I'm Done


Mar 26, 2012
Reaction score
This community has been a declining group of old, creative, fun people to play with leaving, as less, new, boring, immature kids join in. I'm tired of trying to deny it. I'm honestly not going to stay here for the end, and I wish good luck to the community. All people who knew what Blocktopia was like years ago knows that this is a muddy ditch compared to that. I miss those old times and I frankly have accepted the fact that they won't come back. Whoever this may concern, I will still stay active online, playing games. I will probably be limited to Steam, so contact me there, my steamcommunity ID is marvelfan01, or just click the insert on my profile thing to the left here. It was fun while it lasted. Whoever wants a shout-out just say so, since I think there are too many for me to remember on the top of my head. I might be sighted on the servers one or twice, but that's probably because I have things to finish after, what, tomorrow it will be four years in this community. As I said, if you want to stay in touch, find me on steam or email me at emilyhomestuck@gmail.com , I wish you all farewell, so long, and enjoy your stay.


Mar 26, 2012
Reaction score
I think every single one of you who responded are potential, if not already friends. I'd recommend PMing, or shouting out some way I can communicate, maybe I'll stay active on here, but that'd probably entice a warning from administration regarding the whole "How you can't come back to life" thing.


Mar 26, 2012
Reaction score
Why leave when you can just lurk in the background, only to arise every so often like myself? This community may be dying out a bit but if we work on it, it'll likely come back up. That's one of the reasons people lurk in the background. To be able to relive the glory days.
Sometimes it's sad to see all these things happening go by while you're in the spectator seat. I could agree with you, but I'm currently an emotional mess, so I don't think anything I say in this reply is concrete. I also get that dreaded nostalgic feeling, as I said in my announcement, I miss the old times. People, or more accurately, great friends have come and gone, the latter of which has only been occurring as of the past year. I have not decided if this place, despite the numerous people still here, is worth being at in the long run.


Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
maybe I'll stay active on here, but that'd probably entice a warning from administration regarding the whole "How you can't come back to life" thing.
I don't see how you would entice a warning, that warning is meant for people who make a big 'omg its such a huge deal ima leave 5ever' post and then go on to make a 'pls omg I'm back I couldn't breth without yew' post a short time later.
You have only voiced that you feel as though you are finding less kindred and people to keep you around, which I'm sorry to see you feel that way, but as you have seen in this thread a lot of people wish you the best.

So the main point is that should you choose to stay and lurk or simply stay there shouldn't be any warning or punishment because your reconsidering your leaving, not starting a parade as you leave and come back.

Either way I know I am late to this response but with whichever you decide, all the best for you Marvel.