Swearing Filter


Mafia Host
May 10, 2014
Reaction score
Hi I've been on BuildBox for sometime and I would like to make a suggestion :) that BuildBox would be better with a swearing filter so that young person(s) can play on the server without having to be bombarded with profanities and arguments would not be further heated up with foul language.

I recommend using a plugin named YetAnotherSwearingFilter (YASF) - a not well known Bukkit plugin filter that does its job using listeners that run on Regular Expressions (commonly known as RegEx), which is totally configurable and powerful at the same time. An example of a RegEx is:

In the above RegEx, I've basically summed up an expression that catches IP addresses. For example, if I were to advertise the IP address 'smp.blocktopia.net', the following bypasses would not be accepted below:

- smp.blocktopia.net
- smp........blocktopia...........net
- smpdotblocktopiadotnet
- smpfullstopblocktopiafullstopnet
- smp,blocktopia,net
- smp!blocktopia!net
(the list goes on and in any arrangement)
A similar type of filter can also be done with any type of expression.

In addition to the RegEx option, YASF also has in-built filters that are pre-coded by the author of the plugin for easier configuring and in general better experience. Also, YASF has fully configurable actions to take if someone swears. It can also be configured to take different actions for different kinds of profanity. For instance, if someone used a mild profanity - it can be executed to do a Bukkit alias that runs a /tellraw command from the console to the player whom sweared, and efficiently blocking out the message from chat. Another extraordinary that YASF can do is 'warnings before more serious actions', in which the plugin recognizes these as 'bump counts', and can execute a certain command when a limit is reached for a player. YASF also checks for expressions in books, signs, commands and chat. YASF is also an extremely lightweight plugin - the plugin itself only weighs 57.8 KB as of the latest version.

I recommend the S-Directors to look into this plugin seriously as from my past experience, it is an extremely powerful plugin due to its extreme options and works on nearly all versions of Bukkit and most probably Sponge in future. However, I would like to point out that YASF is extremely extremely sensitive to configurations and a minor error would result it to use its default configuration (which sucks as it autobans players after a limit). Hence I don't recommend adding YASF into the server straightaway (if it's considered) and be tested on a Virtual Private Network (VPN) server first.

I do happen to have a spare configuration in my own drive, which I could donate privately to the server if I'm asked as the configurations itself contain a lot of foul language for the detections and it would be best to send it via a PM instead.

Here's the link to the plugin: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/yetanotherswearingfilter/

I hope in general that this would be added as it would be a great benefit to the community and make it in general a better place for everybody to play on, including younger person(s).




Dec 10, 2012
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I would be curious if you have any evidence as to where swearing is used in such an excessive fashion as to warrant the amount of effort it would take to do this. I'm not saying the idea is bad but I feel like unless there's a growing problem of people excessively swearing without any attempt at moderation that there's really no point in this. I mean we do have an ignore command I believe for a reason.

(I actually don't know if BB does have an ignore command or not but I think so)


Ex - Army of Darkness Director
Oct 7, 2012
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It's a nice idea and all, but there are always ways to get around a filter, which means there are always people who will do just that. Sure, you can add an infinite number of words and phrases to it, but there will always be some that you don't add that people take advantage of.

Furthermore, I think we're a mature community in that if someone is swearing we have the capability to overlook them unless it is directed at us. Not trying to shoot your idea down immediately or anything, but there have been swear filters on some of our servers in the past and rarely did they accomplish much.


Jul 20, 2013
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And this will make it easier to record Blocktopia to Youtube for me, because I'm trying to, well, start Youtube a bit, and this sort of thing could help reduce the amount of editing I'd have to do (which at this point, I don't even know how to edit much more than thumbnail, title, and description).

Though one thing I'd like to point out:
swear filters tend to have an annoying habit of over-filtering/being overly sensitive and finding false positives, as well as being just there all the time.
There is this one mini-game server I tend to go to from time to time, which has it's own little swear filter.
The filter itself is about 60%-90% in catching things generally profane (60% when people try to find uncensored swear words), but it's nice because the swear filter can be turned on/off by each player, so that if one person wants to see the swear words and another doesn't they both pretty much get their way.


Insufficient Data
Feb 19, 2012
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I don't think a swear filter plugin would be necessary for Buildbox right now. A few months ago, Nill enabled a swear and capslock filter that wasn't taken too kindly by the players. They figured out ways to bypass the words that were blocked and talked in CAPS for a bit because it was easy to do. Maybe the plugin that he used wasn't configured well or wasn't great to begin with, but the point is that players will figure out ways to bypass the filter and say what they want to say.

Personally, I'd rather see what they wanted to say instead of having it be filtered. That way, you can get a good judge of their character and take action on them accordingly.

And if any of the players on here sees a person saying inappropriate things, then, if possible, take a screenshot of it (or Staff can look through IRC logs) and feel free to notify any Staff about it.


