Survivor Tuvalu


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score

The Survivors who received the most votes and will be in danger of leaving Survivor Tuvalu is... nitasu987 and Ooglie101

Nitasu987 received 4 votes.
Ooglie101 received 4 votes.
Infected_Alien8_ received 3 votes.
755someone755 received 3 votes.


Duel #18

Nitasu987 vs. Ooglie101

I'll PM you both with the details.

One of you will become the 19th Survivor voted out.

Good Luck.



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Duel Results

The 20th Survivor voted out of Survivor Tuvalu is... nitasu987

Which means... Ooglie101 you're safe and still in the game.


They had to come up with 2 sentences convincing people out there to help the syrian refugees.

Ooglie's Sentence:

"Fleeing from a country struck with evil and war, help them and leave them struck with awe. Syria is no safe place for a family to live, so spare some money, be human and just give."

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]->Overall is really good. Touched the family part which is very clever. Much more convincing. Rhyme was better as well.[/BCOLOR]

Nitasu's Sentence:

"The Syrian people are plagued by devastation and upheaval. We need to help them out and stop Assad's horrid reign of evil!"

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]->Not bad but is just too simple and general. Something I would hear from anyone and wouldn't really convince me to help. Not really original.[/BCOLOR]


Nitasu987, you've become the 9th Member of the Jury. You will however still have a chance to return to the game. So stay in touch. For now, you'll be enjoying your time in the Jury House.

You can say one last statement if you wish.

Nitasu987, AKA Neutral, the Tribe has spoken.

20 down. 6 left.


New Challenge coming soon.



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Congratulations, Final 6!

Infected_alien8_ FoxMccloud64 755someone755 CaffeinatedKitty mythelf Ooglie101

You 6 have survived this long. You've survived 20 eliminations! So feel proud of that.

3 of you will be included in Survivor's Hall of Fame and 1 of you will become the winner.


Keep in mind that only 1 more Survivor needs to be voted out before the LAST Exile Island Duel. In which either Enderfive, BiggestKirbyFan, Timdood3, Nitasu987 and 1 of you will return to the game.

After that, 6 will still remain and only 3 more will need to be voted out before the Final 3 battle it out for the Jury votes.

So stay focus! Give your best! And try to win it!

I'll be posting the New Challenge soon.



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The Click Challenge

Simple. Just click this link:

The game's about how many clicks you can make in 10 seconds.

I'll need you all to send me a screenshot of your score. (Preferably of your entire screen) I would hope you're all honest about it and won't use a google image of someone else's score. Because trust me, it's quite easy to find the URL of that image. So don't risk it.

You can try it all the times you'd like. Send me all the screenshots you want. (Through PM) Then I'll just choose the highest one you sent me.

You can't ask for someone else's help. Please be fair.

The highest score will win immunity!

Ooglie101 755someone755 FoxMccloud64 mythelf Infected_alien8_ CaffeinatedKitty

Good Luck!
