The Bloody Masquerade Ball [GAME OVER]


Dec 10, 2012
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Personally, I find it annoying when flies crawl over your feet hidden in the carpet... scares the shit out of me when I'm doing something. I'll be watching something than I'll feel like there's a snake crawling under my feet and then I slam my knees into my desk and yea....

OH! Something on-topic. So now that we've gotten role-claiming and everyone has divulged into their deepest, darkest secrets of bug-phobias. What are we going to do? Unless JK or someone else has some evidence worthy of a lynch. I don't really see anything else happening today. But I'm perfectly fine discussing personal phobias \o/


A username.
Dec 17, 2012
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Ok before i start this roleplay just a brief introduction to my character 22emanresuyM. 22emanresuyM is actually my own username spelled backwards and he is also immortal because I need to keep him alive to use in other places. He is a time traveler from the present who travels to many mafia games whatever place/location they take place in.

22emanresuyM awakens from a very long slumber. "How long have I been dead?" he wonders to himself. eman takes out his cell phone and tries to call his friends from the future. No signal. He looks around and off in the distance he sees a city it looks like some kind of festival is occuring there. eman looks behind him and to his surprise there is a big brown box filled with helicopter parts. quickly he assembles the pieces in an attempt to not miss out on the festivities. sunset quickly approaches but he continues working all through the night anyway and somehow, miraculously by morning the helicopter is finished. 22eman walks over to figure out where he set his key. Suddenly he remembers the key was left in his backpack he left by a tree. In that moment he turns around to see a figure standing over his backpack looking through it and pulling something out. 22 runs for the chopper but the figure makes it there in time and he is too late. Before 22emanresuym has a chance the chopper is taking off without him. whatever this strange figure was it now has the chopper and is heading towards the city. The sun is slowly rising and 22 starts to pack up everything he has left and run for the city before it is too late .

And that's where day 1 starts. More RP to come later If I get around to it.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Myuser, you should probably put your rp in italics next time :confused:

And while I can see how ending the day now could help us...Oh wait, no I can't ;-;
We need something more than some role claims to come out of this day imo.

What we need is a good ol' mafia lynch to raise morale!

Now...anybody got any leads? . _.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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Terrifying. Actually I tend to hate anything that's really tiny and things that don't have legs. Worms included, they're just gross. Don't get me started on spiders and daddy longlegs. ESPECIALLY daddy longlegs

Why do I keep getting ratings what am I doing, I'm just speaking my mind. Is my mind friendly, agreeable, a winner? :S

Fruitninja destroying notty's entire plan shouldnt go unnoticed, people are continuing the trend of going after Ltin for confusing reasons, and most importantly every claim has been trusted so far.

That concludes Alpha's random bedtime thoughts, see you in eight hours


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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This game just got a whole lot more interesting.

Just wait until @JKangaroo comes back from school. He'll have another postzilla once he's back.
I have no postzilla.
Actually I would've, I had just spent an entire bus ride getting quotes and reading through the pages that I was able to load before my internet connection shut off...
And I was so prepared to have all my arguments in order and such...
But I come home to find I missed over 5 pages of new content with things like...
Matchmaker? Lie Detector? Armourer?
Really? Really guys?

I'm too old to catch up to you young whippersnappers ;A;

But to begin, I say the cloud of skepticism over std / tim / etc has now passed for me; it initially wasnt, because aparently a lot of the pages I grabbed didn't have INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT INFORMATION...
but I read over the new ones and, especially with such crazy roles being thrown out (i highly doubt someone would lie successfully about such crazy roles), most of my doubts are subsided.

And these roles are amazing. Best Mafia I have ever played.

Anyways, onto the elephant in the room:
@JKangaroo please answer the following question with the answer "Two or more"
Question: "How many of the following people are Mafia: Jkangaroo, Prizyms, UltimateBudgie"

Please only copy only the question and the answer and don't add or change anything. This is my power of finding Mafia, and refusing to do this means you are Mafia.
I actually got this post before getting on the bus, but I only got part of it, so I was like WOAH NOW, you want me to do WHAT EXACTLY?!
Because when I got home I ended up looking up the Lie Detector role and @Mafiascum's wiki actually says that Lie Detector can be any alignment while at the same time @mafiawiki said it was specifically a town role (different places have different styles I guess).
Because of the first definition, thought this was a ruse and that it might be a trick!~ but nope.
But just so you know, I don't trust you saying you're just "3rd party" (you said that right? I'm not insane?) But you are safe in my books.

