This isn't exactly a reason, but as I said earlier he reminds me of an old friend, so naturally I trust him x_x
D'aawwww, that's so sweet Tim <3
Anyways, replying on a friends phone so sorry for any messed up quotes/wording/whatever, not used to smart phones.
More town=more truth
I'm not pinning him, I just see people agreeing with him left right and centre when he could easily be mafia. It is just a hunch, I don't have any proof. Not enough for a lunch definitely, not at this stage anyway.
Hunches are fine ^-^, they're good for getting an idea of who you think may be evil/anti-town and thus, helps in spurring action in the present, or even later down the line. Like how I have a hunch on Jivvi though nothing really is concrete enough to make me want to lynch him at the moment. Hunches are always good to hold onto in uncertain situations, like right now, where we're kind of at a standstill with many, many different opinions on people's situation.
I always make large or moderately sized posts because I always find it difficult to write something with such little detail or concisely, which is why I take forever in making statuses because I always have to shorten em' because I never can fit in everything I want to say in the character limit, and other things. Plus, I like putting everything on my mind at the time in the same post instead of over the course of multiple posts, which tends to lead to larger posts... So... sorry about that. :< I can't help it, writing shortly just seems... impossible, I don't know how you guys do it.
But i don't understand how I'm acting not normal/differently, it's such a vague wording which I don't really understand. I'm still making the large posts like I always do, still trying to defend against arguments I disagree with or find silly, still making my hunches known and throwing in some jokes here and there... Just basically doing the same as always. I guess I might be posting more than I usually am? (or am I? I can't tell) since I've basically had 1 class per day for the past few weeks, but besides that, I can't tell.
Hunches against me are fine, but I don't understand what you mean by "being/acting different?"
I just see people agreeing with him left right and centre when he could easily be mafia.
And yes, though I could be Mafia (just like anyone else here could well be) I don't see a lot of people agreeing with me; I haven't exactly said anything that hasn't been said by someone else already, or really anything. x)
Like not believing Swate or Fiesta is necessarily evil, or thinking the arguments to lynch them aren't that solid, or whatever. Other hold similar opinions though with different reasons or doubts or etc, and that's normally the case for all arguments or discussions because its based on opinions or points of view or experience, so I can't help that. >.<
And by the time I finished typing this, I ended up getting home and finishing it off on the computer...
Well then x)