IC Travels of the Afterlife


Oct 20, 2012
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You wander, your mind not quite there. Your thoughts are scattered; you can’t seem to recall anything.

A young girl passes by you, young, cheerful, carefree. She waves at you with a bright smile on her face. You wave back absentmindedly. Giggling, the girl flew away.

… Flew?

With a sudden feeling of alarm, you turn around. The girl was indeed flying, with a tail remniscent of a ghost tail, anything showing that it was part of her hidden by her dress. With a start, you realize that you are wearing the exact same dress, a blue-greenish shade just shy of white.

Bending what you had believed to be your knees the entire time, you find yourself face-to face with a tail of your own.

It all comes rushing back to you. The honking of cars, crossing the street, abruptly feeling a wave of absolute paincrashing into you from the side.

You’re dead.


Welcome one, welcome all, to an idea that I hope will last, Travels of the Afterlife.

The thing this idea sprang up from is right here.

No, I am not ending GotE, unless people lose interest in it. I have seen people start up multiple roleplays and handle them all (this one person in particular who somehow is juggling seven) and so I shall now see how this goes.

OOC thread here: http://escaperestart.com/forum/threads/travels-of-the-afterlife-discussion.18462/



So first off, you're dead. Right off the bat. You can show how they died, perhaps, but that'll be the last time you see them alive beyond flashbacks that people will most definitely use to flesh out their character's histories. The next thing you know, you've woken up in a strange, blue-greenish place filled with mist in a daze; some snap out of it quickly, some a little longer, and some never. This place is known to many as The Mist of Awakenings, for all who die wake up there.

The main goal for all characters is to find peace in the afterlife. It's definitely a hard thing to accept that you're dead, for some. Do you worry about how your friends and family are coping? You can't accept this sort of situation after all the shit in your life? What should you do now? Your character has to find a way to accept their situation.

On top of the main goal, I plan for there to be multiple arcs for the story to keep going, the current arc being the Fallen Father arc- which will be explained in a short summary after this. Any suggested ideas for an arc (or the roleplay in general) will be taken into consideration, even if it ends up altering the rules of this universe.

And the third one... The afterlife is endless. While you'll know you've seen all that there is to be seen once you find yourself face-to-face with blank empty space, the afterlife is constantly expanding for all the departed souls. There are currently five places that definitely exists at the moment, but aything beyond that is up to your imagination. Do you feel adventurous enough to see what lies beyond?


The Afterlife's Mechanics

There's certainly a lot of things to it. I'd explain what I think (it implements some ideas from Danny Phantom, and some of my own) but I'd like to see what you end up doing before I add in mine via the roleplay. Let's test the mechanics through our writing again, shall we?


Character Creation

It works the same way it does for GotE; there's no form to fill. You just write in an introduction for your character, and you're done, though there are some specific guidelines about them you have to follow.

For one thing, whether they were an alien from outer space or was specifically aiming for the afterlife with a portal, they're dead the moment they manage to get there, no exceptions. If you ever manage to get into the world of the living again (and it actually can happen, which will be addressed in another arc) you'll still be a ghost- unless I change my mind and add in reincarnation or something, you have no way of coming back to life. You cannot be a halfa. You cannot be visiting through spiritual means. You're dead.

Another thing is that everyone wakes up in the same place; The Mist of Awakenings. There are only three kinds of garments they might wear then, regardless of what they were wearing when they died; a dress, a hospital gown, and a plain, loose garment with long sleeves and reaches just over where your ankles should be. They are all in the same blue-green shade described in the introductory story. You may choose any of them, regardless of gender, perhaps just to see how your male character reacts to wearing girl's clothing. Yes, you eventually can change your clothes, the quickest being if you head east where you'll meet with someone.

Speaking of that 'someone', this time you can roleplay more than one character. Only two of them, however, are allowed to be roleplayed all the time; the rest are just NPCs that you have to get my permission for, and can only be used when the situation calls it necessary (passing by their place, heading to their place to get something, etc). Playing as an arc villain counts as this.

And when it comes to the two characters, they are not allowed to have had prior interaction between them before they died- which essentially means that if you want twins or friends or something along those lines, you still have to discuss it with someone else. This also applies to Rosa and Ella- the two girls in the concept art that I will be roleplaying as aside from the arc villain.

As an additional rule, anyone who wishes to roleplay as a certain NPC themselves- whether as an NPC or a full-on character- must get permission from the one currently playing that role. And if you wish to make an NPC as a full-on character, but already have two characters of your own, you must either make one of them an NPC or allow someone else to roleplay as them instead.


