IC Remnants of the Elements


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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A small crease appeared between Erien's eyebrows as he frowned ever so slightly. He wasn't sure who the boy was that was there with them, and hadn't he already introduced them?

"As I already said, I am Erien and..." -he supposed there wasn't much reason to hide their true identities any more since whoever the boy was, Zwn appeared to trust him enough- "Himinn here has taken the name Eirini again. Who's the boy, though?" The wizard turned himself towards the stranger. "I apologize for my bluntness, but even though you seem vaguely familiar to me, I cannot seem to recall where or if at all we have met before."

((Naoh Toiletprincess Fiestaguy Faliara))


Jul 20, 2013
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Unable to decide what to do about the red-haired girl, Katsu turned away from, trying to ponder if he should bring her with him for a while... or if it was even ok to do so. Looking up, Katsu notices a winged girl who appeared to be a few years older than he and the red-haired girl, and he seemed to vaguely recall seeing her watch as he and the guard with a sever lack of martial discipline dueled.
He couldn't help but feel like he knew the winged girl, and Katsu was almost compelled to say something to her, as though he had battled along side her long ago.
Trying to shake the feeling, Katsu eventually couldn't hold it back any longer and walked up to her. "Lady... pardon my asking, but who are you? You seem familiar, yet I can not have met you before now."
'Wow, who is this kid? He seems very outlandish, and his skills...
He can't be much older than me, yet he battled that armored man and won without making a move of his own.
He even managed to catch me when I took his fish, and I easily outrun most people.

But... what does he plan to do with me? Does he even know? Should I run?
No. If I run, he'll only catch me the same way he did before.
Will I have to fight him? I could probably burn him enough to keep him from being able to retaliate, but he could still grab me or even knock me out with his ice... strange how he has ice magic, but I guess I haven't seen a whole lot of people, so it may be common... though I've not seen anyone dress like him, even in the short time I've spent here.
I suppose I could knock him out in hand-to-hand combat, but even if he didn't just freeze me in place, I'd probably just end up hurting myself...'

Kramia continued to ponder her situation, trying to figure a way she might be able to escape from the ice boy... she couldn't help but admire something about him, whether it was how he had bested her and some one who should have outmatched his physical abilities, or a certain air about him, reassuring, as though a true hero rested dormant within his heart.
Kramia's soon broke out of her thoughts when she noticed that Katsu was now speaking to the winged girl who looked a little older than herself and the 'ice boy', as she felt like referring to him...


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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Following just behind Marisa, Avis automatically glances up at the stairs; a group of almost familiar people has just reached the top, led by an elegant figure she recognizes to be Zwn. "No use going up now, she probably needs to talk to them before the group gets any larger..." she mumbles to herself, absently following close behind Marisa.
But in the next second, someone addresses her directly:
"Lady... pardon my asking, but who are you? You seem familiar, yet I can not have met you before now."
Avis turns to see the boy from earlier, and shakes her head--both to clear it and to disagree. "My name is Avis; and no, we can't have met."
'I've only just woken up.'
When Marisa looks back, she nods calmly. "Go on ahead. I'll join you again soon."
"Alright then, I'll be here." With a- no doubt practiced- smile, she begins again on her way.
Avis focuses again on the strange boy. "I don't believe I've gotten your name, sir."
If she intends to blend with the humans, she must use their terms of respect--no matter how strange it feels, referring to someone she's so much more powerful than as an equal.
But it's the way of the humans, so she might as well get used to it.

((hello yes vaguely implied new facets
I didn't expect even mild disdain for humans so wooo, go Alouette you've now joined the ranks of OCs that turned out differently from planned
Catcocomics ))


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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"Not everyone.." she replies, looking around briefly, "Tora and Alouette are here, I saw them earlier in the week. They were the first guardians I had seen in, well, since I woke up." She grins, glancing at the small group. "Maybe they're in the ballroom now, actually. But first - why are you all appearing now? As I mentioned, y-you guys are some of the first I've seen since I woke."


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
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'Alouette' that name sounds familiar.

Well, of course it does. It's the person he's lived with for about a year and nearly ended up violently murdering.

Light lets out a single sigh, his face twisting into a expression of frustration. He steps back and leans against the wall, letting the others answering the question for him.
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sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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He shot a cautious look at Gilliam, who visibly tensed at the mention of Alouette. He hadn't been there to see it, but from what he had pieced together from investigating the mythology of Gaia, things hadn't exactly gone smooth once Light had reunited with Alouette.

"Actually, there is something I would like to discuss with all of you, but first I'd like there to be as many of us present as possible. It's important," Erien said quickly.

