Trouble in the West: Pirates vs Cowboys [Finished]

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Nov 5, 2012
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Alright, I apologise for not posting much. Stopped receiving alerts, plus all that no-lifing on the pixelmon server I haven't been paying attention to new posts.

Do you consider yourself to behave suspiciously? If yes, why? If no, why not?
I would say no. Except for my inactiveness (which you guys have been going on about those who haven't replied being scum ;-;), I don't consider myself to be behaving suspiciously.

As for Swate being scum, the people that he had listed out as being jailed, in case anyone hasn't noticed, 2 out of 3 of them (excluding the abstain, which I see no reason to) were people who had died. I really do believe Ooglie's investigations. One of them HAS to be guilty. While I do not trust Ooglie's claim, even if he were a mafia member attempting to bus Digitamez, one of his claim has to be true (like what happened during Doomed Cruise). That said, there are two possibilites: 1) Ooglie is a paranoid/confused cop. 2) Ooglie is a mafia member, and Digi may be guilty as well and Swate was just a convenient name thrown in lest he used some other player's name and the player was guilty instead - digging himself a hole. However while Possibility 2 is possible, it seems unlikely.

As for Storm, I highly believe that he is another mafia member that is bussing Swate. It could be highly possible that Swate listed out Storm in an attempt for his mafia partner to defend him. However since he listed out four names, and it seemed that Swate is going to be lynched, he decided to save himself by denying that he was jailed. Either way, if Swate turns out to be guilty (which mostly likely will be), for him to list out Storm's name already meant that he was hoping for Storm to defend him.
Well I didn't get any message about a meeting. Was it last night that you did it? Does it work with the party thing that went on?
This post speaks a lot for itself. Despite incriminating evidence that Swate listed out four names when there could only be three as well as your denial about being jailed, you still seem reluctant (yes you do) to vote Swate. The intention behind the two questions you raised for Swate sounds like a futile attempt to help Swate escape from the hole that he has dug for himself.

Together with my previous post on Storm:
However up till now this guy hasn't contributed much yet. Up till now you have only made five six posts in the entire thread. I've tagged you to respond a while ago for you to at least post something contributive other than stating you were doused in gasoline or some I-don't-know-what-to-say-so-I-didn't-post-much excuse, and yet you still haven't and continue to lurk in this thread. I'm really getting the feeling that you are scummy in terms of your lack of willingness to help the town progress forward as well as your weird excuses.

vote Storm886
Storm and Swate are highly likely to be mafia partners. Just as a precaution as well as to find out whether Ooglie is a paranoid or confused cop (he better be one), he should investigate Storm tonight and tell us his investigations.

Vote Swate


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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And I guess I'm insane (thanks game).
Funnily enough the same thing Swate has most likely fake-claimed is a similar role that I fake-claimed last game (bellboy) and I did pick 1 dead person and 1 of my assassin buddies.
Also @digitalmez my role works like any other cop role in which I investigate someone and then I get a result except with this delay I get results one night later.
With the many slip ups of Swate I will...

vote Swate


Jan 12, 2012
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Well I think you're getting a little bit carried away there Jeercrul. Although Swate and I are actually in cahoots. So you are somewhat correct. I am Extraterrestrial Ex. Every night I probe someone. My win conditions are the same as the alien role. However, I was informed from the start that one human has an ability that allows them to stay awake in my presence. Swate is that person and I stumbled across him two nights ago. As part of this, Swate has the ability to join me and my win conditions any night he pleases now that I have visited him.


Nov 5, 2012
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Well I think you're getting a little bit carried away there Jeercrul. Although Swate and I are actually in cahoots. So you are somewhat correct. I am Extraterrestrial Ex. Every night I probe someone. My win conditions are the same as the alien role. However, I was informed from the start that one human has an ability that allows them to stay awake in my presence. Swate is that person and I stumbled across him two nights ago. As part of this, Swate has the ability to join me and my win conditions any night he pleases now that I have visited him.
So you are saying that I'm right and yet I'm getting carried away? Logic??


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
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Well I think you're getting a little bit carried away there Jeercrul. Although Swate and I are actually in cahoots. So you are somewhat correct. I am Extraterrestrial Ex. Every night I probe someone. My win conditions are the same as the alien role. However, I was informed from the start that one human has an ability that allows them to stay awake in my presence. Swate is that person and I stumbled across him two nights ago. As part of this, Swate has the ability to join me and my win conditions any night he pleases now that I have visited him.
Did you basically just claim third party with your own separate win condition? Because that's what Alien is. A role town should lynch since it can stop us from winning as town ourselves?


(Or clarify)

Not only was there no pressure at all on you to claim yet, the claim itself seems somewhat contradictory and illogical (one human can join you maybe but only if tgey want...whaaaat!?).

Feel free to clarify...


Jan 12, 2012
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Jeercrul you don't know me in real life or how I said that statement irl. You are getting very defensive about it for no reason. It isn't a jab at you.

GmK, Swate has the ability to join me as an alien and forfeit his current role if he wishes to during the night. It's as simple as that.

I only win if I probe all of the humans alive. Half of the ones I've probed have died so far, so I don't really don't see myself as much of a threat to the town.


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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Well as soon as I get a chance to finally look at this thread, everything explodes ._. Looking at Swate and Storm, one of them is for sure lying, and their lying makes it seem very likely that one, or both of them are Pirates/Third-party. The fact that storm even claims third-party with a separate win condition makes him a viable lynch option. Voting Swate at this point, is, of course, the better option. I've been suspicious of him most of the game, and now he's managed to blow up his suspiciousness so much and even more so confirm my suspicions of him. When he is lynched, we will gain useful information, regardless of whatever side he is on (though it looks like he's most likely anti-town). So if the votecount is correct, it's time to end today.