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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any chat filter could probably be bypassed by inserting a bukkit colour code midway into the word; unless you have the highup perms to use the colour, it'll render as nothing, leaving a normal (profane) word. someone with the perms could just use the white colour code, which will leave no visible alteration also


Mafia Host
May 10, 2014
Reaction score
any chat filter could probably be bypassed by inserting a bukkit colour code midway into the word; unless you have the highup perms to use the colour, it'll render as nothing, leaving a normal (profane) word. someone with the perms could just use the white colour code, which will leave no visible alteration also
Not trying to be aggressive here, but just wanted to point out that using RegEx I could easily fend off the Unicode symbol in the text, the Section Sign (§) that does Minecraft in-game formatting can be avoided by adding it to a RegEx filter by adding a '.', which represents all characters.


Mafia Host
May 10, 2014
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It looks like this discussion is turning out to be a ravine of supporters/non-supporters on each side based on the ratings and comments and I would explain my personal point of view from all three sides: neutral, non-supporting and supporting with evidence.

From a neutral point of view I must agree that RegEx filters can be bypassed with a bit of figuring as it is after all a computer and I totally agree with rawrmynameisrex as in it would be better to allow the players to swear as it reflects on their attitude and in general maturity. Since the server is not in an uncontrolled swearing epidemic it would not be mandatory for this plugin.

From the not supporting point of view I must state that this is an extremely bad idea to implement the Swearing Filter as it will only not allow players to vent their frustration/anger of themselves via profanity and they will find other ways to do so e.g. Lavaflooding, attempt of bypassing the filter, etc. and hence it would be much better to allow the profanities in chat. Also the swearing filter could be way too strong and block out words that are not profane causing a disruption in conversation, and not to state that swearing is not a bulging problem to the server that it will need such a plugin.

From the supporting point of view I would say that this is a great way to finally 'clean-up' chat and that it would definitely be more friendly to most users such as younger children (such as kids) and allow them to be less exposed to profane language. In addition the plugin can also be used to detect homophobic slurs, etc. and does not affect user gameplay.

Lets wait for Prizyms to comment on this thread if he wants to.


Mafia Host
Dec 17, 2011
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I won't be adding a swear filter. Swearing is allowed in moderation and those who take the privilege of slightly more colourful language too far will be reprimanded appropriately. If I were to add one, as mentioned before people would figure out ways to get around it and it would look bad for anyone involved.


Jul 2, 2014
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club penguin ultimate safe chat feature please

Players with accounts set to Ultimate Safe Chat mode can only communicate using the predefined menu of phrases, emotes, actions and greeting cards. They cannot type their own messages. These players can only see other Ultimate Safe Chat messages.
For the first time ever I actually agree with Jube...go Jube!

I dislike the idea of being limited on what we can say. What happened to freedom of speech? ;'(


Any server Danni can be on is not family friendly.
Blocktopia is a community full of mature people who are supposed to be able to swear in a restricted manner. I see why you would want this, however this would, quite simply, not be the community that has been built up. If someone is abusive of this permission, a staff member will deal with it.


Jan 26, 2012
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I'm not gonna say a swear filter in general is bad as an option to turn it on for each user, since some people just don't like swear words at all. But the family-friendly bit confuses me. Being family friendly? That's fine. But BT is already far from that. One look at the forums and you can find that out in about 5 seconds. "I played on this 'family-friendly' server then went on their forum to be bombarded with swear words and old memes," is an example of something that could happen with that.


Jul 20, 2013
Reaction score
Toontown (original by Disney, not certain about the rewritten version):
first few years, any one with a free-account was forced to use a set list of various words that were allowed, which was called "speed chat" ( and I often found my self searching for a phrase and then saying 5 minutes later than I meant to), and even adults on free-accounts could not type (there was no ultimate chat guard option, because it was pretty much the only way of communication)
Paid accounts could type pretty much anything, but only players on the "true-friends" list (basically, people who the game thinks you know IRL by having you share passwords with the other person, probably over the phone) would see the actual message and everyone else would just see "Meow meow meow!" or "Woof woof woof!"

Later on, they finally added speed chat +, which let anyone type a message that was publicly visible. However, you could only really use about half the words in the known English language, anything not recognized as a "word" would simply appear as "Squeak squeakity squeak!" or "Eep eep eep!", and to prevent kids from accidentally giving their address or even their phone number to strangers over the internet, they completely disabled the use of numbers (spelled out or symbol), alone or in a string, save for known text message things (like someone saying g2g or :3), which they'd occasionally update to add more words that they were 465% sure were safe and clean.

What they basically did wrong was make a near-tyrannical chat filter, which could neither be toggled in any way, and seriously impeded most conversations, making things like "Woofy woof I woof woof you woof!" followed by "whoops, what I meant was..." very common in conversation.
Then again, it was fun to hold down the O key, spam the chat with an endless stream of Os, and spam the (I think) distress voice-clip for whatever toon you where playing at the time.