The Bloody Masquerade Ball [GAME OVER]


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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I ended up taking a bunch of notes from the previous nights, because it was difficult to remember who claimed what, and who investigated whom, and whatnot. Through this, I'm going to go out on a limb due to some other evidence I found. As I said before: I don't know how good this information is, its just hunches, and some of the information/assumptions I may be getting wrong.

Firstly, I noticed a few comments about the Godfather from previous pages, and I'm going to go ahead and say that there is no Godfather role. I only believe this from the death recap by GmK after Oak was lynched:

A Godfather is namely the head, the don, the boss, of whatever Mafia/criminal group he is apart of. The name Coppo di tutti Capi is also the official name for the "Godfather," and seeing as Oak's game-name was Coppo di, the first half of the full "Godfather" name, we can most likely safely say that there can be no true "Godfather."
This could be especially the case seeing as Oak was a Lawyer, and not much else, at least according to the report.
The only other possibilities is that a player either has a role-exception that follows it similarly to the Godfather (which is doubtful due to the Lawyer role being in the game, so it would be in overabundance), or if Oak actually had the "Godfather" ability alongside Lawyer, but isn't said in the report. (And possibly also be passed down to other members similar to "Commander" in Mafia Intrusion)

Because of that, at this time I will most likely believe all investigations at this point in time are true.
Though there is still the chance that there is a Mafia-sided "investigator," but that is unknown at this point.

Current Alive: 17
Coloured names are confirmed/notable (exception is digi)
-Ooglie (bellboy; tribunal killer; notable kill- std (mafia)
-77_is_the_best; confirmed safe by timdood; Role - Bleeder
-Aloha; "Jack of all trades" (most likely town); investigated hunter night 2, saved notty night 3
-Duffie; armourer? (most likely town)
-Hunter; confirmed safe by Alpha's "Jack of all trades investigation;" Role - Ghoul
-Mmarz11; leader of the tribunal (of Alpha, Prizyms, Ooglie), most likely town
-Fiestaguy; rough sleeper?; targeted by std and nitasu, due to targeting most likely town
-timdood; Cop; investigated std night 1, notty night 2, 77 night 3; Confirmed inno by Notty's Lie Detector

-JKangaroo (me); roleblocker
-Ltin; "mime," similar to Mafia's "driver" role; Switched with Storm night 1, tim night 2, hunter night 3
-Jeercrul; watcher over inn's, anything besides that?
-digitalmez; resurrected, unknown entity currently
-storm886; claims bodygaurd/town, but not much known past that
-Nottykitten; "Lie Detector"; claims pro-town+third-party, somewhat trustable
-Sploorky; claims third-party but not anti-town
-myusername; "Message Interceptor" (recieves all messages of the chosen person that night), claims Prizyms is safe; "intercepted" Nitasu night 1, Roleblocked night 2, Prizyms night 3
-Prizyms; misogynistic doctor? (saves males 100%; potentially saves females); "saved" n1 oak(male), n2 ltin(male); claims Notty is female though Notty claims otherwise
At this point everyone has "officially" claimed except Jeercrul (unless Fruit did and it is entirely just being the "innkeeper," and nothing more), as well as Fiestaguy and Digitalmez.

I'm going to go and say that, for the time being, I am going to trust in Prizyms and Myuser, purely for the moment.
I still have deep-rooted distrust and disbelief over both of them, and I feel it would be best that tim or another investigative role (if any still exist or someone hid the role from us) investigates Prizyms, Myuser, or storm tonight (since if priz and myuser are telling the truth, storm could be a possible Mafia in the last Inn)

I'm only saying this because for the time being, I am shifting my view from today's events... to yesterdays.
Recall Jivvi's roleclaim being the matchmaker:

Do the result of Jivvi's investigation be seen as strange by anyone else? It does to me.
Recall previous Roleclaims/events:
Cooliorules was Ninja/Tracker of the Assassins guild
Nottykitten claims Lie Detector third-party
Sploorky claims third-party role that win if the person he chose on Day o stays alive (I believe)

There seems to be a... inconsistency here, don't you think?
Now, before I say anything else, I just want to say that there are many theories about the Assassins guild that could exist, and personally, I don't feel like they are a Mafia-sided / Mafia-similar faction. I mean seriously, it's the Assassins Guild of Venice, I would think that they would either have a list of targets, they are pro-town 3rdparty and wish to rid the city of Mafia, or it is simply flavoured text and the only "Assassin" in this game was in fact, coolio. Especially considering its a guild, I suspect they probably wouldn't win without a town/Mafia victory.

Now, this inconsistency seems strange, at least to my perspective.
Notty =/= Coolio (Assassins are most likely third-party or separate party but not aligned with Mafia)
Notty =/= Sploorky (Who claims to be a third-party)

Notty also claimed Third party alignment... which means either Sploorky or Notty are lying about something.
Honestly, I believe Notty to be safe, in fact, he was confirmed innocent by tim, so I wouldn't say he isn't safe, and if she is 3rd-party pro-town, then it more likely to be believed.

This means that Sploorky can either be anti-town third party, Assassin, or Mafia. (especially since its also confirmed that Notty is not Assassin) by Jivvi's claim.
However, due to Jivvi's claim via. Matchmaker, it can be assumed that, should we trust in Notty (and I do due to many investigations), that Sploorky is indeed a role that is anti-town.