Fallen Father
A vengeant ghost is running rampant across the afterlife, uprooting the promised peace souls had looked forward to. A state of unrest arises; what's gotten the guy into a frizzle?

Format: [Roleplayer] - [Character Name] ([Age of Death], [Year of Death])
Faliara - Rosa (15 years old, 2015) and Ella (? years old, died ????)
Timdood3 - Cameron (26 years old, died 2015)
Toiletprincess - Lili (18 years old, died 1918)
Catcocomics - C-057 (? months old, died 2015)
  • Klaris (60-70 years old, died 2000)
  • Ellan (Supposedly 17 years old, died ????)
  • ??? (?? years old, died ????)
None yet.

Right now, I cannot think of anything else that might be important. Perhaps I'll recall in the morning. For now, though, I'll be making a map. I do request that everyone head to the same direction (east), though you don't have to ^_^"

I'll be making recaps every 10 pages or so and hope I don't lose track of them. Any changes to the roleplay may be edited in here, so keep an eye on this post!

Adieu for now!
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Oct 20, 2012
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Rosa began to hyperventilate. Oh god. I'm dead. I'm dead. She forced herself to calm down, even though she knew there was really no point in doing so-

Don't think about it. Taking a deep breath, she looked back at the girl flying around. She seemed pretty carefree, for someone who just died...

... And then she remembered that she hadn't been able to recall anything herself for a few moments. Maybe she hasn't realized that she's dead yet?

With that thought, she flew over to the girl, slightly uncomfortable with the lack of gravity and how she doesn't seem to have feet.

"Um..." Rosa cringed at the slight echo that occured, though it didn't seem to originate from her own voice. Was it the place that magnified the sound?

"Hm?" The girl turned around, curiousity clear in her eyes.

"Er... Hey," she greeted. "I'm Rosa. What's your name?"

The girl stared at her for a few moments, before grinning. "My name's Ella!"

Rosa smiled. "Nice to meet you, Ella." She looked at Ella's tail, pointing at it. "Say, don't you think it's strange that we don't have feet right now?"

... Way to go, Rosa. You could've worded that one better.

Ella furrowed her eyebrows. "Wha's wrong with not having feet?"

... Okay?

"I like my tail," Ella declared. "It's swishy. Swish, swish, swish!" She swung her tail around with each 'swish'.

... Okay, new plan.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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I wake surrounded by mists. The blue-green color is oddly calming...Not that I need it. The only thing that could possibly need calming here is my excitement! "It worked!" I shout, "I've finally made it! I've made it to the spiritworld!" Oh shit, I have no legs. I jump- or rather, fling myself upward- and choose a direction in search of my answers.

Cameron isn't someone you would exactly call "social" or "normal" ...or "sane." He was a bit of a fanatic. Okay, he was a lot of a fanatic. He'd been studying, researching and hypothesizing for most of his 26 year life. Not schoolwork, like a normal person. No, he studied death. Cult rituals. Anything that would give him the answers of beyond. And now he's finally found those answers. The plan was he'd be dead temporarily, and he'd return to tell the others; he'd become a prophet. He's not coming back. ...But he doesn't know that.
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The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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A girl wandered through blue-green mists, a soft breeze shifting the loose strands of her hair. Her eyes searched but the fog showed no sign of any other movement beyond its barrier. She seemed absent. Her eyes were clouded over and she moved slowly, aimlessly. You didn't do it. You didn't save him. Stupid. She covered her face with her hands and let out an eerie sigh that seemed to echo, much like the effects in the movies. If you'd been alive a couple more moments your last minutes could've been worth something. Stupid, stupid. You didn't even manage to save your last patient. What happened? Did I fall on top of him? How did I die? A painful throbbing started in her, in her.. Would you even call it her head? Her ethereal head? Did she even have a body? She glanced down to find that, yes, she did have a body, but it was ghostly and where her legs were instead swayed a transparent tail. Weird.


Jul 20, 2013
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What... happened... exactly?
What is this place?
Silence... all around, silence...
Where were the others? Did they make it out?
Did I make it out? If so... then what's all this? This can't be space.
Oh... now I remember... so... does this mean there's more than simply living in this world?
Silence. Just silence.
No fighters, no death lasers, no one...
Just silence.
I guess I really was too slow. They always told me that would be my undoing.
But what could I have done about that? Hmm...
Silence... it's nice, but something's off...

