The Bloody Masquerade Ball [GAME OVER]


Nov 5, 2012
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Went through roughly a hundred pages on tapatalk, haven't got a hold of how the game is going. Meaning everyone (with the exceptions of a few) seems suspicious to me. I'm going to wait for a some more pages/posts to get into the atmosphere of this game and consolidate my thoughts. That being said, from an outsider's point of view as well as a participant, I have noticed that most claims made are too gullibly trusted. I'm hypothesizing that roughly 2 Mafia members are left, and it is highly possible that at least one of them are one of the so-called trusted/confirmed innocents. I'm going to see how this plays out and throw my spotlight on some people.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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I didn't think of this yesterday untill I was laying in my bed, but I do have to confess on the other Lie I made yesterday. Nothing bad, just a little lie against @JKangaroo

I'm not a lover, and know absolutely nothing about it. When you answerd that your rival was most likely town, I saw the opportunity there to claim it. And since your love-search happens when you use your ability, I chose Endersteve as our so-called love since he was the only one dead that I used my Lie Detecting on.

This lie isn't anything bad for the town, I did it so that you(JK) would trust me more. Ever since I claimed it it does seem like you agree with me more. And since that is something I wanted it seemed worth it. But now I guess I had to confess or otherwise I might later be lynched for this. Sorry for deceiving you, and your love is probs still out there x)


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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Now about the Priz being guilty discussion.
The Wild Boar Inn had Notty, Duffie, Endersteve, and FiestaGuy.
The Pesky Seaman has 77 and hunter, std, and Jivvi
The Grumpy Cat Inn has Alpha, Myuser, Prizyms, and Storm
Well actually Myuser should be Purple. As from what I think, the Assassins are like a second Mafia, it means that Priz is the third party within that group. It does make sense since there is a pattern indeed.

And besides that, I also doubt that there would actually be two doctors in the game. And since I trust JK more than Priz, I am on JK's side on this one. Also because I still find it weird a doctor supposely can only protect males. He might have known that I was female, but that doesn't mean he's a doc.

Vote Prizyms


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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Before that happens we might want to coördinate our night abilities.

First things first. @Mmarz11 will need to select a new Council member. And I would actually like to propose for me to be selected. I know we talked about me not being dangerous because I can't kill, but in my eyes I am the second-best choice there is.

With the first best choice being Tim. And why am I the second-best choice? Well I did get Inno'd by both Tim and Jivvi. I am the only person who is like 99% confirmed not bad. While anyone else Mmarz selects could possibly still be anti-town.[not tim though, I lie detected him]. So I would suggest either choosing me or Tim, but Tim should probabily just use his cop investigation instead of doing Voltari kills.

Second thing. I could investigate Digi tonight with my Lie detectorness. However, I would like @JKangaroo to promise/confirm that he won't shoot me during the night with his Voltariness. If you don't have time to make a post, simply rate this post Agree if you do it. Otherwise I won't feel safe and will use my vest again.

Third thing, Tim feel free to investigate anyone but digi. If you don't trust me you could also investigate digi but that could lead to us both investigating her.

Fourth thing, I swear there was something else I wanted to say. Ohwell I forgot ;-;.


Nov 5, 2012
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Scratch my previous posts, I have some stuff that I just thought of.
Here are my thoughts about who's guilty and who's not:

Living players
(green = def inno/no harm in my opinion, grey = unknown [italised for possibly inno], red = suspicious):
Prizyms - I initially considered you as pretty suspicious, though part of me believed you are innocent. I would say you are partially cleared in my eyes. I am still keeping part of that suspicion, however.
Nottykitten - You are innocent, however I am really uncertain about your win conditions. Do you win along with the town, or given priority to win over the town if you survive? And about the gender mixing along with your posts in the inn, *cough* you can pretty much guess what my thoughts are.
Ltin - Unsure. However you are pretty suspicious.
xXxFruitNinjaxXx - das me
Ooglie101 - The confidence you had when you answered notty's question - pretty straightforward, no dodging pretty much confirms my thoughts that you are town. However if the answer turns out to be false, no worries, the town knows anyway.
JKangaroo - I would say you give off a towny vibe. From working with you the other mafia season I can say I trust most of your reasonings, and together with the tiny bits of details you have scavenged from the massive number of posts I would say your dedication to helping the town progress forward pretty much clears me in your eyes.
storm886 - Unsure.
digitalmez - I would explain this after this chunk of text.
Fiestaguy - No explanation needed.
77_is_the_best - I'd rather not give away any details here.
timdood3 - No explanation needed.
Mmarz11 - Haven't seen much of your presence. I even forgot that you were in the game :(
Duffie - No explanation needed.
Hunter27a1 - I'd rather not give away any details here.
I wouldn't explain my reasoning for some stuff, but I would say it's additional information from the Inns, which I feel that I should not reveal for the privacy of the players.

