IC Travels of the Afterlife


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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((Anyways, I can't quite recall who had the watch, but if Klaris didn't give it to you assume she gave it to Rosa. Also, she brought the jeans from before, as well as another pair that she assumes is your size.))
((I first called for Ellan like three days ago <3 And you said she gave the watch to Cameron. Also he's been obsessively checking the time with it, so if you didn't that'll be awkward.))

I groan quietly. I was perfectly fine waiting for this 'Ellan' who still hasn't shown up completely alone. I was ok when this French girl and delusional maniac showed up. But now these three are back. Ugh. 4:40. Twenty Minutes to resurrection. "Hey! Sorry, I didn't know you wanted to come too."

Cameron tried his best to put on a smile and seem apologetic, despite not caring at all. He just wanted to meet Ellan so he could learn more about regaining legs and controlling these 'powers' ....Which he still had yet to try out...And get out of here.

"And back to you C-..Can I just call you Cesil? If you've never heard of humans, how can you speak our common language fluently?"


Oct 20, 2012
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((Sorry :x))

Rosa looked between the two who she hadn't noticed earlier, too busy mentally yelling at Cameron. "Um. Hi."


Ellan watched from a distance, peaking over a rock, too far away for anyone to notice him. I knew it. Three of them are wearing clothes, though... Judging from the direction two of them are flying from, I assume they've been to Klaris'.


Jul 20, 2013
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"Ehhhhh.... Cesil...? I'm not so sure about that...
I can speak your language fluently because it is one of the languages that was programmed into my brain before I first gained consciousness.
I'll make this brief: I am C-057 of an artificial life form code-named 'Dragons' (along with the project behind it).
My species was created for the purposes of war and to simulate (and some as speculate; mock) the spirits of deceased stars, known only as 'phoenixes'.
Be wary, we were engineered to fly insanely fast by will, to shape shift (also by will), and believe it or not, they managed to use technology to give us true magical powers.
I for one, can manipulate fire and electricity...
...But, given that we don't appear to even have our legs, I doubt that I could actually demonstrate anything beyond flight speed... if that isn't also controlled."

((Timdood3 Toiletprincess Faliara ))


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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I quickly grow tired of his explanation, sure, it's information unknown to humans, but it's not what I'm here for. And it's using time. 4:42. "Look, I really doubt it's going to matter about twenty minutes from now, but I'm not going to call you C- whatever numbers. Either give me something to call you, or I'll be calling you Cesil. And I have just one question: Are you sure you're not delusional? Phoenixes are solitary, peaceful and immortal creatures. What would anyone have to gain from successfully killing one? That is, if you could even find a way to prevent them rising from the ashes. And good luck killing fire with fire, even assuming you're not imagining that, too. Whatever, though. If you want to be part of some other race, that's cool. I've heard weirder things being true." I look down at my watch. And I was talking even longer than Cesil had been. 4:44. Fuck. Not really helping my own case of time, am I?...Where the fuck is Ellan?

Cameron starts getting antsy. Only fifteen minutes until the ritual is completed. Not that it matters. More of an inevitable panic countdown that a returning to life one.

((glad I didn't have to write that in French <3 ))


Jul 20, 2013
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Look, if you want to give me a new name, that's fine, I'm just not responding to 'Cesil'.
Well, I guess I can't really expect much more than being labeled as a 'delusional little girl' from members of such a primitive race.
If it's proof you seek, I'll be happy to spew out any information regarding my origins, but if you wish to be stubborn and unaccepting of thing outside of your tiny beliefs, then fine by me.
Now, anything else, or shall we go find this 'Ellan' you've been wanting to see so badly?"


Oct 20, 2012
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... They're ignoring me.

Rosa didn't know what to feel about that. She tried speaking with them anyway. "Okay, how about 'Cosi' then?" she suggested, not sure what kind of name that is herself.


Ellan stood up, putting a foot on the rock he was sitting behind. Well, I guess it's time to show myself...

He jumped, landing on a piece of rock near them, startling everyone into looking in his direction. "Yo."


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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I turn and throw out my arms in exasperation. At long last my queries can be answered. And quickly. "Ah, you must be Ellan. So great for you to arrive. I see you have legs. Tell me, how did you get them? And what is this I've heard about 'powers'?" Hopefully that was concise enough. 4:45.
((I'm going to bed, I should have already x3))
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Jul 20, 2013
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"Cosi huh?
I... guess... maybe...
Sure, why not?"