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Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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Without anyone accompanying her, Marisa simply ambles through the crowd, waiting for someone--anyone--to address her. At least until she sees a certain familiar figure at the far wall- one she hasn't seen in what feels like forever.
With a new light to her expression, she hurries towards him.
"Eli!" Stopping short as she reaches him, she beams. "I haven't seen you in ages! How have your travels been?"

((Fiestaguy and also Catcocomics hello yes see my previous post))


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
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Eli heard his name being called out. When he looked up, a girl was standing in front of him.

She didn't seem familiar to him. Though to be honest, nobody did.

Her voice was familiar. But, he's heard many different versions of this voice, all similar enough to blend together.

Before he could ask her, she was already asking him about his travels.

"I haven't seen you in ages! How have your travels been?"

He quickly answered.

"U-Umm... Sorry, but... I don't recognise you."

Normally, this reply would be considered rude. It would internally hurt someone, or even mark the end of some friendships. Though anyone who knew Eli good enough would know better.

((Am I imitating Ryohgo Narita too much? No? Okay, great. CaffeinatedKitty))


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Ketten and Ross had been travelling for days, and Ross still wasn't quite sure where they were going. After asking why Ketten was so far from her home, she just said she "had somewhere she had to be," which was also her excuse for being present when he came from the water. When he'd complain about the travel and how vague she was being, she'd simply counter by telling him he didn't have to follow, and honestly, he didn't know why he was. For all he knew, she could be leading him to his death, or at least, what would be his death if he was mortal. Besides, it'd be easier to find someone where ever she was going than he was wandering the wilderness alone.

They were following the coast, and Ross spent most of the time in the water. Ketten didn't really question it, as she herself spent most of the time in the foliage herself. She did find it peculiar that he'd sleep in the water as well, though. She found it even stranger that when she observed him sleeping, he seemed to fade in and out of being. Not unlike her own kind phasing in and out of the trees, so she still didn't pay too much mind to it.

Eventually, Ketten informed Ross that he'd need to get out of the water, as they had to head inland. Funny how I've just kind of accepted him as my companion at this point... Ketten thought. Reluctantly, Ross complied and they ended up in a city in what seemed like no time at all.

"Can you tell me where we're going now?" Ross was starting to get fed up with all the half-answers.

"Here." Ketten didn't even stop to look at him as she walked through a gate and into a large building.

Inside was what appeared to be a large ballroom filled with, well, everyone. Rich, poor, noble, powerless. You could tell just by looking that this was the intent of the party: To bring all classes together. Is this why Ketten came all this way? To feel accepted? Whatever, this seems like a good enough to place to find other Guardians, if there are any at all. But perhaps for the time being he could just relax and party. It is a ball, after all.
Ross looked around to find Ketten, but she was already lost among the crowd. Whatever, I don't need her anymore anyway.

((Guess who's back. I'm now in the general vicinity, someone pull me into whatever's happening so I can wing this shit.))


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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"Uh, sure. That could work. I wanted to grab some snacks anyway." Erien turned towards the door. "So, back to the ballroom, I guess?"

((Faliara Toiletprincess Naoh Fiestaguy))


The food appeared out of thin air. Again. This was definitely magic, but Carsen had no idea who was doing it, since he was sure he was the only one on the ship.

So where on Gaia was that deep voice coming from? He surely wasn't going crazy, the food was enough evidence of that. Carsen figured that must've been the voice's doing as well, giving him food so he wouldn't starve to death. But what reason did the voice have to keep him alive? This better not end up with him stuck doing favours for a criminal mastermind, with no way out other than turning snitch on him and-

Okay, that was probably not going to happen. But still, who and where and what and why were only some of the questions Carsen had regarding the mysterious voice.

I see you've recovered.

Damnit, there it was again.

Indeed, here I am again.

Carsen froze. This thing could read his mind. What on Gaia was he dealing with here?

Nothing dangerous, I assure you. Well, not for now, at least.

Completely and utterly scared, Carsen managed to whimper and let out a short squeak before clearing his throat. "Who are you?" What are you?

A friend. I've come to... teach you, Carsen. Yes, I'm a teacher. A very old teacher, with much to pass on.

"W-what do you want from me?"

I want you as my student, Carsen. I see great potential in you. All your life I've watched you, yet I only became aware of you when you stepped on this ship. I'm trapped here, Carsen. I've been trapped here for years now, the wizard this ship belongs to bound me to an artifact hidden here. It wasn't very nice of him to do so, wouldn't you agree?

"Y-yes. Yes, I agree." Carsen's voice was merely louder than a whisper.

Are you afraid of me? There's no need, I assure you. I only want to teach you... and in exchange you'll do some things for me.

Shit, there's always a catch. "Can I say no?"

You can, but that wouldn't be very nice of you, would it? I only want to help you, and you turn down my help like that. It would hurt me, Carsen. I hope you don't want to hurt me.

