This community has been a declining group of old, creative, fun people to play with leaving, as less, new, boring, immature kids join in. I'm tired of trying to deny it. I'm honestly not going to stay here for the end, and I wish good luck to the community. All people who knew what Blocktopia was like years ago knows that this is a muddy ditch compared to that. I miss those old times and I frankly have accepted the fact that they won't come back. Whoever this may concern, I will still stay active online, playing games. I will probably be limited to Steam, so contact me there, my steamcommunity ID is marvelfan01, or just click the insert on my profile thing to the left here. It was fun while it lasted. Whoever wants a shout-out just say so, since I think there are too many for me to remember on the top of my head. I might be sighted on the servers one or twice, but that's probably because I have things to finish after, what, tomorrow it will be four years in this community. As I said, if you want to stay in touch, find me on steam or email me at , I wish you all farewell, so long, and enjoy your stay.