The Bloody Masquerade Ball [GAME OVER]


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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Also I like that Std brought up Isn't that the way roles were (or normally) given out to the playerbase? I say this because honestly, the fact that so many people ended up jumping aboard to lynch nitasu primarily after Notty's post on...RP Names?!, and still continues to use that as the means to suspect nitasu just leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.

Ezio is a WELL-KNOWN, and is seen to be one of the favourite main characters from the Assassins Creed franchise, which let alone is EXTREMELY popular and is played by a mass audience, as well as the fact that he is Italian seems like a likely candidate as any for a game with some Rp, but also set in Venice, an Italian city.
To me, this seems obvious that it's a coincidence.
I see Notty using a lot of arguments saying "GmK said don't use your RP name to RP with," however I see no place where this was every directly pointed at Nitasu, or even implied, because for all we know, it's not even his actual character's name (like I doubt digi's name; Ms. Harper(it's Harper something, right?) is her actual RP-role name), just as mine isn't, and so on and so on.

It all seems very flimsy to me.

I do agree to an extent that both Nitasu and std seem suspicious due to their visists last night, however as far as I can see (through past games/mafia role lists), there are not that many anti-town sided roles that "investigate" during the night. Certainly this could be symbolic of an Assassins Guild role, like how coolio was a tracker, but tracker roles only visit a player to see who that player visists during the night.

It seems strange that both std and nitasu seem to think fiesta is innocent based on their "investigations" during the night (that is what I saw from their posts involving their night visists), so I don't think they're tracker type roles; I think they are investigative roles like the cop or contact.

Honestly I would rather vote off std than nitasu; std's testimony seems more shaky then nitasu's because for some reason he changed his story of the night visist from visiting fiesta to following nitasu? I feel like he's trying to take advantage of the situation presently to keep himself in the game, which seems more shady then anything nitasu's currently done. (and that Assassisns creed logic, bleck; it's really cool of an investigation, but it's still so flimsy to me)

I find std more likely to be anti-town, and because of that, I choose to

I Vote std1997


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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Also I like that Std brought up Isn't that the way roles were (or normally) given out to the playerbase? I say this because honestly, the fact that so many people ended up jumping aboard to lynch nitasu primarily after Notty's post on...RP Names?!, and still continues to use that as the means to suspect nitasu just leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.

Ezio is a WELL-KNOWN, and is seen to be one of the favourite main characters from the Assassins Creed franchise, which let alone is EXTREMELY popular and is played by a mass audience, as well as the fact that he is Italian seems like a likely candidate as any for a game with some Rp, but also set in Venice, an Italian city.
To me, this seems obvious that it's a coincidence.
I see Notty using a lot of arguments saying "GmK said don't use your RP name to RP with," however I see no place where this was every directly pointed at Nitasu, or even implied, because for all we know, it's not even his actual character's name (like I doubt digi's name; Ms. Harper(it's Harper something, right?) is her actual RP-role name), just as mine isn't, and so on and so on.

It all seems very flimsy to me.
I thought it was a coincidence too, but then with Coolio's rolename also being an actual assassins creed character, it's just too much of a coincidence it has to be true.

If Nitasu turns out to be non-assassin, you can throw me out of the window and yell at me, but I doubt that will happen. I am litterally 100% sure Nitasu is part of the Assassins Guild.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Nitasu's RP name was not the only reason he was found suspicious. Coolio's Role Name was also an AC character. Notty did the research and made the connection, and it just makes too much sense.
Also, I pointed out earlier that it could be a coincidence, even if unlikely, and everyone seemed to be with me on that. The main reason I pointed it though was to make sure Nitasu knew that we (I at least) wouldn't buy it.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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I thought it was a coincidence too, but then with Coolio's rolename also being an actual assassins creed character, it's just too much of a coincidence it has to be true.
It feels like its drawing at straws more then anything, and it seems my reason for that fell on deaf ears. ;-;
But oh well.
I still find it really flimsy and don't support this lynch in the slightest.