"No! No. I don't want to hurt you." Whatever it was, Carsen did not like it, but it was more than likely that it could hurt him, so the last thing he wanted to do was to piss it off.

Good. We'll begin tomorrow. Rest well.

What on Gaia had he gotten himself into?

((oooo spoopy))
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The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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Mynæia (Zwn)
"Ah, yeah, let's go back downstairs. Uh, my parents might wonder why I'm not down at the ball. Y-you guys know what parents are right? N-nevermind, it doesn't matter and I don't know how long you've been awake. Let's just go," she rambles, pausing and grinning. In a low-key fluster she takes Takot by the hand and gestures for the small group to follow her to the ballroom. I wonder whether we'll find any more Guardians, she thinks, a smile playing on her lips as the thought crosses her mind. That would be nice..


Jan 23, 2012
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Airis-Guardian of Wind.

Place: Itoghar

The match immediately started! There were 10 players in total in the opposite team. With both Flighters and Breezers. And then there was little Zelphar and Airis in the other team. At first glance, you would think they had the advantage, but Airis' knew Zelphar was special. He knew he was meant for great things in a near future. He knew this because Zelphar... reminded him of himself.

The game was played with a ball as the size of a soccer ball. In a field similar to a soccer one as well. There were 2 ways to score. Either land or sky. There was a football court at the bottom and another one up in the sky. Flighters usually score in the sky court and Breezers down the field court. You could use both your hands and feet to score.

"Take the ball. We'll let you losers start." -The guy from the opposite team said while throwing the ball at Airis. "Hey, I never asked for your name." -Airis said. "Tantur is my name." -He said. "Well Tantur, cockiness is always a sign of weakness. You'll forever remember this day. Because it will be the day you'll lose against a kid." "Whatever. You both suck. First team to get 1 points win. I want to do this quickly. Now stop talking and freaking play!" -Tantur said.

Airis quickly kicked the ball and passed it to Zelphar. Zelphar started running as fast as he could, but his short legs weren't that fast. Tantur caught up to him in a matter of seconds. Using his wind power to push Zelphar and purposely making him fall. "Hey! That wasn't necessary!" -Airis yelled. "That's all Waggy Ball is about! Take it or leave it!" -Tantur said while passing the ball to one of his friend who had wings.

Airis quickly helped Zelphar to get up. "Show them what you're made of, buddy." -Airis said. Airis then opened his wings and started flying towards the other guy who had the ball. He was heading right for the sky court. "Don't let it end this quick, Airis." -He thought to himself. Airis used his 6 wings to catch up to him. He threw himself to that guy, taking the ball away from his using his hands.

"Quickly! Everyone get that ball from Airis!" -Tantur yelled to his team. Everyone rushed towards him. Zelphar just stood there. For a second Airis's and Zelphar's eyes met. And Zelphar knew what Airis was doing. Without any hesitation Zelphar opened his wings and started flying towards the opposite's team sky court. While everyone was rushing for Airis, leaving Zelphar all alone at the other side of the field.

Right before everyone attacked Airis, he began moving his hands forming a mini tornado. He then used it to create a boost and threw the ball with such strength that it landed right into Zelphar's hands who was in the other side of the field.

"GO ZELPHAR!" -Airis yelled. Zelphar was shaking, but he flew as fast as his little wings could let him. He looked back just to see the whole team rushing for him. He looked at the front again. "I can do this. Big bird believes in me." -Zelphar thought. He then threw the ball straight into the sky court and scoring! Game was over.

Airis flew and grabbed Zelphar by his tiny body. Throwing him into the air over and over again. "You did it, buddy! We just won the game!" -Airis said with a smile. Zelphar was speechless. He just hugged Airis. "Thank you." -Zelphar said.

"Wait a minute!" -Tantur yelled.
"What now?"-Airis asked.
"You're a WindBreezer! Just like the little punk!" -Tantur said furious.
"Indeed I am. Any problem with that?" -Airis said with a smirk.
"You're both losers and a disgrace to this town! There's no space for someone like you both!" -Tantur continued yelling.
"Well, these two losers of WindBreezers just beat you and your whole team fair and square." -Airis said. "Let's go, Zelphar."

Airis and Zelphar flew away without saying one more word. Arriving to Zelphar's house.
"Mooooom! MOOOM! I have so much to tell you!!" -Zelphar ran all over the house yelling.
"Oh you're back! What is it sweetheart?" -Nym asked.
"Big bird and myself just won Waggy Ball against that bully of Tantur!" -Zelphar said while jumping up and down.
"Congratulations!" -Nym said while hugging his son.
"Oh and guess what!" -Zelphar said.
"What?" -Nym asked.
"Big bird is just like me! He's a WindBreezer, mom!" -Zelphar said.