Huh? What am I...?

She hadn't realized it, but when Ellan had landed on a rock near her and the others, her instincts took action and she soon found that she had pinned the poor guy to the rock he had landed on. It was only when she reached for her hand-held pocket laser that she realized her standard uniform was replaced with some sort of robe.
This is why it's a bad idea to surprise 'dragons', though I'm sure Ellan didn't know about her being a 'Dragon'.

"Wha-... where? What happened to my pockets? Huh? OH! Sorry!
*quickly floats a short distance away from Ellan* I guess I still have my military instincts, huh?
So... what happened to my uniform? I'm not quite sure... that I'm comfortable with this... this... uhh......
What are these I'm wearing?"

((Faliara Timdood3 Toiletprincess ))


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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The poor girl looked between all the other that had arrived in such a short time with a look of confusion. She understood them, yet she wasn't sure how well she could reply. "Sort of English," she muttered, looking at the odd boy that had appeared before the pair. "Je m'appelle Lili," she replied, pointing to herself briefly and shrugging, dropping her hand. What does the.. dragon mean from her being from the present? Wasn't I in the present? She turned, looking at the girls that had presented themselves with a neutral expression and an intrigued eye. Well, at least they seemed less crazy than this future-dragon lady.
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Jul 20, 2013
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"Sir, could you tell me what I'm wearing? What ever it is, it seems to have replaced my uniform."

*Takes a moment to recall what she had just been told*

"You sir, Cameron was it? You spoke of creatures called phoenixes that are immortal and peaceful, and you questioned why my kind would want to try and kill any.
The 'phoenixes' I spoke of are much the same way; impossible to kill (which studies showed they were naught but spirits given physical form and magical powers), often peaceful.
However, we never did go to war against them, though our creators did capture a good few for... knowledge... that led to our creation. I suppose it was a little immoral of them, but had they not done so, I doubt that I would be here, talking to any of you.
I'm quite curious about human culture, however primitive it may be, mainly due to the odd coincidence that names of creatures from your world have been used for my kind and the lingering spirits of deceased stars."

I'm guessing these people still think I'm a little crazy. But perhaps I could find ways to help them understand how vast the possibilities have always been.

"By the way, what time did you die, Cameron? And why the hurry? You seem to be glancing at that device on your wrist a lot."

((Toiletprincess Timdood3 Faliara ))


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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"I died mere hours ago. And I've always been attached to time. How fast it passes, and the like. I also like to just go fast. It passes here exactly as it did on earth. How did your kind track time?" If I can't get more information out of Ellan, the best I can do is get information from this dragon lady. She at least seems legit.

Cameron was growing increasingly hasty, fidgeting. Only glancing up from his watch. As his time drew closer he drew increasingly paranoid. As if he felt he would be ridiculed by the others if they found out his true reasons. Would he be wrong? After all, returning from the dead is a ridiculous notion, right?

I decide, however, to at least try to address Ellan again, since he invited everyone to. "Legs. Powers. And this." I hastily take out the stained photo and hand it to him. 4:47. Tick Tock.


Oct 20, 2012
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"It's a robe. It's one of the three garments you end up wearing when you die."

Ellan raised an eyebrow at the wristwatch. "Klaris gave that to you, right? Please tell me you know it's in GMT. Klaris forgets that sometimes, you can't blame me for asking."

"Legs?" he grinned, stretching his own. "Oh, you have no idea how long it took to get these legs. Some people take years to accomplish this- plus, you have to rely on parkour and hope you don't end up floating in midair, since you can't exactly fly with legs. Still, it's an exhilirating experience."

"For power... Since you visited her hut, I'm guessing she talked to you about that as well. Anything specific you want to ask me? She should've explained the bare bones at least."

He took the photo presented to him. "And why would you show me a pho..."

Ellan saw the bloodstain.

His eyes widened, staring at it in shock. Rosa took a double-take. And then he was snickering, as carefree as before, but Rosa could see a slight tenseness in his shoulders that isn't noticeable if you weren't looking.

"Looks like someone spilled some ketchup sauce." He put the photo in his pocket. "Were you looking for its owner? Just tell me where you found it, I could go look for him." He gave a grin.

Rosa stared at Ellan, wondering what the fuck is happening.

"But Ellan, we still have questions!" Ella whined. Rosa gave a jump; she forgot that she was even there.

