The Bloody Masquerade Ball [GAME OVER]


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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As much as I'm against lynching std or Nitasu, I'm willing to go along with it for now, though if we end up losing both (as I'm quite sure they're town), we'll be in quite a predicament.
Let's look at this hypothetical situation, shall we?
Currently, there are twenty five players.A lynch today would mean we have twenty four. There will be at least two or three kills in the night, let's assume one of them is a vigilante and won't shoot. That would leave twenty-two. If we lynch the one that we don't lynch today (of the two) and we have twenty-one. By then the vigilante will probably have a lead of who to shoot. That means three more kills. That's only eighteen players left.
That may still seem like a lot to some of you, but consider this: By then, we'd have only killed two (or three if vig is right N3) assassin/mafias dead (because they are both bad for town, I'll consider then one for purposes of this scenario) and six (up to seven if vig is wrong N3) townies dead.

Now, I know this probably won't sway your vote today (and it isn't really meant to), but the point I'm trying to convey is that I'm willing to let one of the two in question today be lynched (preferably Nitasu, tbh), but not both.

There's my rant. Make of it what you will.


Aug 6, 2011
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Now, I know this probably won't sway your vote today (and it isn't really meant to), but the point I'm trying to convey is that I'm willing to let one of the two in question today be lynched (preferably Nitasu, tbh), but not both.

There's my rant. Make of it what you will.
If we're going to keep one of them, I vote std, because he openly lied and didn't admit it until I brought it back up. :<


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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Frankly, the past few pages are kind of a mess, so I'm actually going to give a bit of a recap involving some of the major people involved at the moment.

To begin, we know that 2 people, namely STD and Nitasu were seen to have "visited" a player(s) during the night period, and because of these actions, they were revealed during the day phase.
The question we have overlooked in this scenario is... how? How were they revealed?
I repeat what I said earlier: Both players investigated a role known, or is similar to the Rough Sleeper which was used in Supernatural Hotel whom reveals whoever visited them that night.

It has already been basically confirmed that both Nitasu and Std visited fiesta that night; Nitasu being the first and being straight with us, saying it without hestitation, and Std second, though lying and changing stances in an attempt to frame nitasu before final admitting that he in fact investigated fiesta.

With this in mind, let us return to the idea of the Rough Sleeper; because at this point it is basically confirmed that both @nitasu987 and @std1997 had visited Fiestaguy the night prior, I would say that without question, [hl]Fiestaguy is a Rough Sleeper role, or this games equivilant, and thus is most likely Town-sided[/hl]
In fact, Fiesta essentially CONFIRMS THIS early on in the day:

See that, their "names would've showed up..."
From this line alone we can see that Fiesta is some kind of role that reveals who visists him.

Continuing on with this, here I am going to continue to try and defend @nitasu987.
Let us look back at what nitasu said when first questioned by Fiesta (yes this is a reponse from him, but it is a more straightforward translation from his first response):

From this, we can easily assume that nitasu is in fact a Watcher role.

It was nitasu who first talked about STD being the other player who visited that night, and it just so happened to be fiesta.
I find nitasu's testimony to be more reliable than stds at the moment. Why? Well, besides the fact that std did in fact, lie, he also complicated his role during the night period, often saying that "he's confused about who he investigated" and even talked about their... alignment?

Is anyone else curious about the wording here, because I am.
Let's go back to @nitasu's testimony from the previous picture; notice the word visited in the context that he saw someone visit fiesta, thus showing his role as a Watcher.

However, std clearly refers to his night action involving an alignment: Town, 3rd-Party, or Mafia.
Though std does admit that he visited fiesta later on, he does so in a way to say that he says that instead of finding the alignment of the players he visited, he instead said he was tracking fiesta, like the tracker role:

It seems... strange that he is using different lingo which is used for completely different roles. Tracked is for Tracker, yes... but alignment. That single word screams out "investigative role." And honestly, this seems like it is extremely strange of an occurence, and I would say it is NOT just a slip-up, because if he IS INDEED a tracker as he is stating... then he shouldve known his role, and had NO REASON to use that word: alignment.

So what a I trying to get at here?
Well, through the basis that std in fact LIED about his role condition while being questioned, and constantly switched between different stories seems INCREDIBLY fishy. On top of this he tried to frame nitasu and push suspicion away from him through these means, which he in fact has done surprisingly well seeing as a good majority of people seem to have forigiven him of this.