But that's just me, and because I really need to finish this essay, I'm not going to argue it any further than this for now, but I hope people realize just how unreliable this evidence is.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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As unreliable as it may or may not be, I think that it's just too logical to be coincidence. Whoever killed Coolio gave Notty the information she needed to go ham on a suspicion she had. So by transition, Whoever killed Coolio is killing Nitasu. So if Nitasu does indeed turn out to be assassin (popular belief), then thank you, however if Nitasu somehow turns out to be innocent, then....well....I don't know what we'll do after that.

We'll probably end up discussing std tomorrow one way or another. (That is, assuming everyone doesn't have a change of heart and lynch std instead.)


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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I find myself outside my knowledge level for this game day :S

When I voted Nitasu before, I thought GmK was using known real life assassins for the role names, which is why I though Nitasu and Coolio having assassin characters and Nitasu's slip-up made sense.

If this argument is really just because of a video game, then I'm switching to std.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
I find myself outside my knowledge level for this game day :S

When I voted Nitasu before, I thought GmK was using known real life assassins for the role names, which is why I though Nitasu and Coolio having assassin characters and Nitasu's slip-up made sense.

If this argument is really just because of a video game, then I'm switching to std.
They are Video-game assassin characters. Not sure if they are IRL too, but atleast in the games they are assassins.

But still, Coolio's rolename was given by GmK when she died, and she was a Video game Assassin character. Which is why I've been saying that Nitasu RP'ing as his rolename and therefor being part of the Assassin's Guild too.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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If you scroll up a little, you'll see a brief explanation of everything else that makes Nitasu suspicious. Or, if you want, you could go back to the beginning of the day to Notty's thourough explanation that first incriminated him.

Also, why does real life assassin names vs. video game assassin names make a difference?


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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They are Video-game assassin characters. Not sure if they are IRL too, but atleast in the games they are assassins.

But still, Coolio's rolename was given by GmK when she died, and she was a Video game Assassin character. Which is why I've been saying that Nitasu RP'ing as his rolename and therefor being part of the Assassin's Guild too.
Just for clarification on my part(I'm really confused here)

You're saying that Nitasu saw his role name was an assassin's guild member, and decided to roleplay as an assassin, right?


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
They are Video-game assassin characters. Not sure if they are IRL too, but atleast in the games they are assassins.

But still, Coolio's rolename was given by GmK when she died, and she was a Video game Assassin character. Which is why I've been saying that Nitasu RP'ing as his rolename and therefor being part of the Assassin's Guild too.
I was researching the characters before I posted my previous statements, and thought Christina Vespucci is in the games (and related to a real-life character, Amerigo Vespucci whom America was named after), I found no evidence of her nor her husbands existence in the real world. I may be wrong, but that is what I found through my research prior to this.

And I don't think Nitasu would RP his rolename, in fact I don't think anyone would have expected an Assassins Guild to be in this game; and again, EZIO IS A FAMOUS VIDEO GAME CHARACTER WHO IS ALSO ITALIAN. I think its extremely likely to use an already exisiting character name for RP, and is more likely than not, also a coincidence.

I don't see using video game characters as evidence to be reliable.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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Wow. I honestly didn't suspect Niatsu of being Assassin's guild until now but with this new light until Notty proved what she did on him. so I will reveal what actually happened on Night 1 for me. I followed Niatsu to Fiestaguy. My investigation of Niatsu turned up guilty but considering he didn't kill him, I thought my investigation was much like the paranoid cop last game where guilty show up innocent or my investigation was just screwed up by some menacing third party.

But with this new light on things, I know for almost certain now that Niatsu is guilty and so with that.

Vote Nitasu
I bolded the parts that scream guilty to me.

std waited until Notty came out with the post to condemn Nitasu, before claiming to investigate Nitasu.

In the post before this one std claimed to visit Fiestaguy. Lying doesn't get you points with me.

vote std1997


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I followed Fiestaguy during the night due to the fact, he seemed suspicious and I felt it'd help the town best by following/confirming one of the more suspicious "Mafia-like" guests. I, like Niatsu though, turned up nothing so Fiesta was either under some form of protection from someone or is possibly just as innocent as a newborn baby.
How do you turn up nothing if you're a supposed investigative role?