The Bloody Masquerade Ball [GAME OVER]


Aug 6, 2011
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Well, to spark some conversation, even if everyone's probably asleep/busy, I'm gonna go with my gut and use JKang's deciphering as grounds to vote, as I find it to quite evidently show that Priz is most likely guilty. Probably won't be final, as I'll wait for some more debate... But, it'll get things going.

vote Prizyms


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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Wouldn't you say you're also a bit smitten yourself with the lovely Notty, digi?, smitten at least, in the opposite way of Tim; smitten in such a way that you seem to go against almost everything Notty says:

Are but simple examples.
Also note:

I guess if it's okay to lynch Notty on the basis that she's lied about her gender against a player whom she strongly suspects is guilty, and thus hides it out of fear, and especially after it was confirmed innocent by the cop, that it's perfectly reasonable to LAL.

And if it's okay to lynch Notty on her single lie, then I guess it's okay to lynch you, who's lied to us basically since Day 2, when it was shown that you were resurrected.
Here's one:

You say that your role would be revealed if you survived Day 2. Clearly you survived, in fact you survived 2 days afterwards. I see no role reveal; in fact you remain as but one of the last, actually you are the last unless we count Fiesta (which I feel is already a confirmed role that we don't need to worry about) person whom has yet to claim anything whatsoever.
And even when you promised to claim and explain your situation, you break it and refuse, such as in the case with @Duffie
And how is it useful? The only assumption I can make is that you are the final roleblocker that roleblocked Myuser Night 2; and thus apart of the Assassins guild.
Useful yes, but reliable to help the town? No.

And you continue to dodge the question of what your role is at every which way, often distancing yourself and have everyone not focus on you, but on other people.
Not to mention the countless shifty and strange responses back on Day 2 involving std.

I've stuck with what I believed Day 2 that you are most likely 100% Assassin.
You're shifty and don't seem to be telling the entire truth.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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Way to pile the votes on a sleeping player.

Are you all forgetting the evidence for me being doctor which showed up yesterday?
What evidence?
Frankly, I didn't then, and I still don't believe in reliability of any of the topics discussed yesterday,

And I still feel the validity of Notty's investigation that night is still extremely reliable and proves that you are the Mafia.
I ended up dropping the subject, because I knew it would just go in circles into the ground, but I do not shake the feeling that my hunch is correct, and that this investigation was correct.
Are "Two or Less" of following players Mafia?: JKangaroo, Hunter, Prizyms
Outcome?: True
I don't believe for a minute that simply because the chance that you are town, that the outcome became true because the outcome could not be 3 players or that with the chance that you were town (and if you were town in this scenario), it would result in true because you knew that it had to be 2 or less.

I feel it would still result in a "not sure" response, in fact I am almost 100% certain that it would.
It had to come out as true because you knew at least one of them were Mafia, and because you could not have known either I nor Hunter were Mafia (as I know I am not Mafia, and Hunter being confirmed innocent), then it only leaves you; fulfilling the requirement of 2 or less... being 1. The middle man.

My hunches have been right on 2 Mafia thus far, and I am not backing down from this one unless incredibly defining evidence can be uncovered.
I stand by my vote. I will not waver.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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Am gone most of the day (European Time), and on the phone, so if someone could do a quick votecount that would be swell (how many and who voted)

From what I see:

Prizyms 6
Notty 2

Prizyms 6: JKangaroo, Duffie, Timdood3, 77_is_the_best, Ltin, and storm886
Notty 2: digitalmez, Hunter27a1

So you were right on the money. ^-^


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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Notty y u no investigate me (I guess it was for a good reason to put on your vest) Also can Tim or Notty investigate me toniiight, if Notty's doing it I'll just use the question from last time:

"Are you town-sided?" Answer: Yes

Gonna read over some stuffles (like JK's post which I slightly skimmed over since just woke up) before I make a voteee.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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And how is it useful? The only assumption I can make is that you are the final roleblocker that roleblocked Myuser Night 2; and thus apart of the Assassins guild.
Useful yes, but reliable to help the town? No.
I would just like to make a quick correction here that I didn't remember due to the spur of the moment:
You can't be a roleblocker in this sense if you were an Assassin because myuser was an Assassin...
But heck, you could be roleblocker but not an Assassin, but that would be strange.

But your role is still an anomaly and we have no idea what it could truly be and if it could be trusted. ^-^