However I'm not saying that we should LAL, lynch all liers, but rather because of that simple word that std used: alignment.
As of this moment I am accusing Std1997 of being an investigative role similar to the [hl]Contact![/hl] (Mafia-cop)

I believe this on the basis that I do not believe in std's innocence nor his defenses.
To continue on the defense of nitasu, I did say I believe his testimony holds more weight and is more trustworthy, being the first; std only went along with it AFTER we caught him changing stories, so it must hold some truth to it.
Furthermore, I want to look at a thing Notty said earlier:

I just want to say that I have never seen, nor played a Mafia game where there have been more than 1 of any role on any alignment besides the basic Mafia/Civilian as well as Bullet-proof Civs (which basically are just civs and not necessarily a "power role"). The Tracker and the Watcher are both EXTREMELY SIMILAR in how their roles work, and I doubt that an alignment would have more than one of these, for it congests the playerbase for other such roles as Doctor, Janitor, Serial Killer, Hooker, and likewise.
In my opinion, there is most likely only ONE of these roles per alignment: and at the moment, the Assassins Guilde (if it is a 3rd-party) watcher/tracker roll is already deceased.
Because of this, I have little suspicion of Nitasu being affiliated with that specific group.
(I'm not going to even cover the idea of "Ezio" = Assassins Creed" theory because frankly, it just seems horribly illogical and I cannot respect it)

Additionally, I would rather lynch a more likely candidate for anti-town than nitasu, who, should GmK decide that his little cryptographic italic letters be against the rules, could already result in a modkill, and thus already rule out a possible lynch.

Furthermore, Std had the ability to gain something out of having nitasu lynched, which he already said was to keep him alive another day. Relate back to his pre-confession post involving alignment:

No one officially said anything about Fiesta being the one who, through visists, revealed Nitasu and STD during the night phase. This basically already shows the Mafia that they should not target Fiesta, and in fact potentially does not have an important role, and thus will stay clear from him from now on.
Should STD help pin the blame on nitasu to "live another day..." it simply helps the Mafia continue searching for more important roles in the town. This is what I am seeing as of this moment.

This may be hard to read through, so let me give a brief summary:
  • I believe Fiestaguy is a Rough Sleeper role and thus, almost 100% likely to be town.
  • I am continuing to defend Nitasu
    • I find nitasu's testimony to be more convincing and reliable, it also confirms him to be a Watcher of some kind.
    • I do not believe that more than 1 of each role would be administered to each seperate alignment, and if so, it would be in a more rarer case/be relevant to the Mafia game (ex: Paranoid Cop in Supernatural hotel could identify Supernaturals while the normal cop could not). Because of how similar the Watcher and Tracker roles are, I doubt there would be more than 1 administered to the alignments; because the Assassins Guild representative of these types of roles is already dead, I doubt nitasu is affiliated
    • I still find the Assassins Creed reference in usage for RP and thus is being accused of heresey on that basis seems like nonsense, unreliable, and illogical. I do not respect or accept it as credible to lynch based of a mere coincidence, and coincidence over an extremely popular ITALIAN character no less.
  • I am suggesting that std1997 is more likely to be Mafia, specifically, the Contact
    • I believe his testimony is weak and unreliable; he changes his story too much and tried initially to push the town toward lynching nitasu simply so he could stay alive; scummy and fishy behavior.
    • Std also has strange statements and wording within his defenses/posts this day which leads me away from believing him to be a Watcher/Tracker, but rather a more investigative role that finds out a player's alignment (which the contact actually does)
Undoubtedly I must have left something out of my summary, but...
In the end, I stand by my vote to lynch std1997


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
Reaction score
Allright, I really do not like doing this, since it takes out the informal attitude of an otherwise so far great running game.

@nitasu987 - I will have to modkill you for rulebreaking (First Modkill in Blocktopia Mafia History, "yay")

At multiple times in both the signup thread and the OP post here, it is clearly stated:
Please make sure to be aware of all rules and regulations, posted in this thread:
The rules specifically state

Do not attempt to use a system of robust cryptography, etc.
Do not use small or invisible text to attempt to avoid detection.
In Post #137 I specifically bolded and stated again:


If you break one of the game rules, you will be modkilled from now on, without a last warning. A modkill will always immediately end a day and result in a nightphase.

Please do not let it come to that.
Since this isn't the first time nitasu987 has broken exactly that rule (Medieval Mafia and I think there was an occurence with white text in Doomed Cruise) it leaves me no other choice but to follow protocol. Sorry to all players, keep your thinking from this day!

Lisabetta Fonte (nitasu987) - Watcher - was modkilled Day 1

It is now NIGHT 2, all roles please send in your action.


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
Reaction score
For the first time in the history of the Venice masquerade, the start had to be delayed. An unruly drunk accidently set fire to one of the mask storage areas just before the big opening ceremony, rendering them useless and stopping the proceedings (Karma is a bitch: The drunk burned himself to death in the fire he caused) Everyone scrambled back to their living quarters, waiting for a decision.

A few hours later, it was decided to officially start a day later, with a secondary batch of costumes and masks that were brought over from fair Verona.

In order not to have the incident ruin everyones mood, the city of Venice declared all alcohol free for the night...and everyone took advantage of it.

