Survivor Tuvalu


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The Improvised Story Challenge

As the title says, you're going to improvise a short story.

This is how it will work:

I've randomly selected which 5 Survivors will be participating in this Challenge and and what order.

The ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Dream Lives On

1.) BiggestKirbyFan
2.) 77thShad
3.) Enderfive
4.) ChronosStar524
5.) CaffeinatedKitty

I didn't randomize this one because Mythelf is currently at the hospital. So she'll sit this one out.


1.) Infected_Alien8_
2.) 755someoone755
3.) Timdood3
4.) Nitasu987
5.) FoxMccloud64

Ooglie101 will be sitting this one out. Because you know... #TwistsAgainstOoglie. Not but really, I randomized it.


So BiggestKirbyFan and Infected_alien8_ will be starting for their Tribe.

They will start the story with 4 words of their choice (Posting them in the Tribe PM)
Once they're done, the second ones will post another 4 words. And we'll continue doing that for 3 rounds. Which means each Survivor will have to write 4 words 3 times.

Your job is to make a hilarious story. One that is truly funny.

The hard thing is that you CAN'T plan what you'll be saying. You can't talk about it. You can ONLY post the 4 words.
You can't even change them once you post them.

You need to try and calculate how you'll end the story. Because you only have 3 turns to form one. So keep that in mind.

The story will have a total of 60 words.


The funniest story will win immunity.

Good Luck!



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The Improvised Story Challenge Results

The winners of this Challenge are... #TwistsAgainstOoglie!

Congratulations, 755someone755, FoxMccloud64, Nitasu987, Timdood3, Infected_Alien8_ and Ooglie101!

Your Tribe has won immunity and are safe from elimination.


#TwistAgainstOoglie's Story:

Cabbage Quest

Once upon a time, there was a fridge filled with spoiled cabbages. He happened to be a very friendly guy, but he absolutely HATED spoiled cabbages, and he went to rid himself of his irrationally weird hatred. He tried to find the legendary and powerful Fresh Cabbage of Wisdom, but he ended up in a land of magical fresh onion fairies.

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]->It was a no brainer. This story actually made me and other people laugh. The concept weirdly works. So great job.[/BCOLOR]

The ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Dream Lives On's Story:

The Dankest Porcupine

There was once a dank meme creator named Ansorororo.He sat on a rather large porcupine and immediately jumped up, when he thought of an excellent idea for eradicating all porcupines. He devised a plan. It included gathering all porcupines. All porcupines were collected. He then sold all porcupines to be slaves and he lived happily and luxuriously, ever after.

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]->I'm sorry to say but there nothing funny about this one. I didn't even smirk while reading it. It seems more of a story rather than a funny one.[/BCOLOR]


Which means, The ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Dream Lives On lost.

You're all heading to Tribal Council now.

Send me a PM with the name of 2 Survivors you'll wish to send to the Duel.

Survivors in Danger: CaffeinatedKitty 77thShad mythelf Enderfive BiggestKirbyFan ChronosStar524

Good Luck.



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Tribal Council

The Survivors who received the most votes against and will be in danger of leaving Survivor Tuvalu are... ChronosStar524 BiggestKirbyFan and 77thShad

ChronosStar524 received 3 votes
BiggestKirbyFan received 3 votes
77thShad received 3 votes
Mythelf received 2 votes
CaffeinatedKitty received 1 vote


Duel #12

ChronosStar524 VS. BiggestKirbyFan VS. 77thShad

I'll PM you 3 with the Duel's details.

One of you will become the next Survivors voted out.



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Duel Results

The 15th Survivor voted out of Survivor Tuvalu is... BiggestKirbyFan

Which means that 77thShad and ChronosStar524 are safe.


They had to pretend that they were going to be candidates to be president and they had to come up with 2 sentences trying to convince people to vote for them.

ChronosStar524's Sentence:

"You've tried the rest, now it's time to vote for the best. So let’s fix this mess with a little zest!"

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]-> This was the best one out of the 3. While it wasn't THAT creative it was simple and straight to the point.[/BCOLOR]

77thShad's Sentence:

"This country needs a leader who won't hide. So look to me and get a fighter on your side."

-> Powerful sentence. But it stills needs something else for it to be even better.

BiggestKirbyFan's Sentence:

"#KirbyForPresident, I'll give you a present, net neutrality, forever reality. #KirbyWhyNotBePresident, there will be fast internet, that'll give you a blast, of speed."

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]->The problem with this one was the last sentence. I don't think people would vote for someone who says theyll give fast internet. It seems more like a joke rather than a serious sentence.[/BCOLOR]


Let me go ahead and just congratulate BiggestKirbyFan for being one of the Survivors to survive the most Duels yet. I think she survived around 5-6.

BiggestKirbyFan, you've become the Fourth Member of the Jury. You'll be heading the The Jury Mansion next to Wink Hunter and Fruit

You might still have ANOTHER chance to return to the game. So keep in touch.

You can say one last statement if you wish.

BiggestKirbyFan, the Tribe has spoken.

15 down. 11 left.


Challenge coming soon.



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The Hide and Seek Challenge

For this Challenge you guys will be taking turns to Hide and Seek.

You'll have 6 different options to hide:

1. Palm Trees
2. Sand Castle
3. Sea
4. Beach Cave
5. Beach Rock
6. Beach Forest

The Tribe that will be hiding can talk and decide what strategy you'll use. If you all are going to hide in the same place. Or if you're all going to split or go in pairs. Or whatever you want.

The Tribe that seeks will have to talk and choose ONE place to check. Whoever is hiding in that place will be eliminated.

The 1st Tribe to lose ALL of their Tribemates will lose the Challenge and go to Tribal Council.


Since The ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Dream Lives On are down to 5 then I've randomly selected someone from #TwistsAgainstOoglie to sit this Challenge down. So 755someone755 you won't be playing this round. You can't say a word to help your Tribe out. You can only watch.


[BCOLOR=#00ffff]The ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Dream Lives On[/BCOLOR] will start Seeking.

[BCOLOR=#339966] #TwistsAgainstOoglie[/BCOLOR] will start Hiding.


Remember only 1 more Survivor needs to be voted out before the Merge!

Good Luck.