Ellan looked at Ella, smiling sheepishly. "Sorry. So, before you ask anything else, what're all your names? I didn't catch them, except for our dear clock king over there," he gestured to Cameron.

Rosa sighed. "I'm Rosa, and this is Ella."

((Timdood3 Catcocomics Toiletprincess))


Jul 20, 2013
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"My designation is C-057, though... I suppose that's irrelevant now. This young lady here *indicating Rosa* suggested naming me Cosi, which I don't mind.
I assume the rest of you are humans, considering I don't recognize any of you. I... well, I'm an artificial life form referred to as 'dragons'.
Cameron mentioned something about power...
I'd like to know how I'm to regain the abilities I had in the physical world."


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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((I don't know why but I always miss when Fali replies in character, sorry xD ))

"Let's see here...Watch is in GMT, yes. Having legs is apparently very difficult, but possible, and as for questions about powers, how can they be used, to what extent and for what purposes." 4:51. Why is time passing so fucking quickly?! I don't have everything I need yet!
"And, Cesil, what powers did you used to have?"


Jul 20, 2013
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Cesil? Oh right... he'll have to get used to my new name, I guess.

"Before I died, I was capable of super-sonic flight, I had fire and electricity based magic, and I could turn into different creatures at will, given I focused on what I wanted to be.
You seem rather inquisitive and in a hurry. what might be the case?
And if you would, I think Rosa's suggestion for my new name sounds better than 'Cesil'."

((Timdood3 Toiletprincess Faliara ))


Oct 20, 2012
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Ella blinked wide eyes at Cameron. "I don't know!"

Rosa seemed to be looking downwards, looking at the stars below, fascinated. They seem to be really deep... "Car crash," she managed, refusing to think about it.

Ellan sighed. "Let's not talk about our untimely demises just yet, especially not when it's still fresh in your minds." He looked at "Powers? Well, it takes a while to get them. It can take months, years even, before you can gain it. The shortest known amount of time for anyone to gain any sort of power after death would be about three months, give or take a few days. It'll take a while before you can gain any of that." If he was skeptical about Cosi's claims, he didn't show it,

He looked at the girl who hasn't heard speak since he came. "You haven't told me your name yet, miss."

((Timdood3 Toiletprincess Catcocomics He'll answer the leg question when he's teaching you.


Oct 20, 2012
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"Whatever you say, Ms Cosi, whatever you say," Ellan said, nodding along. Rosa's not sure if he's taking Cosi seriously or not. He sure seems to be paying attention.

Ellan looked over to the other girl, raising an eyebrow. "So? What's your name? Or would you rahter simply be called 'miss'?"

((I was honestly waiting for more replies but Timdood3 Catcocomics Toiletprincess))


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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She sighed and adjusted her stance, rubbing her temples. He obviously didn't quiet understand, or wasn't paying attention. Or was she not paying attention and he wasn't even here? I don't know anymore."Lili," she replied, shrugging her shoulders, "If you want Miss."

((Faliara Was Ellan here when she said this before? ))
The poor girl looked between all the other that had arrived in such a short time with a look of confusion. She understood them, yet she wasn't sure how well she could reply. "Sort of English," she muttered, looking at the odd boy that had appeared before the pair. "Je m'appelle Lili," she replied, pointing to herself briefly and shrugging, dropping her hand.


Oct 20, 2012
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She sighed and adjusted her stance, rubbing her temples. He obviously didn't quiet understand, or wasn't paying attention. Or was she not paying attention and he wasn't even here? I don't know anymore."Lili," she replied, shrugging her shoulders, "If you want Miss."

((Faliara Was Ellan here when she said this before? ))
((He had jumped down, but he was a little busy with getting pinned to the rock he was on to realize who was saying anything.

Also, I'm kinda surprised no one's really commented on his shortness yet.))

"Understood, Miss Lili," Ellan grinned.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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4:54 and this conversation has gone to hell. Ok, not quite, but there's no way I'm getting more information at this rate. "So we have myself, Ellan, Lili, Rosa, the other girl, and Cesil-"

Cameron was cut off and corrected by the dragon. She resents being called by that name for some reason.

"Fine, I'll simply call you dragon. No offense, but Cosi is a stupid name. As I was saying, what do we do now? And Ellan, one more question: Has anyone ever left the afterlife?" 4:56.