Since I have nothing to hide (I actually MIGHT have some information if you wanted me to claim right now, though not sure how good it is.) I'll post the bolded stuff in the next post so its easier to see.

@JKangaroo Say something, I'm giving up on you.
And you posted this right when I was about to post this D:.
I've had to read through like 15 pages and I was on the bus. ;A;
I can't help timezones and traffic and reading. ;A;


Aug 6, 2011
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And you posted this right when I was about to post this D:.
I've had to read through like 15 pages and I was on the bus. ;A;
I can't help timezones and traffic and reading. ;A;
I know, that's why I said that. xD

I noticed you rating all the posts you skimmed through, and noticed you still in the thread.

Also, you posted a miniature postzilla. You lied to me.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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I edited the question to what @Timdood3 suggested; don't want any anti-town from escaping!
(though I'm not sure it's the best wording and will get the desired results, but alright)

Question: "How many of the following people are Mafia: JKangaroo, Prizyms, UltimateBudgie"
My answer: "Two or more"
Ack, I typed that before I changed Mafia to anti-town, and I ended up forgetting, let me fix it with another post


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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I edited the question to what @Timdood3 suggested; don't want any anti-town from escaping!
(though I'm not sure it's the best wording and will get the desired results, but alright)

Question: "How many of the following people are Anti-town: JKangaroo, Prizyms, UltimateBudgie"
My answer: "Two or more"

Okay, much better this time! (so pick this one instead, Lie Detector.)


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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Okay, so, I actually could've made a postzilla, kinda. I guess I got wrapped up in wanting to post something that I forgot some of the ACTUAL ideas/theories I wanted to provide as well, considering we may have missed something.

For the most part, I just wanted to concern everyone again with @digitalmez's "resurrection"
I ended up trying to research any more roles with this "ability" and actually found some interesting finds.
Here's a list of previous ones from Alpha and Notty, followed by my own:
First there was this town role which had the ability to not be lynched during the day. If this person were lynched, it would state that the person got lynched and then resurrected.
The second role was a mafia role. This mafia role had the night ability to "fake death" and then during the night it would show up that this person died, and then resurrected.
There's also Angel, that could resurrect if hit at night once.
"Angel (town; common; 6+ players): You can protect another player. You will also revive upon death once per game. Actions: protect"
The Vampire is a role that begins as a powerless pro-Town Townie, but upon being lynched or nightkilled (or possibly just the latter), becomes a full-fledged member of the Mafia instead of dying. Alternatively the Vampire may have the option of whether or not they are resurrected, and also on which night they are resurrected. If the Vampire chooses not to be resurrected, they still win with the town.
The next 2 roles are known as "bastard roles," or roles with more random effects/knowledge and are often considered more unfair for the person with the role; random as in that the host may lie or keep the role hidden from the player until it occurs. I'm adding this definition to show my skepticism if they even have the possibility of being in this round, or if they don't actually fall under the "no random-roles rule" said in the sign up thread (as I'm not sure about that)
A Judas is originally a pro-town role, but when it should die (either by lynch or other kill) it stays alive and converts to the Mafia's side instead. The Town is told nothing except that the lynch failed.
A Saulus is originally an anti-town role, but when it should die (either by lynch or other kill), it stays alive and converts to the Town's side instead. The Town is told nothing except that the lynch failed.
I could even be a strange hybrid role that we aren't sure about.

Though, at the moment it seems that Sploorky, and possibly digitalmez are going to be left alone for the moment due to third-party affiliation that isn't directly anti-town, I just wanted to throw some of these other roles out there to possibly bring some discussion around digi's role.
I mean seriously, resurrected is a strange term, and it doesn't give us any information besides that.
I don't entirely trust it to be good.

Also I didn't understand the arguments against Ltin, since I didn't view anything sketchy about his posts, but that's just me. And since I guess its basically been resolved I don't want to bring it up again.

