OOC Remnants of the Elements Discussion


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
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So I'm trying to collect everyone's bios in one post, but because this iPad can be kind of a bitch there's only some bios there.

Remember, you don't have to make one! (It makes my life easier when you don't)
i already said i was making a google doc, you don't have to ;-;

can u send me the ones u have so far (i've already collected some)


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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Name: Alouette, currently going by Avis Brooks

Guardian type: Flight

Age: Physically about 17. Actual age=???

Gender: Female

Height: 5'3''

Weight: About 100-105 pounds

Build: Slim but unusually strong

Origin: Appeared high in the air in this world. Was born to a human couple in a past world.

Language: English?

Race: Guardian

Eyes: Gray

Hair: Light brown; wavy; falls to a few inches above her knees

Attire: A floor-length pale turquoise dress with a sweetheart neckline, sheer sleeves, and a cutaway skirt over a white underskirt; turquoise ballet slippers with ribbons. (I drew a picture, I'll upload it when I get my laptop back)

Accessories: A cloth bag on a strap across her chest and a turquoise heart-shaped pendant on a chain around her neck.

Notable features: Large gray wings. Tattoos made up of curling gray lines that cover much of her upper back, form an 'x' across her throat, spiral in the palms of her hands and around her arms, and end in two spirals at her hips. When she uses a particularly powerful spell, her eyes film over with silver and her tattoos grow warm, both features glowing brightly silver.

Weapons: N/A

Personality: Generally a kind and even-tempered person, though is quick to snap if someone sets her off. Sometimes seems too nice, but definitely not to the point of being a doormat. Quite protective of the people she loves. Rather quiet around people she doesn't know well.

Special skills/Magical powers:
Gives those naturally suited for flight ease in the air (used to be the ability to fly in general, which has since been rendered useless)
Astounding agility (lessens when she grows tired or weak for any reason)
Can give earthbound people/things the ability to float up to a foot off the ground (has been weakened)
Can float up to a foot off the ground without using her wings (has been weakened)
Can take away peoples' ability to fly for up to a day (has been weakened)
Can make her own passive ability on the planet permanent; only works once and exhausts her power (already used)

Weaknesses: Her wings; Airis/any other loved ones; cute people/things; unable to match larger opponents in a physical battle

Fears: Being unable to fly; losing her loved ones or being unable to protect them; being betrayed or hurt by a loved one

Likes: Flying; watching and taking care of birds; playing her violin and singing; drinking tea; sweet things; the night sky; the forest/outdoors in general

Dislikes: People that are indifferent to other peoples troubles or feelings; people that won't accept that they're wrong or have problematic opinions; food that's way too bitter or spicy; superflat ground accompanied by a lack of trees


Dec 10, 2012
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All aboard the 'I have no idea what to write' train choo choo
If it's not obvious I have no idea what to write for Topaz right now so have my other character's Bio:

Name: Elfrida Twynam
Race: Human, Ground/Earth/Whateveryouwanttocallit

Age: 20
Height: 5’4”
Gender: Female
Weight: 58kg
Build: Average, a little tall, slightly athletic

Appearance: Slightly dark skin, shirt, slightly spiky, dark brown hair. A selective part of her hair, however, is considerably longer than the rest, reaching to about her waist. Several beads and wraps on this partially tame segment of hair that frames the side of her face.
Clothes: A cream-very light brown undershirt, sleeves bunched up at the elbows, though tend to fall down. An orange coloured over shirt and skirt, with parts tucked into her belt. Light brown pants reaching to her shins, as well as red socks. Slightly double heeled sandals. Gold studs on the heel and straps of the sandals.
Accessories: Leather belt.
Items: Hidden under her skirt is a small bag. Usually has money or other trinkets in it.

Physical Abilities (Non-Magical):
- Minor strength.

Magical Abilities (from least power-consuming to most):
- Minor earth shaping (Though can drain her if she over uses).
- Rock dagger (Pull a dagger from rock. Still pretty consuming on her).
- Earth Shield (Makes parts of ground shoot upward to defend her from projectiles).

- Never really developed her magical abilities, so most are rather weak either way.
- Physically strong foes.
- Magically strong foes.
Once again lemme know if I need to change anything.
Also a drawing of her because I had time (You also now know I cannot draw feet to save my life);
come and join me. i require your guardian for my character's story (pm me sometime so we can collab gurl) so if you want you can just travel with my dude through the fire nation (or whatever we ended up making the nations or naming them).