Nym's eyes opened. Shocked. Nym stood up just to see Airis' face to face. "It can't be." -Nym said while touching Airis' face. "That means the legend is true. That just means you're one of the original Guardians! And you're right in my house! That also means the other Guardian might be out there, too!" -Nym said excited. But she quickly changed into a worried mood. "But that also means... terrible things are coming." -Nym said.

(( It's been a while! In case you don't remember my last post just go to page #4 and re-read it ))


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Ross was standing near the fringes of the crowd. For the most part, he was just watching. It was hard to feel much but contempt for the land dwellers, but it couldn't be helped. He could sense that some of them were good people....But if that were true, would they really allow the others to corrupt the waters that they should all call home?

Ross was simply stewing in his contempt when he felt a familiar presence enter the room. Several, actually. He looked to the stairs and saw a few people entering. There was a girl in green sheepishly holding the hand of a boy who was...Not necessarily scary creepy, but he had an air about him that demanded at least a little apprehension. The couple reminded him of people he knew long ago. Long before the waters were desecrated...Long before most of it was even there. Long before there were any being but Guardians. Were these people Guardians? It could be interesting to find out.

Snaking his way through the crowd, Ross finally reached the group. He approached the girl in green, "Hey...This is a bit awkward, but I believe we've met. Would you mind telling me your name?"


Scott Pilgrim
Dec 7, 2013
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Takot walked alongside Zwn through the crowd, sticking close as he had no idea who any of these people were. All of the sudden, a man stepped out of the crowd and approached Zwn. "Hey... This is a bit awkward, but I believe we've met. Would you mind telling me your name?" Yo Takot, dude's flirtin' with your girl. Snickered Fear in the back of Takot's mind. Takot gathered what little courage he had and stepped forward. "Uh- sorry to break it to you, but um, she's taken." Takot tried to look as tough as he could, though ultimately ended up blushing instead. For some reason, the man looked familiar. Then Takot remembered. "ROSS?!" Takot brightened. "ROSS!"

(( Timdood3 Toiletprincess ))


Jul 20, 2013
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No, something wasn't right...
Katsu somehow felt that the name he was given in response was not sincere, yet he couldn't help but feel as though it were connected to what ever her real name is.
Trying to make more sense of it all, Katsu made his way over to a vacant chair at near random, but soon found that everything seemed to be blurring and getting darker, and... was it also spinning?
For what seemed a while, he felt as though in free fall, before feeling shock waves go through him as if a physical impact, and something snagging on his side and... falling over.
At last, just before all the confusion blinked away into darkness, Katsu thought he heard someone shout a name from far in the distance, though it was soon lost to him.

Though his eyes remained shut, he soon felt that some sort of light was now shining upon him, though when he tried to move, he felt encased in something cool and solid, and ice, though it seemed to him that it was melting rapidly, and before he knew it, he could move and see again.
Around him, it seemed to be day, yet the starry sky was clearly visible, and what little land he stood upon was covered in snow.
Beside him, a small fire sat floating, stationary, yet still animated, though it flickered little and burnt calmly.
Fixing his gaze ahead of him, a small pedestal awaited and seemed to draw him closer, though before he took a step, Katsu found himself lying face-down on the floor of the ball room, and someone else seemed to have tripped over him.
Unsure what had happened, Katsu got up to find the girl who had tried to take his fish earlier was now lying face down near him. Perhaps she hadn't seen him go down.
Deciding it might be bad to leave her there, Katsu picked up the unconscious girl and started trying to make his way to somewhere in the room that might be a little more quiet.
He wanted to think things over, and perhaps to see if the girl had been injured.
She felt a bit dizzy from tripping over something cold and blue/cyan, but the small grassy area with a few trees and a small patch of snow near her, the sky blazing brightly with star light.
Despite this, only a small pedestal caught her eye, and she soon found herself walking towards it.
Kramia neared the pedestal, she heard a voice much like that of the ice boy's speak from a hidden source.
She didn't pay much attention to the words, but somehow understood that something was coming to the world, and that she best learn more about the ice boy and some people known as guardians.
Though she didn't quite grasp why any of it was important, Kramia felt a little obliged follow the voice's guidance, but finding that she had nowhere to go, being that she was on no more than a small hunk of rock covered in grass and trees floating in somewhere, she decided to lie down and watch the stars blaze calmly in the sky.​


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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The boy walks away without answering, and Avis looks after him in confusion.
But she's already caught sight of a familiar white-haired figure, and follows him to the foot of the steps--where he's already talking to two others. All three are Guardians, and she is so glad to see more familiar faces.
Honestly, it's kind of funny how they're all coming together so suddenly.
And though she's a bit nervous about what this might mean, she smiles. "Hello, everyone!"

((Timdood3 Toiletprincess Naoh ))