The 'dragon' continued to drift through what they thought to be a quiet portion of the cosmos they knew, lost in thought.
They knew they were dead, but they didn't quite get that they were no longer in the physical world...
Their name? Well, I guess they didn't really have a name, as 'dragons' back then weren't quite free to have proper names, as they had only just been engineered a few months prior. 'Dragons', back in those days, were given designations, a letter for their generation (starting at A) and a number for which of that generation they are.
So this 'dragon'? C - 057, to be later given a real name by those wandering the after life.
And how might it be that I came across this 'dragon', to have known their tale and be able to tell it to you? That's another story...
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Oct 20, 2012
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For those who head East: http://faliara.deviantart.com/art/Klaris-TotA-NPC-526399917
For those who head North: http://faliara.deviantart.com/art/Ellan-TotA-NPC-526400770
For those who head West: http://faliara.deviantart.com/art/TotA-NPC-Fallen-Father-Arc-Villain-526402112
For those who head South: http://faliara.deviantart.com/art/Stained-Photo-526402818

Choose. Which direction will you go?

((I now have three different NPCs on top of Rosa and Ella. Hopefully I'll be able to do this properly... Timdood3 Toiletprincess Catcocomics))
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Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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My excitement is starting to give way to cautious advance. The landscape is starting to shift to that of being underwater. It was slow at first, but more noticeable as giant rocks floated by, covered in coral and other marine life, admittedly, a lot of it dead. My attitude shifts again to one of a more frenzied search. Surely I'll find something here, something I can share with the clan and finally become the prophet!

As Cameron searched, he found a whole lot of nothing. But he searched what had to be every underwater island, such was his fervor. For a while, he discovered nothing but more marine life. He didn't recognize it, and he didn't bother to remember it nor take a moment to enjoy it. Though he did find one thing of note: A picture pinned under a rock. It's a man and a girl, and is stained with blood. Not knowing what it could mean, the kid pockets it and heads east.
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Oct 20, 2012
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Rosa was admittedly weirded out. Ella didn't seem to be even remotely shocked that she had a tail. She didn't even look ecstastic at the possibility of having turned into a mermaid.

"If you say so," she said instead, trying to find a plan of direction. If Ella had realized that she had a tail a long time ago, it's possible that she already knew she was dead. She could've been dead for longer than Rosa has, gotten over the fact that it'll be years before she'll ever see her parents again-

"Be back by evening, okay, Rosa?"
"You don't need to tell me that, Mom-"


"Say, Ella," she said on impulse, trying to block out thoughts of ohgodmomI'msorryI'mdeadI'mdeadI'mdead- "Don't you think this place is boring?"

Ella blinked up at her, curious. "Huh?"

"Well," she held her hands behind her back, bowing downwards and took a glance at her surroundings for emphasis. "All you can see is bluish, greenish mist, and nothing else. Don't you think there's something else other than this?"

Ella gave a small smile, looking around herself. "It is kind of boring..."

"I think we should look around," Rosa declared. "There has to be something more."

Ella nodded eagerly. "But... Where should we start?"

Rosa pondered on where they were headed, before pointing at a random direction. "Anywhere counts, I guess. Let's start that way!"

And thus, the girls flew east.
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Oct 20, 2012
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Meanwhile, at the direction where both were headed, a woman was frantically searching through her racks.

"Now, where did I put that fabric..."

She sighed, looking towards her most recent work. A red-plaid button up shirt, with long folded-up sleeves. She looked at the clothes that were left. A blue short skirt, a green sweater, a purple turtleneck shirt, a pink hoodie, a fedora, a black t-shirt with blue around the edges, a black jacket, a yellow hoodie, and a whole pile of pants and footwear regarded useless.

They didn't even bother paying attention to her. Just what were they doing that got them all killed?...

Ellan was right. This job really was high maintenance.

Klaris sighed again, thumping her head on the rack.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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As I travel, I note the air getting thinner once more, and the frequency of marine life is dwindling. The scene as a whole eventually gives way to a sea of floating islands. Maybe my wording was a bit misleading. It's not a literal sea, nor are they literal islands. Anyway, I progress. I have to cover as much ground as possible before my revival.

Cameron took down a few notes. Mostly by muttering under his breath. He's always been the sort that can remember anything he says word for word, and as such, talks like he's writing a journal. As a 'scientist,' it's not like he'd forgo such procedures. Dead or not, to him this is all one big experiment. In his note taking, kid loses his way and ends up going north instead of east. Good thing his job isn't mapping.

