I never once said in that post that you should be able to 1v5. Im agreeing with you, thats how you carry. I was saying that jay is basically validating all low elo players to claim that they are in 'elo hell' because they cant CARRY (NOT 1v5 I NEVER SAID THAT) their team/against the enemy team.
If you are a fed vayne you still can't 1v5 the enemy team. You need your team mates help through them soaking up damage, them peeling for you, and them CCing the enemy team. Even a 0-10 Lee Sin can still be good for something.
Carrying a game is not being fed to 1v5, or even 1v3 for that matter. Carrying is winning your lane hard and fast enough to spread your influence to the other 2 lanes before those lanes lose. That means to carry you need to kill, push, take tower, push to inner turret, roam, kill mid, take dragon, counter-jungle, etc.
hmmmm..... so your saying all of us were arguing against each other but defending the same point .... hmmmmmm
quick topic change needed, so who here hates post-rework yi