The Survivors who received the most votes against are...
nitasu987 and
wasup58. But none of them are leaving.
Since there were 3 players that voted but just voted for one person. They weren't careful at reading the thread. And there's no more time so... 755someone755, Crashb23 and Fjm12 were the ones.
So the Survivor who is out of Survivor Rock Islands is...
Raxo, Nitasu, Wasup you're all safe.
Fjm and 755. You guys too. Next time read carefully. Things like this can cost you the game.
Raxo received 8 votes
Nitasu received 7 votes
Wasup received 7 votes
Fjm received 4 votes
755 received 4 votes
Notty received 3 votes
Faliara received 3 votes
Mythelf received 2 votes
Pim received 1 vote
Hockey received 1 vote
Love received 1 vote
Ooglie received 1 vote
Who voted for who:
Raxo- Notty, Fjm and 755
Was- axo, Mythelf and Nitasu
Love- Pim, Hockey and Mythelf
Smoggy- Faliara, Love and Ooglie (He will be away for a while so he told me to randomize his votes for him)
Notty- Raxo, Nitasu and Wasup
Faliara- Raxo, Wasup and Nitasu
Stretford- Notty, Fjm and 755
77- Wasup, Raxo and Nitasu
Hockeyfan- Taxom Faliara and Wasup
Pim- Raxo, Nitasu and Wasup
Nitasu- 755, Fjm and Notty
Mythelf- 755, Faliara and Fjm
Storm- Wasup, Nitasu and Raxo
Ooglie- Wasup, Raxo and Nitasu
755- Voted wrong
Fjm- Voted wrong
Crash- Voted wrong
Crash, there can still exist the possibility to return to the game. So keep in otuch with the thread.
You can say one last statement if you wish.
Crash, sorry to say, but you're out.
11 down. 16 left.