The Bloody Masquerade Ball [GAME OVER]


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
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Ofcourse lynching a Third-party helps the mafia since we didn't lynch one of them, but the town needs to lynch most Third-Parties to win. And therefor lynching a Third-Party is nothing bad at all. It's actually quite good for as as Third parties can be dangerous. So you saying that we shouldn't lynch because we could hit a Third Party is pretty suspicious.
Third parties don't Have to be dangerous. Reflect back to Supernatural hotel, The Ghost and The Alien both could win perfectly fine without harming any town because they had a win-condition that does not involve killing. If one of our possible third-parties is Harmless/Wins with the town then lynching a third party would just be a possible waste of voting power and give the mafia a slightly larger advantage.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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Third parties don't Have to be dangerous. Reflect back to Supernatural hotel, The Ghost and The Alien both could win perfectly fine without harming any town because they had a win-condition that does not involve killing. If one of our possible third-parties is Harmless/Wins with the town then lynching a third party would just be a possible waste of voting power and give the mafia a slightly larger advantage.
They didnt need to kill to win, but we needed to kill them to win. Considering the town wins when all mafia and Third parties are dead. From the three third parties, only the ghost could win with the town. The town had to kill the other two to win. So even if they are not dangerous, we need to get rid of them sooner or later.


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
They didnt need to kill to win, but we needed to kill them to win. Considering the town wins when all mafia and Third parties are dead. From the three third parties, only the ghost could win with the town. The town had to kill the other two to win. So even if they are not dangerous, we need to get rid of them sooner or later.
We don't know the town's win-condition. Atleast i do not know.
It could be "Eliminate all Threats"
It could be "Eliminate all Mafioso"


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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They didnt need to kill to win, but we needed to kill them to win. Considering the town wins when all mafia and Third parties are dead. From the three third parties, only the ghost could win with the town. The town had to kill the other two to win. So even if they are not dangerous, we need to get rid of them sooner or later.
Killing them sooner won't help any more than killing them later though.


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
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Let me elaborate slightly further for those who do not know what i'm talking about

It could be "Eliminate all Threats"
If that's true then we only need to lynch mafia and harmful third parties

It could be "Eliminate all Mafioso"
This mean we need to kill the Mafia and not any potential 3rd party serial killer (Wich is unlikely)

It could be


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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Ofcourse lynching a Third-party helps the mafia since we didn't lynch one of them, but the town needs to lynch most Third-Parties to win. And therefor lynching a Third-Party is nothing bad at all. It's actually quite good for us as Third parties can be dangerous. So you saying that we shouldn't lynch because we could hit a Third Party is pretty suspicious.
(I was writing this, but my computer ended up dying but saved my progress here; Fiesta already kinda said what I said now anyways)

It's not really THAT suspicious.
Third-Parties tend to be strange or random roles, and because we don't know any roles currently in play besides our owns, it could stand to be worried should we kill a third-party. Not all third-parties are bad, in fact, many times they can be helpful to the town (though it can also be said in assisting the Mafia). It is not that wrong to be skeptical of lynching due to the possibility of killing a 3rd-party; often times they still act as a buffer to the town acting as an extra target. All roles are currently unknown which increases that usefulness.

I do agree that it isn't that bad to kill a 3rd-Party, as they do have their own win conditions compared to what it takes for the town or the Mafia to win, but it is not really something to be worked up about at this time, at least that's what I think.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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I think we should worry about the Mafia for now, since they're going to be the biggest threat.

If a third party role comes up in the meantime, we'll deal with it as it goes. It could be anything from Mentor v2.0 to something helpful for us.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
(I was writing this, but my computer ended up dying but saved my progress here; Fiesta already kinda said what I said now anyways)

It's not really THAT suspicious.
Third-Parties tend to be strange or random roles, and because we don't know any roles currently in play besides our owns, it could stand to be worried should we kill a third-party. Not all third-parties are bad, in fact, many times they can be helpful to the town (though it can also be said in assisting the Mafia). It is not that wrong to be skeptical of lynching due to the possibility of killing a 3rd-party; often times they still act as a buffer to the town acting as an extra target. All roles are currently unknown which increases that usefulness.

