OOC Remnants of the Elements Discussion


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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And maybe something have odd (like maybe a legend or stories, along with some residual magic energy or something) about the crater-lake thing? That is where my first character impacted into the planet after all.
I don't mean to come off as a narcissist, but I think the people, at least those that hold Ross in high esteem, would regard Crater Lake as sacred, as it was the first water ever brought to this world.


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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Imagine a grandpa telling this to his grandchildren or a teacher to his students or something.

Theory of Balance​

Have you ever heard of the first world? I do not know its name, but it was a splendid world indeed. It developed, prospered and became the most powerful civilization this universe has ever witnessed. No other has ever been able to even come close to its success, let alone surpass it.

In its final age, the one that was the richest and most prosperous, the first world developed technology that allowed them to control the world around them, to control the elements themselves at such power which only the Guardians possess naturally. They became gods to the worlds and peoples they'd colonized, every one of them as powerful as a Guardian with the aid of technology. They didn't use their powers for evil, and all who did were punished severely for it. They had created a society without inequality, without need. They even won over Death himself.

Such power would become their downfall. The Guardian of Corruption with her few followers set out to taint the hearts of the noble people. With a few, they succeeded. The results were horrible, for the powers these few corrupted possessed were terrible when used for evil purposes. Technology reigned supreme over magic, as it had become as limitless as magic, yet it was also reliable as opposed to magic, which is chaotic and unpredictable by nature.

As that happened, other Guardians took notice and corruption tainted their hearts as well. Those who had been corrupted broke off from the rest of the Guardians and started hunting down those who would use the technology for evil, yet in their hunt they soon began to ignore the nature of their targets and the only thing that would matter to them was the existence of any kind of target. And the Guardian of Purity, in her efforts to keep the corruption under control, became corrupted herself and the Pure Ones, who were followers of the Guardian of Purity, became as relentless in achieving their goals as the ones they were trying to stop.

The world was plunged into a bloody and chaotic war between those who had upset the balance and those trying to reinforce it. There were humans and Guardians on both sides and casualties became heavy, too heavy. At some point, the Guardians who were trying to restore balance came upon those who were not, and a battle followed.

It was the most powerful battle ever fought in terms of raw energy thrown into it. In the end, Neptune the Water Guardian was dead and the rogue Guardians fled. Those Guardians that had not fallen into corruption yet mourned for their lost companion for three nights, before preparing for a final battle that would decide the fate of the world. Soon, they found the rogue Guardians and moved in for battle.

But things did not go as planned. When they reached the group of rogues, they discovered every single one of them had been killed, save for one. The sole survivor of the massacre, Pyro the Fire Guardian, stood on a mountain peak not two miles from the spot and once the remaining Guardians confronted him, he said he would not back down. That was when he started the Inferno.

The whole planet perished in the flames that spread from that mountain, for the balance between water and fire had been disturbed enough for Pyro's powers to grow beyond comprehension. No human escaped and only a handful of Guardians were able to get out alive, among them the weakened Guardian of Magic, whose decline had led to an apocalypse. It was he who told this story to his fellow Guardians on this planet before the Creation, so that they could tell it to us.

Now I ask you, what lesson is there to learn from this tale? Is it that evil must never be allowed to exist, as it can destroy a world? Is it that the Guardians can't be trusted to look after us, as their meddlings have brought an end to an entire planet? No, I say. The lesson to be learned here is that there must always be a balance in the world.

If the balance between the elements of magic and technology had not been disturbed, technology would never have been able to reach such level that it could bring so much destruction. If the balance between fire and water had remained, Pyro would never have been able to drown the world in flames. If before the Creation there'd been a Guardan of the Aether present on our world, Remilia the Guardian of the Nether would never have been able to open a portal to the underworld which could've proved fatal to Gaia before it had even been created.

The elements were created in opposites to balance each other out. Fire and water, fear and hope, corruption and purity, magic and technology. There is always an opposite to balance some thing, aspect or idea, for with too much of one thing, good or evil, never any good can be born from it. The elements, the people and everything else around us are always locked in an eternal struggle between opposites to keep balance, and if that balance is disturbed, then Gaia will repeat the fate of the first world and all the worlds after it and succumb to imbalance.

