The Bloody Masquerade Ball [GAME OVER]


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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As long as I stay twords the people unproven, theres is a good chance that the person I select is mafia.
And thus screwing up cop investigations, redirecting them from your target to you.

exactly my point. he's basically a bodyguard. but if mafia/assassins hit him, it kills the swap. if mafia kill swap, it hits him and things go on
If he were to attempt to work as a bodyguard, the mafia could hit Ltin and with that kill the person he tried to protect.

In my eyes Ltin is just bad for the town, and probabily from the Assassins guild. He did seem pretty eager to vote out oak. Just like Digi and 77.


Mafia Host
Apr 7, 2013
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And thus screwing up cop investigations, redirecting them from your target to you.

If he were to attempt to work as a bodyguard, the mafia could hit Ltin and with that kill the person he tried to protect.

In my eyes Ltin is just bad for the town, and probabily from the Assassins guild. He did seem pretty eager to vote out oak. Just like Digi and 77.
Wel, at least the first time, you know im innocent.

And of course, I was 100% sure oak was town, so of course, vote.

Not everyone who votes for a town is scum. Dont generalize about me based on others. There is a finite of people in this game.


Mafia Host
Apr 7, 2013
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Me and Sploor claimed, we're not town. You do it to gain our trust. So that we are less likely to lynch you.
You claim to be pro-town. That means I can still muck up town. I wasnt in any danger of being lynched at that time. And besides, a mafia would be much more successful is they claimed something more beneficial to the town than my role.


Jul 2, 2012
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Alright. I only claimed to be the Wild Boar manager originally, but I am also the manager of the Pesky Seamen and the Grumpy Cat Inn. I wanted to see if I could find something, but you guys are boring, (And I already messed up with notty's chat, so don't want that to happen again.)

Another reason why I'm saying this is this theory I have. I did the math, and there was 26 people to start. I watch over 3 chats of 4 people, which makes twelve. 1+12=13. 26-13=13, leaving the same exact thing to happen elsewhere.

By elsewhere, I mean that there is another Manager/Inn keeper of 3 other inns. So what I would like everyone who is not in the Pesky Seamen: (77 and hunter, std and jivvi deceased) and the Grumpy Cat Inn: (Alpha, Myuser, Prizyms, and Storm) to state whether you are in an inn or not. My guess, there is another Innkeeper, most likely anti-town, with the rest of the players in the hotels. That, or I'm completely wrong, but I guess you guys should know who's watching you 24/7 <3. (And now I don't have to switch accounts to look at stuff.)


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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Although I do feel Oak's suspicions have some credit (I am 99% certain digi is apart of the assassins guild), I wouldn't count on it to be the basis for a vote, especially seeing as 77 (one of his claims) was just decreed to be innocent, I wouldn't say Oak's thing can entirely be a good foundation for a vote.
I do agree Ltin is more likely to be third-party/not with the town, and is worth being considered to be a voting target, but not this way.

I am not in an inn.
I think its a neat theory, but I don't think there are another collection of inns (unless I'm mistaken, since I'm not in an inn I don't know these things).
I would say there is a higher chance that anti-town are inside the already known inns, like with endersteve who was in the Wild Boar Inn if I am not mistaken.

The Wild Boar Inn had Notty, Duffie, Endersteve, and FiestaGuy.
The Pesky Seaman has 77 and hunter, std, and Jivvi (Was he Town or 3rd party again?)
The Grumpy Cat Inn has Alpha, Myuser, Prizyms, and Storm

I see a trend here: A single Mafia member per Inn, Std and Ender being the one in their respective inns.
Alongside this there are most likely 2 town-members and 1 third-party per inn.
I think this can narrow us down to another Mafia member.

The group we know the least about is the Grumpy Cat Inn, and with Storm claiming to be a bodyguard, that can lead us to believe that either Alpha, Myuser, or Prizyms are the potential Mafia members in this inn.
I trust Alpha (that vote yesterday I didn't have the time to take down cause SAT's, events, and timezones), and both Prizyms and Myuser have been acting somewhat strange all game.

Unless conclusive evidence comes up, for the time being, I agree to vote Prizyms.
I vote Prizyms.