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
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I thought it was an SAO reference ._.

(*glomps Fiesta*)
Heh, someone's happy to see me ^^ How'ee you doing, Fali?

I may join if the plot actually gets worked on rather than Fiesta (or anyone now that Fiesta's gone) turning into a story about him and everything staying the same ;-;
Jeez man, that hurt. Like, a lot.

I'll be lurking. I'll let you people know later about....my 'arrival'
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Jul 20, 2013
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A few things...
First of all, I've decided that instead of looking like a kelp forest, the lost kingdom south of Natovicci (and effectively off the map) is relatively dry and grassy, probably overgrown, and devoid of human life.
Some people of that kingdom did indeed remain to die with their kingdom, sealed beneath the waves, but a good few managed to find higher ground and can be found with the other peoples.
This is important because my next character is a descendant of the lost kingdom. More information (including a bio) will be released about this character after the Ball event has been concluded, and it may be even longer before I start playing this character.

I also encourage other people to maybe try playing as this human sub-type. I will give specific information if need be, though for basics, they don't hang out that much in Ecremar (you'll get the occasional traveler, but not many live in Ecremar), and their magic mainly consists of ice and cold things. They can potentially produce frost fire, but that ability takes either an insane amount of training, or just raw, natural talent at making it, neither of which my new character has.

Also, I have a semi-important question:
Are fauna humans furries? If so, where do they mainly live and do they hang around with other humans that much?
If not, are they able to transform into animals and/or interact more intelligently with them?


Jul 14, 2013
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A few things...
First of all, I've decided that instead of looking like a kelp forest, the lost kingdom south of Natovicci (and effectively off the map) is relatively dry and grassy, probably overgrown, and devoid of human life.
Some people of that kingdom did indeed remain to die with their kingdom, sealed beneath the waves, but a good few managed to find higher ground and can be found with the other peoples.
This is important because my next character is a descendant of the lost kingdom. More information (including a bio) will be released about this character after the Ball event has been concluded, and it may be even longer before I start playing this character.

I also encourage other people to maybe try playing as this human sub-type. I will give specific information if need be, though for basics, they don't hang out that much in Ecremar (you'll get the occasional traveler, but not many live in Ecremar), and their magic mainly consists of ice and cold things. They can potentially produce frost fire, but that ability takes either an insane amount of training, or just raw, natural talent at making it, neither of which my new character has.

Also, I have a semi-important question:
Are fauna humans furries? If so, where do they mainly live and do they hang around with other humans that much?
If not, are they able to transform into animals and/or interact more intelligently with them?
I was making a character sort of like a furry type thing but I'll just change her a bit to be more like that. They live in most places and those that are skilled/gifted can transform into animals and communicate with them, some better then others, some not at all.

Oh and by furries what do you mean, as in their appearance and what not?


aka Jenben101
Creative Staff
Survival Staff
Jun 14, 2014
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As far as how the humans are separated. I would think that most people just spread out according to their tropical regions? like water, obviously near oceans. Air near mountains, Fire near volcanos, but that's just a thought.

I had a couple other ideas such as there being certain elemental split groups that have more presence than others? such as Wind/Air having more prestige then lets say fire who's history is tied to previous warmongers such as A'z and Pyro and so they're more downtrodden. Just a thought and I liked the idea of using the Guardians as sort of a God figure considering the fact most cultures do have a religion tied to them. totally not because I have a storyline in my head I want to do and it requires having the Guardians as a kind of God aspect.
I think that 1997's idea is good along with having separated areas for specific elements...this could also lead to a few characters rebelling against the rules of split groups and maybe getting in serious trouble. just an idea ._.

Ps. Am I still in the Roleplay?

See my name has Elemental in it c:


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
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I think that 1997's idea is good along with having separated areas for specific elements...this could also lead to a few characters rebelling against the rules of split groups and maybe getting in serious trouble. just an idea ._.

Ps. Am I still in the Roleplay?

See my name has Elemental in it c:
Doublepost. Oh god.


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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It's white on the map. I can change it if you want though.
The thing about how I coloured it is that I only did so so that it's more clear that it's a different biome. It doesn't quite say much about the biome itself.

Also, I assume everyone agrees that Sitia is the "capital province"?