I think the myuser/prizyms/storm thing should still be looked at because they are all incredibly suspicious, but honestly the arguments are just a mess. I mean seriously, I doubt myuser can actually manipulate messages, especially since he simply stated what Prizyms said (unless I missed something), so if anything, the argument falls flat in my opinion.

As well as the difference between Notty (saying she is not female) and Prizyms who says she is due to his "doctor" power in the previous night is basically in a stalemate and getting us nowhere.

Honestly, I feel Sploorky is lying to us, and through his claim we have essentially passed over him, and I would rather lynch someone I feel is more confirmed then the mess that is currently going on between Prizyms/Notty/Myuser/Storm; and leave that to investigative roles to decide on tonight.

(Again some of my information may be incorrect, but I feel like it is not; I can feel it in my bones)
Vote Sploorky


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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Also, does anyone else find it strange that Myuser was "blocked" on Night 2?:

The Mafia roleblocker was kill Day 1 (endersteve); and I doubt there would be another Mafia one.
I am a town-sided roleblocker, and was confirmed I blocked @Ooglie101 's kill in the tribunal Night 2.
Alpha (Jack of all trades) says he didn't use up his Block yet, only using his "save" and "investigate" moves.

Who could the final roleblocker be?
I'm certain at least someone has left out their true role, or is at least showing part of their hybrid role (seeing as we do have that in this game)


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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JK, it took me like five minutes to read through that post (You're trying to make me late for supper x3) and we had a discussion over the Notty =/= Sploorky thing and concluded that their alignments are different because they have different win conditions.

And that blocking thing....Well....Well shit....I....Well....I'm speechless at that and will unvote so nothing crazy happens while I'm eating.



Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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@JKangaroo actually I do agree with you about the Sploorky being bad. Considering Jivvi matchmade couples, it would be impossible for Jivvi to win if he couldn't matchmake third parties. Therefor, Sploorky is indeed like Anti town.

HOWEVER. I am pretty sure that Myuser is also lying about the roleblocked thing. And about anything really. I still think that he can manipulate messages.

I say: We lynch Myuser today. We already have 7 votes on him and it will be easier. The tribunal council kills Sploorky in the night. The tribunal council probabily won't agree on killing myuser if we lynch sploor today. However they probabily will see that Sploor is scum and kill him if we lynch Myuser. Therefor this seems like a good idea.


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
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VOTECOUNT - The one so close, and yet so far...

Sploorky - [fa=fa-user][/fa] - JKangaroo, (Lynch in 8)
myusername22 - [fa=fa-user][/fa] [fa=fa-user][/fa] [fa=fa-user][/fa] [fa=fa-user][/fa] [fa=fa-user][/fa] [fa=fa-user][/fa] - storm886, Hunter27a1, digitalmez, Ltin, Sploorky, Duffie (Lynch in 3)
Ltin - [fa=fa-user][/fa] - myusername22 (Lynch in 8)

Not voting:
Mmarz11, Alpha102, Ooglie101, Jeercrul (xxxFruitNinjaxXx), 77_is_the_best, Prizyms, Fiestaguy, Nottykitten, timdood3

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch and 9 to no-lynch.

Deadline: None yet.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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Well because we didn't know Jivvis full role then.

But now:

Third parties are the same allignment. It would be impossible for jivvi to matchmake everyone if third parties could not fall in love with each other. Therefor you must be anti-town. HOWEVER I still want to lynch Myuser today. And let the council deal with you tomorrow.


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
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VOTECOUNT - The one where all is up for grabs again

Sploorky - [fa=fa-user][/fa] - JKangaroo, (Lynch in 8)
myusername22 - [fa=fa-user][/fa] [fa=fa-user][/fa] [fa=fa-user][/fa] [fa=fa-user][/fa] [fa=fa-user][/fa] - storm886, Hunter27a1, digitalmez, Ltin, Duffie (Lynch in 4)
Ltin - [fa=fa-user][/fa] - myusername22 (Lynch in 8)

Not voting:
Mmarz11, Alpha102, Ooglie101, Jeercrul (xxxFruitNinjaxXx), 77_is_the_best, Prizyms, Fiestaguy, Nottykitten, timdood3, Sploorky

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch and 9 to no-lynch.

Deadline: None yet.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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I know how notty plays, and I dont trust "I didnt think about it until now." Youre too smart of a player for that.

And attempting to command the entire council? You seem to be holding a lot of power for a role that can flip at any time.
We kind of resolved it before jivvi's death with the thought that third parties are not the same allignment. I just didnt give it a second thought or thought about it again even after Jivvi died.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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Well, this is delving into mechanics a little bit, here's how I think of what Jivvi had to do:

(This isn't PM mechanics since I don't know how it worked with Jivvi, this is speculation at most)

Third parties are considered part of the same 'alignment' to match together, but their win conditions could be anything, including pro-town and anti-town.


Jan 12, 2012
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Yes that seems like a good idea. If Alpha could kill Sploorky or have tim investigate Sploorky. We have spent the entire day on the Grumpy Cat Inn and we need to end it that way. Gmk is likely going to implement a deadline soon. It doesn't make much sense to me to lynch Sploorky with so little development. Besides, I honestly think myusername is mafia.