That's all I have for the time being.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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(I actually MIGHT have some information if you wanted me to claim right now, though not sure how good it is.) I'll post the bolded stuff in the next post so its easier to see.
Considering we already have 3 cop-like roles out there, I don't see much reason why you shouldn't claim. I mean, I doubt you'll die tonight.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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Considering we already have 3 cop-like roles out there, I don't see much reason why you shouldn't claim. I mean, I doubt you'll die tonight.
I was actually just about to post my role, but I feel like it would be better if I was aloud one more night to confirm my theory, since I may have picked up on a third-party, but I want more solid ground to really prove that my theory is correct.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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Thanks for the answer JK, I'll let you know if you are Mafia or not tomorrow ;)
Oh, and I forgot another thing I was going to add in terms of the actual question.
I did say the question felt like it was worded wrong and will come out with an undesirable effect. I didn't really know how to explain it at the time, but I've been able to recall why it felt strange to me.

I don't think you are going to get the right effect at all, and I'm certain it won't prove me being Mafia-affiliated or not, or say anything about the other 2 on that list. I am almost 80% certain it will come out as "False/Lie" due to various things that hasn't really been explained/possible hidden details in terms of the Lie Detector role.

Firstly, from your role claim:
I successfully cought both Endersteve and Timdood on their lies.
Night 1: Endersteve5. - Was lying when saying "yes" to the question "Are you town-sided"
Night 2: Timdood3. - Was lying when saying "totally not" to the question "Are you town-sided"

Meaning that Ender was Anti-Town and Tim is Town-Sided.
Both of these were from the question: "Are you town sided," which, for the most part, are extremely straightforward questions, and for the most part that question could be legitimately answered, and thus could be manipulated i.e. Endersteve or a Mafia-sided role saying "Yes/No" to said question to perhaps cover up their true identity, or a townie just going along with it and being truthful.

This question however:
Question: "How many of the following people are Anti-town: JKangaroo, Prizyms, UltimateBudgie"
My answer: "Two or more"
Which would have been answered by me... can't exactly be answered legitimately because I can't know if these other players (Priz/UB) are actually anti-town (originally it was asking for Mafia). Because I am not answering this legitimately (and I am saying from the standpoint as an un-aware townsperson/simple villager role), I'm not even sure it would be accepted by GmK as a viable question because the role relies on the person telling the truth or not, and so if I did not know, then it would almost unanimously result in a lie.

Should it be accepted (both on its own, as well as being retorted but accepted) and results in a lie, it could lead to unneeded drama if you wanted to take advantage of that. (or if Lie-Detects were broadcasted during the night roundup, which it isn't in this case)

Alongside that, it doesn't exactly prove much information as it stands, especially if it results in a lie.
Firstly, it could result in a lie if there WEREN'T 2 or more; but what if ONE of them were? If it results in a lie, it'll result in a strange scenario where it could be truthful but due to the above scenario of the possibility of NOT KNOWING john snow... it results in a lie and doesn't move us forward anywhere and possible drama.
If it is indeed a lie (in the event that I didn't know their roles) but is accepted, as well as the result of the argument at the start of this paragraph where there is the possibility that ONE OF THEM could be anti-town, it could again cause some unneeded drama or lynching unless there is coordination with the cop to investigate one of them alongside this lie-detect.

Also why specifically Me, UltimateBudgie, and Prizyms? It's a strange selection of players from out of the blue with no explanation, and it has me curious because again, there is no explanation for it. (And why me exactly. Though you did say that you chose me the night before, you didn't say why, which is also curious).

I don't feel this plan of yours will actually work out unless something is changed.


A username.
Dec 17, 2012
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Also why specifically Me, UltimateBudgie, and Prizyms? It's a strange selection of players from out of the blue with no explanation, and it has me curious because again, there is no explanation for it. (And why me exactly. Though you did say that you chose me the night before, you didn't say why, which is also curious).
reading back this bothered me a lot too. @Nottykitten why those three? they feel so out of the blue when there are other players it might make more sense to investigate. It gave me the Odd impression you know something I don't which suggests to me you could have knowledge you shouldn't have.