Vote Swate


Dec 10, 2012
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Will be typing a better response once I'm on my computer but first.. I'm sad that you didn't pick Sheriff Rick cause then we'd have Walking Dead references yo :(

Besides that, I wonder why Swate's role was hidden while Ooglie's role wasn't..

Does this mean that only lynch kills don't show roles now and night kills do? Or is there some third-party thing.. Just thinking out loud.

As I said, I'll make a better reply once I get home.


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
Reaction score
Will be typing a better response once I'm on my computer but first.. I'm sad that you didn't pick Sheriff Rick cause then we'd have Walking Dead references yo :(

Besides that, I wonder why Swate's role was hidden while Ooglie's role wasn't..

Does this mean that only lynch kills don't show roles now and night kills do? Or is there some third-party thing.. Just thinking out loud.

As I said, I'll make a better reply once I get home.
Either Oaks claim didn't tell the whole truth (like you say, maybe only lynches get hidden, which would be fun since scum probably hoped Oogs role wouldnt be shown, and we now definitely know he wasnt lying about his claim and it leaves us with a few options), or, what might also be the case is a role that takes on the power of other power roles once they're dead? Some kind of third party whose goal it is to take over certain powers in order to succeed, or so?


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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I'm sad that you didn't pick Sheriff Rick cause then we'd have Walking Dead references yo :(
The alliteration though, yo.

As for Ooglie's role showing, I see a few possibilities.
1) Mafia don't show, but town do.
2) A role that can take on other roles.
3) It only hides lynches.

And as for what GmK said about "Not telling the whole truth:"
I don't think we can really say that because to be fair to him, there's a good chance that that part of his role was hidden from him, too.


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
Reaction score
And as for what GmK said about "Not telling the whole truth:"
I don't think we can really say that because to be fair to him, there's a good chance that that part of his role was hidden from him, too.
Yeah didn't mean in an active way of lying, but the fact that this was either missing to him himself or he didnt mention it - if it's even part of his role.


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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I doubt that it'd show us our roles that were killed and not the Pirate roles that were killed, it'd be too easy for us to figure out and we'd still be able to easily figure out if we lynched the right person or not. I think it's more likely that either
A) Only lynched people don't have their role shown
B) There's a role that can mimic another dead person's role

Due to the nature of the game, either one is plausible, but I feel like the second one might be more likely. Of course, there's probably a whole slew of other scenarios that are possible, I just think these are more likely. Worrying over what/why exactly happened the way it did with/without revealing of dead people's roles won't get us anywhere, and will unlikely lead us anywhere conclusive. The only way to help determine what might have happened is to keep going on with the day and try and continue scum-hunting.
Now the most obvious place to start is with the jumble of information we got yesterday.
+Swate/Storm - Both of these two seemed likely to be working together and managed to contradict each other quite a lot, which is part of the reason it seemed that people went out to lynch Swate. Now for Storm, he claimed a third-party role with a win condition that's not specifically pro-town (which admittedly means he doesn't need to kill off town, but shows that he wouldn't be against it). The next part of this is the fact that there wasn't a lot of pressure for him to claim (as was stated yesterday) and it felt like he was scrambling towards an excuse. The only reason I don't vote to lynch him right now is that I can see how storm's role could 'fit' in this weirdly-themed game (Because pirates cowboys AND aliens I suppose). Now since he's claimed this third party role, I'd probably lynch him if I wasn't certain of the guilt of someone else and the day dragged on, but before I make up my mind about that, I'd like storm to answer a few questions (some of which may or may not make sense for now).
@storm886 Now, is your role name just 'Extraterrestrial Ex.' or does the 'Ex.' stand for anything?
Can you only probe one person per night?
Why did you role-claim at the time you did and in the way you did?
Can the said person who can 'win' with you ONLY be town?
I might think of more questions later
Now onto some more highlights of yesterday.
We know that Ooglie's investigations showed up 'guilty' for digi and 'innocent' for Swate. With the way this is worded, I'll assume that third-party would also fall under guilty, which is what digi claimed. As for Swate, I'm not sure what to think of that. I should have taken more time to think about this before finishing off yesterday, but I don't know if it'd help since I still can't say for certain I know what to think about Swate showing up innocent, and then acting so suspiciously. I don't think he showed up innocent because Ooglie was insane (since I believe digi claimed third-party with ability to kill and showed up guilty), which means that mayhaps Swate was A) Godfather-like role (I'd suppose Captain in this case?) B) Some type of lawyer ability (like we saw in Masquerade) or C) He may have actually been innocent. There could be other possibilities, but once again, I think these are the most likely. Now what we think of Swate will, in a way, help us determine whether or not we should believe storm, if we still think the evidence that Swate was a Pirate/anti-town is overwhelming, then It's fairly safe to assume that Storm is lying, dangerous and should be lynched. If Swate was innocent, then we may be able to leave storm alone until later (only may since he still looks fairly suspicious, EVEN if Swate really was innocent).

Now there's also @digitalmez, whom showed up guilty to Ooglie, and then role claimed Abhorrent Adam. I am admittedly interested in hearing at least a little bit more about this role, you say you could potentially kill someone, claim third party and pro-town, but gave us almost no info about your role other than this. How are we supposed to trust you if we don't even know what you can do other than you aren't specifically town and can kill? The fact that your name is Abhorrent Adam makes me uneasy, since Abhorrent is rarely used to mean anything good. Your secrecy and they way you've described your role thus far naturally puts you among the most suspicious people I can see at the moment, so do try and convince me why I shouldn't try and get you lynched.

This is what I can think of right now, will probably think of more at some other time, but I'll be waiting for responses to this before I carry on too much further on these subjects.
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