I float from island to island, not really seeing much. Don't even see anyone else. Surely people die often enough for this place to be overrun with spirits... In any case, there's a logical explanation. Whatever, I see what appears to be an inhabited structure up ahead.


Oct 20, 2012
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As the atmosphere slowly turned from misty to a sky blue surrounding, Rosa was surprised as she found herself right in front of a floating island.

Ella's face lighted up. "A floating island!" She began flying around in circles, delighted by the change of scenery.

Rosa's face took in the sight as well, never having seen anything quite like it before. Nice, she found herself thinking, as her eyes landed on a wooden hut.

Her eyes locked onto it, shocked.


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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"Huh..." The girl muttered, looking down at the unfamiliar, blue-green dress she wore and running her hands along it. I guess that's a good thing, my uniform would've been covered in blood... She shudders, a pain spiking into her mind. What happened?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The sound of war boomed in her ears, gunshots and yelling was all that could be heard. Slowly, a cool liquid seeped into the cloth of her uniform and she pressed hastily down on the wound that had red staining her hands. "It's okay, I got you, you're fine," she said softly, searching for something on the ground beside her. A bang sounded and her vision went white, a high pitched screech piercing her skull. It all happened within a heartbeat. The girl spluttered, the pain instantaneous. She slouched as blood bubbled from her mouth and fell forward onto the man she was tending, dead.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As she snapped out of her trance, she flinched and ran a hand through her hair. Did he survive? She sighed, looking into the mist again. 'Well, there's no point wandering aimlessly," she thought, heading North and allowing herself to get surrounded by the fog.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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I miss my legs...But I'll have them back in a matter of hours. The others will revive me, I'll tell them of my travels here and I'll be hailed among the gods themselves! But first, to gather more information. I'm coming upon the structure now.

And come upon the structure he did. He was underwhelmed to say the least. It was little more than a hut. He finally found one thing he'd been hoping to, though: Others. Two littles girls stood outside, staring.

I approach the girls slowly from behind, studying them. Everything about them is so fascinating. Their garments, their lack of legs, their very being is extraordinary! But I contain my excitement; I must remain professional and keep my goal in mind. It's difficult to contain myself, though; this is everything I have ever worked for! "Yo." I greet the girls casually, as if I remained living. Though one thing is in the back of my mind: I still am living, and I have only a matter of hours to communicate with these other beings. "How long have you two been staring at this hut? Is anyone inside?"


Jul 20, 2013
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This 'dragon' had been drifting for quite a while now, completely oblivious to their surroundings. Eventually, they noticed that they didn't see anything, and decided to open their eyes.

Hang on... I don't recall being anywhere near a nebula... Hmm, and that is a rather strange looking nebula... But... wait, it's too small to be a nebula.
And the stars... where are all the stars? And the colors... but... this can't be space, there's just no way.
Uhm... what's that shape over there? It seems to be moving away from... what ever this nebulous thing is.

The 'dragon' decided to see what the moving object was, cautiously flying towards it, curious, but uneasy.

((Toiletprincess ))


Oct 20, 2012
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Rosa jumped, turning towards the source of the voice. Someone else?

She inspected the man. He looked as though he was in his mid to late twenties, and his hair was somewhat dishevelled. "Hey," she answered back. "Uh... I honestly have no idea. I'm surprised there is a hut in the first place."


A large crash could be heard from inside the hut, a resounding "OW!" following soon after. The girls snapped their heads towards the hut in surprise.



Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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"Well. I guess that answers that question." With the girls stunned I strode toward the door. Or at least, that's what I would have done, if I had legs. The door opens easily and inside there is an old woman and clothes strewn about.

For a guy that just died, Cameron is awfully calm about this whole situation. Just wait until he finds out he's not coming back.

((asingw I literally cannot do the narrator without going into Rucks. Especially when listening to the Bastion soundtrack...))


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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"Excuse me, sorry to have barged in, but I was hoping to learn more about this place. The spiritworld, I mean. Maybe you could tell while I assist you with...Whatever it is you're doing?"

Cameron put on his best 'innocent and sane' act, but it wasn't quite working out. He still appeared very eager. Not that he wasn't, he just wasn't doing a very good job of hiding it.


Oct 20, 2012
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"Excuse me, sorry to have barged in, but I was hoping to learn more about this place. The spiritworld, I mean. Maybe you could tell while I assist you with...Whatever it is you're doing?"

Cameron put on his best 'innocent and sane' act, but it wasn't quite working out. He still appeared very eager. Not that he wasn't, he just wasn't doing a very good job of hiding it.
The woman stared at thew newcomers. Already?

