Survivor Rock Islands


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The Survivors who received the most votes against are... raxo2222, nitasu987 and wasup58. But none of them are leaving.​
Since there were 3 players that voted but just voted for one person. They weren't careful at reading the thread. And there's no more time so... 755someone755, Crashb23 and Fjm12 were the ones.​
So the Survivor who is out of Survivor Rock Islands is... crashb23
Raxo, Nitasu, Wasup you're all safe.​
Fjm and 755. You guys too. Next time read carefully. Things like this can cost you the game.​
Raxo received 8 votes​
Nitasu received 7 votes​
Wasup received 7 votes​
Fjm received 4 votes​
755 received 4 votes​
Notty received 3 votes​
Faliara received 3 votes​
Mythelf received 2 votes​
Pim received 1 vote​
Hockey received 1 vote​
Love received 1 vote​
Ooglie received 1 vote​
Who voted for who:​
Raxo- Notty, Fjm and 755​
Was- axo, Mythelf and Nitasu​
Love- Pim, Hockey and Mythelf​
Smoggy- Faliara, Love and Ooglie (He will be away for a while so he told me to randomize his votes for him)​
Notty- Raxo, Nitasu and Wasup​
Faliara- Raxo, Wasup and Nitasu​
Stretford- Notty, Fjm and 755​
77- Wasup, Raxo and Nitasu​
Hockeyfan- Taxom Faliara and Wasup​
Pim- Raxo, Nitasu and Wasup​
Nitasu- 755, Fjm and Notty​
Mythelf- 755, Faliara and Fjm​
Storm- Wasup, Nitasu and Raxo​
Ooglie- Wasup, Raxo and Nitasu​
755- Voted wrong​
Fjm- Voted wrong​
Crash- Voted wrong​
Crash, there can still exist the possibility to return to the game. So keep in otuch with the thread.​
You can say one last statement if you wish.​
Crash, sorry to say, but you're out.​
11 down. 16 left.​


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
Why are you all voting for me, I'm so aggravated! I mean, come on. Voting for Raxo I understand, but me? Yes, I've played in all 4 previous seasons but I barely got far in ANY of them.

Because we have to vote someone =c

But why meeeee? :p

I mean seriously, there are MUCH more threatening players out there right now.