Basically, this expands on the backstory told by Endal somewhere around page 20 or 30 of GotE and gives a sort of a theory regarding the elements and such. Faliara already approved this, so now I'm posting it here in case any of you have anything you'd like to change. Note that it doesn't necessarily have to be what actually happened, even though it could be. It would be one version of the myth in RotE, and only one theory, other versions of the same myth and opposing theories would also exist.


Oct 20, 2012
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Read my status. It's possible that it'll be posted earlier- right after this, if I really feel I have the time- but atm, I'm on holiday with my family, one I didn't realize was going to happen until today, as I was too busy cringing and trying not to vomit.

I feel a lot better, by the way. I still have to take the gastric medicine, though ._.


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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So I tried giving some names to the provinces - decided not to mark it as a certain race's territory and just give some names to it instead. What do you guys think? Good names?

I also added Ravengorn for masternico012345 and it's located in the Mys Rainforest (since you said it had rainforest around it). I don't know where to put Crater Lake, and I'm not sure where we should put the jungle - I would've suggested Eletheas or Sylel to be the jungle's location, but those provinces are covered in a forest, not a jungle. I also added the Knurord Peaks for Jolteon42 there's your desert mountains :p

So, this is probably the most risky idea I put on the map: the Forbidden Isles. The lore behind it is that those 3 islands are inhabited by a demonic race (is it ok to just go ahead and call them demons) that were descendants of the ones in Corruption's reports. Basically, those demons took in elements from the Curse Trinity (Fear, Sin, Corruption) and the humans around them and their bodies, powers and morals were altered. The Curse Trinity also has the most amount of evil cults worshipping them of the darker elements. The 3 islands are simply named after the Curse Trinity, nothing really significant about it.

The Crimson Sea is named after the blood that is spilled there. It is the most dangerous sea because it is within the territory of the demons and very few boats have ever made it out of the Crimson Sea alive. The Forbidden Isles and the Crimson Sea are barriers to trade with northern nations, but many ships still bring goods and travel along the coast, out of the range of the Crimson Sea. There's one other reason why I made the Forbidden Isles, and that's because it would make more sense for masternico's town to be attacked by demons if the place the demons live is so close to it.

The Arunian Strait is pretty self-explanatory. Named after the country Arun because that's where it is, connects 2 bodies of water, a hotspot for international trade.

Last thing I added was the City of Ghosts. The City of Ghosts is a coastal town that has a couple harbors. It is the only town that offers boat rides to the Eclipse. Nobody has ever made it out of the Eclipse – it has a survival rate even less than the Forbidden Isles. Since the discovery of the Eclipse and the boat rides, people began to evacuate the town for its bad luck. Its original name was forgotten and it was renamed the City of Ghosts for the fact that only a single boat captain lives in the whole town and the cries of the dead that lost their lives at the Eclipse.

So what do you think? Yes/no?


Jul 20, 2013
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I think for elves, they either have really good magic, they have balanced magic and physical skill, or a lot of physical skill, dependent on the individual elf.
Elves aren't really that physically strong, but they tend to be very agile (and in many cases, able to walk on deep snow without sinking in it), typically good with a bow, and often depicted as skilled with magic.
By standard, elves can live for an almost indefinite period of time, unless the are killed.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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I think for elves, they either have really good magic, they have balanced magic and physical skill, or a lot of physical skill, dependent on the individual elf.
Elves aren't really that physically strong, but they tend to be very agile (and in many cases, able to walk on deep snow without sinking in it), typically good with a bow, and often depicted as skilled with magic.
By standard, elves can live for an almost indefinite period of time, unless the are killed.
I don't know exactly where you're pulling this from, but different universes have different elves. We don't have to conform to typical elves.


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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I don't know exactly where you're pulling this from, but different universes have different elves. We don't have to conform to typical elves.
can we tho

I'll think of some "unique" parts to them but I'd like to keep the main things because cmon they're great everyone loves them

yes we don't want to be a cliche story but do we have to go so far out of our way to make everything different than anything anyone's thought of before


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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WHICHEVER CITY ZWN LIVES IN IS VICTORIAN-ESQUE I'M SORRY IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN. But it doesn't have to be fully victorian-esque. I was thinking there are nobles and citizens in the particular city and the nobles wear victorian-esque clothing for special occasions (balls, etc) whilst they wear a richer-looking version of the Arun styles Faliara made up whilst the citizens wear similar styles to Fali's ideas.