm, Raxo and Mario​
Kattzen- Hype, Storm and Raxo​
Vati, please leave every single conversation about Survivor.​
You can say one last statement if you wish.​
Vati, the tribe have spoken.​
10 down. 10 left.​


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Congratulations Top 10
You have outlasted the other 10 Survivors.​
You will be voting for 3 Survivors. But remember, from now on who ever gets voted out will be part of the Jury and you'll need his/her help at the end in order to win.​
2 days to make strategy.​
Good Luck.​


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
This will be an interesting challenge. So listen carefully. Each one of you will have to choose a number. The Survivor who chooses the number I had in mind will have the power, for this Tribal Council only, to choose who ever he/she wants to send directly to the danger zone. So there will be FOUR people in the danger zone. The one who gets sent directly to the danger zone still needs to vote but people can't vote for him/her since he/she will be already in danger.​
Post in this same thread which number you want.​
1- Taken by Raxo​
2- Taken by Fruit​
3- Taken by Smoggy​
4- Taken by Storm​
5- Taken by 77​
6- Taken by Digital​
7- Taken by Awwwyea​
8- Taken by Mario​
9- Taken by Kattzen​
10- Taken by HypeBurst​


Ghast Hunter
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Mmm, I'm starting to slip into a hotspot with them 4 votes aren't I? I didn't realize people were starting to point the gun in my direction, so this is surprising.

Well, the game is half over now, so I wish the best of luck to you all, because everyone knows my good luck is bad luck.

Leaving the circle on the coast, I wander into the forest in the only direction I haven't gone yet -- the one with the crazy snakes and shit everywhere. Continuing along, beating things unconscious and chopping off snake heads with a machete (It's actually just a pocket knife fastened to a bamboo stick).

I come across a small clearing with a pond. More intriguingly, a large glimmer appears from the other side. I make my across to discover a downed airplane that crashed some time ago. The metal wasn't completely rusted, and nature hadn't intruded upon the small aircraft to say it hadn't happened in the last year. But why this island? Perhaps there is a link between this recent crash and Survivor, or was it complete coincidence?

While exploring the plane for things to salvage, I lose my sense of direction and can't return to ask the hosts about such a phenomenon. Instead, I clean up the plane, and spend the next day or so cleaning it up and setting it flat to be a livable base.


Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
I have no clue what to do this voting. I've been at a loss for quite some time.

Everyone seems to be voting for raxo, myself included, and he has survived the danger zone several times already. I don't even know why, he just seems to be the free agent and somewhat a potential threat.

Some people also keep voting for storm. I personally voted for storm because a while ago, smoggy invited him into a convo with some people, to try and agree on who to vote on, and he turned around and voted for me and smoggy.

And as for Awwwyea, I'm not sure why he got those few votes. I voted for him once or twice because he voted for me that one time. For some reason I pair Kattzen and Awwwyea together in my head. They feel like, the 2 odd ones out, and might be in an alliance, not sure though.

There's 77 whom I believe agreed on a voting with early on, and don't really see a threat there.

Digi has an immunity, so there's somewhat of a threat there, but not much really.

And I haven't had any bumps down the road really with the rest. Only really talked with Hype and Mario is when we were in that original tribe, but asides from that, not much.

Weeeeee a post about voting in the actual thread.

So basically, I could continue on the path I'm going and just go with whoever seems to be getting the most votes, or try and change it up a bit, but I wouldn't know who else to vote for :m