The Bloody Masquerade Ball [GAME OVER]


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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I can't speak for Prizyms, but my theory is based on the idea of one mafia being allocated to each inn.

Right now I think Prizyms is not Mafia, but possibly Assassin's Guild. But I feel like the more likely people to be anti-town in the Grumpy Cat Inn are storm886 or myusername22.

Only reason I'm not voting myusername22 right now is because I haven't figured out which one of those two are truly the most likely to be Mafia.


Mafia Host
Apr 7, 2013
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I can't speak for Prizyms, but my theory is based on the idea of one mafia being allocated to each inn.

Right now I think Prizyms is not Mafia, but possibly Assassin's Guild. But I feel like the more likely people to be anti-town in the Grumpy Cat Inn are storm886 or myusername22.

Only reason I'm not voting myusername22 right now is because I haven't figured out which one of those two are truly the most likely to be Mafia.
Who decided who was in the inns? And how does that even make sense. Has anyone seen that thread about recurring things in life? Thats what this is.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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So I have this idea. I'm comfortable sharing this idea because Notty has a vest and I have storm (and/or priz if his claim is legit (I'm a male)). Once we find a confirmed mafia member, we don't kill them (immediately) so we can "hold them for questioning" if you will. Here's the walkthrough:

We find a mafia member (should work for assassins too)
Notty asks them: "Is <suspect> also a member of the mafia?" answer yes or no.
They answer, we lynch them, Notty gets the result.
The chain continues until both Notty and I both turn up with innocent reports.

With this strategy, I think we can take out a good number of our enemies.

Any feedback and/or flaws in the system would be nice to be aware of :D


Mafia Host
Apr 7, 2013
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So I have this idea. I'm comfortable sharing this idea because Notty has a vest and I have storm (and/or priz if his claim is legit (I'm a male)). Once we find a confirmed mafia member, we don't kill them (immediately) so we can "hold them for questioning" if you will. Here's the walkthrough:

We find a mafia member (should work for assassins too)
Notty asks them: "Is <suspect> also a member of the mafia?" answer yes or no.
They answer, we lynch them, Notty gets the result.
The chain continues until both Notty and I both turn up with innocent reports.

With this strategy, I think we can take out a good number of our enemies.

Any feedback and/or flaws in the system would be nice to be aware of :D
Actually thats a good idea. But they could just choose not to answer it.
And saying yes may be game throwing.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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Who decided who was in the inns? And how does that even make sense. Has anyone seen that thread about recurring things in life? Thats what this is.
I will admit that it's based on pattern recognition, which isn't a reliable concept. But from evidence in the inn, myuser has agreed with me there a lot as well as tried to undermine one of my theories.

storm886 I'm suspicious of due to lurking primarily.

I guess I gave off the impression I was only working on that theory, but rest assured I have other reasons as well. You will notice I haven't voted you.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Actually thats a good idea. But they could just choose not to answer it.
And saying yes may be game throwing.
If they choose not to answer it, then they can be taken immediately into judicial custody and hung by their traitorous necks ^-^

And it's not like they'd be expected to answer yes, and the whole point is to trap the mafia up against a wall ^-^..though this strategy does involves some luck.


Jan 12, 2012
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I don't get the lurking thing. If I ever say someone is lurking again and that is the reason for my suspicions on them, call me out on it. It doesn't make much sense to me. If I've said it before, it's only because the cool kids use it. Are jkang and notty cleared as non mafia because they talk a lot? Well if that's the case, I might as well just talk up a storm next season if I am lucky enough to get mafia. *pun not intended* It's like saying someone is more likely to be mafia because they are male. Sure OMO was quiet.... but that doesn't mean the rest are. I bet it comes down to 50/50. 50% of mafia have lurked, and 50% have talked up a storm. So I don't see the validity of the argument.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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I don't get the lurking thing. If I ever say someone is lurking again and that is the reason for my suspicions on them, call me out on it. It doesn't make much sense to me. If I've said it before, it's only because the cool kids use it. Are jkang and notty cleared as non mafia because they talk a lot? Well if that's the case, I might as well just talk up a storm next season if I am lucky enough to get mafia. *pun not intended* It's like saying someone is more likely to be mafia because they are male. Sure OMO was quiet.... but that doesn't mean the rest are. I bet it comes down to 50/50. 50% of mafia have lurked, and 50% have talked up a storm. So I don't see the validity of the argument.
Notty at least is cleared by my N2 investigation....and I'm pretty sure someone cleared JK (it was either Notty or Jivvi)


A username.
Dec 17, 2012
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Notty at least is cleared by my N2 investigation....and I'm pretty sure someone cleared JK (it was either Notty or Jivvi)
@Timdood3 I'd like to know why you're ignoring the fact your Night investigations don't turn up third parties, Which notty has already admitted to being. Also I'd like to remind you we cannot confirm a win condition


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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@Timdood3 I'd like to know why you're ignoring the fact your Night investigations don't turn up third parties, Which notty has already admitted to being. Also I'd like to remind you we cannot confirm a win condition
I didn't ignore anything, third parties come up as innocent as they are neither mafia nor assassin. It's standard for any alignment cop.


Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
I don't get the lurking thing. If I ever say someone is lurking again and that is the reason for my suspicions on them, call me out on it. It doesn't make much sense to me. If I've said it before, it's only because the cool kids use it. Are jkang and notty cleared as non mafia because they talk a lot? Well if that's the case, I might as well just talk up a storm next season if I am lucky enough to get mafia. *pun not intended* It's like saying someone is more likely to be mafia because they are male. Sure OMO was quiet.... but that doesn't mean the rest are. I bet it comes down to 50/50. 50% of mafia have lurked, and 50% have talked up a storm. So I don't see the validity of the argument.
77 came close to getting my vote, yet it was a showdown between myuser and OMO. I hate not being able to get a read on someone. Post an opinion! This game is based on judgement of character and what you say in your posts gives us insight in to your Mafia personality. All OMO did was stand in the background and watch. Now that type of behaviour doesn't make a person guilty it makes that person suspicious or it makes others think that perhaps that person can't be bothered. It shows a lack of dedication to a game where we are trying to find the bad guys.

Also, with guilty lurkers they tend to pop up mid to late game where a few town people have died or when a town sided role is being wrongfully accused of Mafia.
Town sided lurking is just as bad. Don't be afraid to voice your opinion.

Overall I find lurking to be sneaky, and a legitimate reason to lynch someone.


Ayy lmao
Jan 12, 2012
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My way of playing is that I talk more and more as the game goes on, regardless of my role or alignment so there's nothing different about my play style this time around.

Also I've been the most active in The Pesky Seamen (10/10 name) just because I prefer games with less people so I have taken full advantage of being in that room.

At the start it's always a clusterfuck and last time I talked a bit on day 0, I was the cop and I was lynched ._.


Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
I've read and re-read the posts and this is what I make of everything so far--

I believe @myusername22 created havoc on purpose to cause a rift between Notty and Priz. First, lets look at the definition of interceptor.

Interceptor: A person or thing that stops or catches (someone or something) going from one place to another.

I think that myuser has the ability to manipulate messages. Which then caused confusion and conflict amongst us. All was focused on Notty and Priz, when really the vindictive force behind it, all started with myuser.

He would of got away with it as well if he had claimed Informant or Journalist, because the sound of those roles sound a lot less sinister.