Sighing, she rose up. "Welcome to the afterlife," she said, monotone. "How may I help you."

"... Are you alright?" Rosa asked, concerned.

Ella wondered what was with the man's expression.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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"Well, I surely have a few questions. Why aren't there more people here? Surely, people die more frequently than this. Does this picture mean anything to you? And lastly...What time is it? In the living world, that is."

Cameron's tone surely sounded calm and collected, but inside he was freaking out a bit. He didn't even consider that maybe this woman, who's name he had yet to ask, would prefer to answer one question at a time.
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Oct 20, 2012
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"Well, I surely have a few questions. Why aren't there more people here? Surely, people die more frequently than this. Does this picture mean anything to you? And lastly...What time is it? I the living world, that is."

Cameron's tone surely sounded calm and collected, but inside he was freaking out a bit. He didn't even consider that maybe this woman, who's name he had yet to ask, would prefer to answer one question at a time.
The woman smiled slightly at the girl's concern. She seems more respectable than that group from earlier. "I'm fine, thak you for your concern."

Her eyes widened as she looked back at the man. "Oh! Sorry. You're certainly very eager with the questions. There are indeed more, but the afterlife is endless, you see, and is always increasing in size to ensure that it doesn't become overcrowded. There are more lands beyond this."

She began picking up the clothes that had fallen on the floor, folding them and putting them back in the box. "If you're wondering why there aren't more dead people, some take more time to wake up than others. They're probably still floating in the mist, just waiting for their time."

"And as for time..." the woman grabbed a wristwatch. "I do believe it runs the same way as it does in the living world, although it's harder to tell in certain biomes as not all of them switch between night and day, like this one. And for what time it is..." She pointed at a clock that pointed to 3:30. "That's around the time in Greenwich right now. PM, judging by the fact that the light's blinking blue at the moment. Make what you will of it."

She smiled. "I'm Klaris, by the way. Dead for 15 years, and guide of the dead for 10. Nice to meet you."
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Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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So I've and hour and a half. Plenty of time- Shit! That means I've been here for three and a half hours already! Fuck- Don't panic. Most of that was probably spent 'waking up' as the woman called it. Time surely can't actually pass that quickly. I watch the time intently to be sure it is passing at the normal rate, and it is. I breathe a sigh of relief and relax a bit. I bow, a habit I adopted during my studies. "Ah, thank you. Another thing- Is there any way I can recover my legs? I don't think I can ever adjust to not having them."

Simon Cameron started to become more relaxed, knowing just how much time he had. Or at least, how much time he thought he had. In reality, he had all the time in the world. Literally.

((euwrw at this rate I should just change his fucking name to Simon.))


Oct 20, 2012
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So I've and hour and a half. Plenty of time- Shit! That means I've been here for three and a half hours already! Fuck- Don't panic. Most of that was probably spent 'waking up' as the woman called it. Time surely can't actually pass that quickly. I watch the time intently to be sure it is passing at the normal rate, and it is. I breathe a sigh of relief and relax a bit. I bow, a habit I adopted during my studies. "Ah, thank you. Another thing- Is there any way I can recover my legs? I don't think I can ever adjust to not having them."

Simon Cameron started to become more relaxed, knowing just how much time he had. Or at least, how much time he thought he had. In reality, he had all the time in the world. Literally.

((euwrw at this rate I should just change his fucking name to Simon.))
"Yes, actually, though I suggest you ask Ellan about it." Klaris looked down at her tail. "I'll never get how he can just jump from rock to rock..."


Jul 20, 2013
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So the shape is that of some sort of humanoid without legs, female... who speaks... what was that language called? Ing-lash?
It's been so long since anyone has spoken language that near me, and yet, I can recall all essential information about it's structure and such.
"My designation is C-057, the location of my creation is confidential. I do not remember you. Please state your name...
...and I also request confirmation: are we dead?"
Perhaps that was too much information, but regardless if I was merely captured or truly vaporized, I should do as asked within reason.
This person looks oddly similar to other 'dragons', yet I do not recall seeing them. Are they of a different series, or... are they something else?

'Dragons', though they were created originally for use in war, come equipped with knowledge of a selection of languages (a couple of Earth languages included)
of which they could use for out-of-combat strategies.
Their lack of knowledge of humans was mainly due to the lack of their perceived significance to those who created the 'dragons', as humans weren't involved in that war, though there were plenty of humanoids.

((Toiletprincess ))