From the spoiler I have listed Digitamez as the person I am most certain is part of anti-town, be it Mafia, possibly assassins, or 3rd Party. Allow me to explain why.

1) Pretty much what Jkang has stated.
Jkangaroo said:
And you continue to dodge the question of what your role is at every which way, often distancing yourself and have everyone not focus on you, but on other people.
Not to mention the countless shifty and strange responses back on Day 2 involving std.
Again and again, you have dodged these questions. "I will explain after I live/die" and then hiding under the shadows is not going to work.

2a) I feel that you are anti-town.
From some of the ideas voiced out in the Inns from what I have read, I feel you are most likely to be an vampire type of role. What your role could possibly be would be a vampirish person who sucks the life out of a person once they attack you. The only possible way you would die would be via lynching and death by some special role. Your win conditions would be something of which priority would be given over town, not the opposite.

2b) I feel that you are 3rd Party (Non-Mafia and possibly non-assassins)
You definitely show an anti-mafia vibe, I am positive about that. About being anti-town, your reluctance to contribute much to the town's progress is quite something. I would say in the beginning your confidence actually surprised me and I passed you off as town. However, not so much now:

>> Your claims about how you would take mafia down. Mafia definitely knows who is in Mafia and who's not, which bring me to my next point.

>> It is/could be a bait for mafia not to/to attack you. The confidence you demonstrate in those words "taking mafia down" would psychologically deter possible town vigilante(s) from attacking you, since it hints that you aren't part of town, albeit believed with uncertainty,
Furthermore, it sounds to have been crafted cautiously such that it sounded like an open invitation for any mafia members to attack you (which could explain why you have been attacked, and possibly by the mafia from your confident claims to take the mafia down. This could hint that ansoro might or might not have been killed by the mafia, which I can't remember whether they were any specifics to disprove my point.)

>> It sounded like some hint for a doctor to protect you. By talking about possibly dying, you are not invincible.

>> We already have enough town-sided power roles.
Any more town-sided power-roles and it would seriously cause imbalance to the game. Any host would want to create conditions that are equal for both the town and the anti-town. Hell, even after my points above, you might be mafia, and those words you spoke might just be something to cover you up. What we lack are some mafia roles or some 3rd party roles to balance the game. Hence, with your reluctance to reveal your role (and phrasing it so mysteriously), along with what I think could be true, you are a threat to town.

vote digitamez


Mafia Host
Apr 7, 2013
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Well heres what I think. I told myself before myuser was killed that if he turned up inno, notty gets my vote immediately, no questions asked. And while we have a good start now, if priz turns up inno, jk is going to get my vote immediately. Why would there be two doctors in the game, that work completely differently, and are both town sided. It wouldnt make any sense.


Nov 5, 2012
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Well heres what I think. I told myself before myuser was killed that if he turned up inno, notty gets my vote immediately, no questions asked. And while we have a good start now, if priz turns up inno, jk is going to get my vote immediately. Why would there be two doctors in the game, that work completely differently, and are both town sided. It wouldnt make any sense.
I beg to differ. People who push to vote for an innocent town member does not necessarily equate to the fact that they are confirmed anti-town. There are cases where circumstances do not favour an innocent - e.g. his posting style, certain incidents, etc.


Sep 15, 2011
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You know what? Stuff it--

I am the Vampire. I was town sided when I died and I'm town sided now.

Why didn't I claim before?
Welp, I'm pretty sure that most of you are aware that once my Human Town Sided role dies my supernatural side turns evil. Fortunately for town this isn't the case. I am a town sided Vampire, I am forced to pick someone to feed on every second night. If that person is evil I survive another day. If that person is town, I die. I only have one chance to lay off humans for one night and feed off of vermin. I'm willing to use it and if you guys don't trust me then investigate me.

After my resurrection I managed to survive by feeding on std. I was actually petrified of that decision, given the fact that he was proven innocent by Tim. I was certain though, that Std was guilty of being a malevolent character, it was just a guess on which party he was in. Mafia or the Assassins. So with all the confidence of the world I threatened Mafia. With that threat I thought that I'd die-- I didn't.

My best interest has always been with town. I was furious with Notty and Tim's lack of information on Ooglie and Priz because I thought that out of those two, at least one would be considered guilty.

That's my role. Tonight I feed on vermin and not kill, so to show any investigative role that I am not anti-town.