Survivor Tuvalu


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Important Announcement

Sadly, Alpha102 will be leaving the game for personal reasons. It has nothing to do with the game. Alpha, you're free to say something if you wish before leaving.


Due to that, I will be cancelling the Duel. Which means, Ooglie101 and ChronosStar524 will be safe from elimination. It wouldn't be fair for the Heroes Tribe to lose 2 Survivors in a row.


That means, a New Challenge will be here soon. Be prepared.


Bye Alpha :C

Gl with your stuffs


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The Splash Challenge

Welcome to the 2nd Challenge of the season.

This is going to be a very simple one. Not all the Tribe will be participating here. Only 4 members of each Tribe will. So 16 in total.

For this Challenge, 4 Survivors from each Tribe will face up against each other.

Those 4 Survivors will all be standing up in a plank. Your job will be simple: Choose which Key you will like.

-Key #1
-Key #2
-Key #3

There's only 1 correct Key. (Chosen randomly by me) Whoever chooses that key, will have the power to decide WHICH of the other 3 Survivors you will like to release their chain that's holding their plank by using the key, and letting them fall into the ocean. Meaning, they will be eliminated from the Challenge.

We'll continue doing this UNTIL two Tribes have lost all their members. The other two Tribes that still have Survivors on their side, will win immunity and will be safe from elimination.

The other 2 Tribes that lost, will then be facing in a Mini-Challenge. In which 1 last Tribe will win immunity and the other will have to vote out 2 Survivors from their own Tribe.

Here's the twist: Before the Challenge begins, each Tribe will be giving a bomb by me. As a Tribe, you will discuss WHICH Survivors (Out of the 4) will be holding that bomb the entire game. So for example, If I choose the correct key and I decide to push Theoo and he reveals that he has the bomb, then I will be the one jumping into the ocean. And Theoo will be safe.

There's luck and strategy going on in this game. Because, people's true colors might show. Who is in an allianace with who? Who do you want to see out of the Challenge? Everything might show depending who you choose to go for.


So before we start, please discuss in your Tribe PM which 4 Survivors will be the ones particiapting. who will be holding the bomb AND who will be going 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th.


Good Luck.



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
So the four of us together would have one key?

Sorry I'm just easily confused ;-;
Example: The first 4 will be Theoo, Fruit, Hunter and You. In this same thread, each of you will be picking a Key. (1,2,3 or 4). After that, I'll randomize it. And they key that comes out will be the correct one.

We'll keep doing that for each round.

So no, you can't choose the same key as someone else if it's taken already in that round.


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Round 1

From the Challenjour Tribe (Newbies): BiggestKirbyFan
From the T.A.C.F.O.T Tribe (Heroes): Theoo
From the God Shane Nobody Likes You Tribe (Villains): Enderfive
From the Meh Tribe (Neutrals): Aika


Proceed to choose a key please.

Key #1
Key #2
Key #3
Key #4

Post it on this same thread.

Good Luck.​