I do agree that it isn't that bad to kill a 3rd-Party, as they do have their own win conditions compared to what it takes for the town or the Mafia to win, but it is not really something to be worked up about at this time, at least that's what I think.
We shouldn't worry about them on day 0 indeed. But we also shouldn't not lynch because we might lynch a third party. That's why I am saying Std was suspicious, because he said that lynching is too dangerous because we might lynch a third party. As helpfull as they might be, most of them have to be dead for the town to win. So our aim should be to destroy any anti-town threat unless they can be helpfull to us. And since we don't know wether they are helpfull or not we shouldn't hold back.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
I think we should worry about the Mafia for now, since they're going to be the biggest threat.

If a third party role comes up in the meantime, we'll deal with it as it goes. It could be anything from Mentor v2.0 to something helpful for us.
This is similar to what I said before:
Killing them sooner won't help any more than killing them later though.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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Let's just pretend none of that ever happened <3
I think its still an important thing to discuss though.

Note, I'm not entirely certain how good this is based on the now modded-posts (thanks to GmK!), yet, there still remains a plethora of un-modded statements that can have this effect just by reading them:

Fiesta's words are... strange, at least to me anyways. Wouldn't it be an extremely common assumption that, more likely than not, that the goal of the town is to kill the majority of threats to the town? It's been that way in a few of the Seasons of Mafia, at least to what I recall, and it's been the general idea of how to win whenever I've played a Mafia game. Though it can be assumed that, in a small game with only Mafia, purely killing the Mafia sounds reasonable, but with possible 3rd-parties I believe its expected to kill all of the deadly ones (ex: Serial killer)

I feel from this assumption it could still be possible to feel suspicious of fesita still from the un-modded posts that remain.


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
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If you break one of the game rules, you will be modkilled from now on, without a last warning. A modkill will always immediately end a day and result in a nightphase.

Please do not let it come to that.

(The corresponding posts concerning the incident have been deleted in a one-time decision to do so. I don't like doing so, but it's for the best this time)


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
We shouldn't worry about them on day 0 indeed. But we also shouldn't not lynch because we might lynch a third party. That's why I am saying Std was suspicious, because he said that lynching is too dangerous because we might lynch a third party. As helpfull as they might be, most of them have to be dead for the town to win. So our aim should be to destroy any anti-town threat unless they can be helpfull to us. And since we don't know wether they are helpfull or not we shouldn't hold back.
Std did say Town / third-party in his post, which I don't honestly find suspicious, in fact it seems like a probable thing to feel, as we don't know if the third-party is useful / friendly to the town or not.

But to each their own I guess.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Std did say Town / third-party in his post, which I don't honestly find suspicious, in fact it seems like a probable thing to feel, as we don't know if the third-party is useful / friendly to the town or not.

But to each their own I guess.
In all previous games, and also last game by alpha, the win conditions for town said "Eliminate all Anti-town". With in last game there being an exception which was the Ghost.

So if you want to win as town, you would want to have third parties lynched as you can't win if they are alive. Therefor I found it quite suspicious that besides town he also mentioned Third-Parties that he doesn't want to lynch.

But ohwell this seems more like a mistake than a possible slip-up, and I don't think this will get us much further. So lets drop it I guess x)


Oct 8, 2011
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Who do you think has the nicest mask right now? Me because I'm biased :p but tbh I like all of them!
Are you town-sided? Yes
What do you think is the best way for a player to help the town? Tell the truth and stay informed (which I admit is tough when your're at school a lot)
Strategy for catching scum: Use Ezio's powers of manly seduction and drunkness to catch scum (or get the ACTUAL Ezio Auditore da Firenze to help us out....)

Honestly my opinion right now is that after 2 days of IRL testing my brain's still fried, so bear with me.
Basically from what I've gathered is that no-lynching will be a decent idea, but if we DO lynch someone then it gives us something to go on. Imo everyone's on the same suspicion level at the start, so really I don't think we should lynch someone because although the Machiavellians will kill some of us, I'm sure that who do end up dead on the first night of our marvelous winefest will give us some hints in the right direction.