This is a good estimation of how the evening went:

People passed out all around, and fell into a deep sleep. One big, loud scream could be heard during the night, followed by a short roll of thunder, and a sinister shriek, piercing through the night. Most people didn't hear it, but if they had, their spines would have tingled badly...


digitalmez was killed - and resurrected.


It is now Day 2

With 20 alive, it takes 11 to lynch and 10 to no-lynch.


A username.
Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
omg it feels like this game is moving without me :( first I was busy on the weekend so I can't keep up with the thread and day 1 ended before i got a chance to read it. Now when i'm finally caught up Digitalmez was resurrected... I'm tempted to start with something but i have to share my theories on everything from night 0 to day 2 ontop of that now I'm going to need to do 2 days of RP in the form of seperate flash backs

but seriously what the heck? why would someone try to kill Digi? how did she live? was she resurrected by a "protector role" where it's just a normal doctor that protected and was called reserection? all these questions at once and it's 4:00 am I'm going to get some sleep. I'll make a (very long) post once i get the chance tomorrow.


Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
I'm guessing that maybe Mafia tried to kill me tonight. Actually I'm pretty sure of it in fact.

I ask myself, why? In my eyes I don't feel I've said or done anything to make myself seem suspicious, nor have I been inactive. Random killing perhaps? Maybe.
I can't help but feel that I was targeted and the only reason I can think of is because of my vote towards @std1997.


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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Significant Players

Fiestaguy - Visiting Role, seems to have Rough Sleeper traits (according to Nitasu)
std1997 - Visiting Role, strong evdeince from JKangaroo to be Contact (visited Fiesta according to Nitasu)
digitalmez - Resurrected after being targeted during the night

Unknown Players


Deceased Players

ansoro2112 - Mad Scientist (Bomb)
HypeBurst - Dreaming Oracle (reveal a player's identity to another)
nitasu987 - Tracker (Modkilled)

endersteve5 - Roleblocker

cooliorules - Assassin (Ninja-Tracker combo)


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
I'm guessing that maybe Mafia tried to kill me tonight. Actually I'm pretty sure of it in fact.

I ask myself, why? In my eyes I don't feel I've said or done anything to make myself seem suspicious, nor have I been inactive. Random killing perhaps? Maybe.
I can't help but feel that I was targeted and the only reason I can think of is because of my vote towards @std1997.
Digi seems to be acting like the resurrection is part of her role, essentially making her a Bulletproof. I agree that Std is likely to be a member of the mafia, quite possibly a Contact type role, as JK said. I'm inclined to belive that Digi is most likely town-sided, as she was the only target for a night kill.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
Significant Players

digitalmez - Resurrected after being targeted during the night
If we could edit, I would say that you should remove the green and replace it with gray.
At the moment I would say we can't guarantee that digi is infact town at all at this point, because all we know is that she was attacked last night and later revived. How?

Yeah, she could be Bulletproof, like you just stated, but it could also be some kind of-------
Actually, I couldn't find any roles that really... well... get revived (its such a strange word, isn't it?), so I'm actually going to agree to say she's some kinda Bulletproof... For the time being anyways. Though honestly she could've been attacked then healed by a doctor, which seems more likely considering GmK's wording of revived.

I'll try to post my thoughts/etc later, since I don't really have the time to now. (but if you haven't already, I totally suggest reading my last post all the ways up there ^^ right before the Day ended. ;D )


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
If we could edit, I would say that you should remove the green and replace it with gray.
At the moment I would say we can't guarantee that digi is infact town at all at this point, because all we know is that she was attacked last night and later revived. How?

Yeah, she could be Bulletproof, like you just stated, but it could also be some kind of-------
Actually, I couldn't find any roles that really... well... get revived (its such a strange word, isn't it?), so I'm actually going to agree to say she's some kinda Bulletproof... For the time being anyways. Though honestly she could've been attacked then healed by a doctor, which seems more likely considering GmK's wording of revived.

I'll try to post my thoughts/etc later, since I don't really have the time to now. (but if you haven't already, I totally suggest reading my last post all the ways up there ^^ right before the Day ended. ;D )
I thought that it could have been a doctor or a roleblocker save, but the way she reacted made me igure that she knew beforehand that she could take a hit. Although I do agree that we don't really know if she is town (notice the dull green instead of lgiht green :3). After all, Serial Killers (among other roles) can often take a hit, can't they?
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Maybe @digitalmez could elaborate for us, about what happened?
Did you protect yourself, did someone protect you... did you know you were going to be protected (No need to reveal by who though... just incase that role is town-sided)?

Also, I agree that we know nothing conclusive about Digi?

Digi could've been killed by:
  • Assassins guild member, Mafia, or Town member with bullet (Vigilante?)
Leaving Digi to be any role.
Digi could've been saved by:
  • Self-ressurection, random blocking by town-sided member, known blocking by fellow guild member (mafia or assassin)
However, the wording that GMK used is very strange... not sure if that is meant to give us any hints!?

(PS. Quite late... am tired... this is probably very incoherent)