But the Survivor who is out of Survivor Rock Islands is... Natsu
Nitasu, 755, Mythelf and Raxo. You're all safe.
Raxo received 4 votes
Natsu received 3 votes
Mythelf received 3 votes
Nitasu received 3 votes
755 received 3 votes
Notty received 2 votes
Who voted for who:
Omunu Tribe
Crash- 755
Stretford- 755
Nitasu- 755
Storm- Nitasu
Faliara- Nitasu
755- Nitasu
Utanu Tribe
Mythelf- Natsu
Smoggy- Natsu
Hockey- Natsu
Lovedaice- Mythelf
Ooglie- Mythelf
Natsu- Mythelf
Isalu Tribe
Notty- Raxo
Fjm- Raxo
Pim- Raxo
77- Raxo
Wasup- Notty
Raxo- Notty
Natsu, you can say one last statement if you wish
Stay in touch with the thread because there might exist the possibility that you can return to the game
Natsu, the Tribe have spoken.
10 down. 17 left.